Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 266: boxing

This scene is the first shot of the heroine "Maggie Fitzgerald".

It was also Hilary Swank\'s first performance on the set.

She was probably holding her breath to prove herself-the only time she saw the red dawn over the years.

Before filming, when putting on makeup, I was constantly simulating in my mind how I would perform when I was on stage.

And she did well.

In the story, after a boxing match, "Maggie" found "Frankie" and wanted to practice boxing under him...

Behind the director\'s monitor, Lehmann is always staring at the screen.

"No." Clint Eastwood refused the girl\'s proposal without thinking.

"I played very well, and I think you might want to train me." Hilary Swank walked side by side with Eastwood, still not giving up.

"I don\'t train girls." Eastwood frowned slightly, still determined.

"Maybe you want to give it a try. People who have watched me play think I\'m a tough guy."

Hearing this, Eastwood stopped and looked at the girl very seriously, "Miss, being fierce is not enough."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

In the narrow staff passage, Hilary Swank quietly watched people leave, a little discouraged.

She slanted the bag across her hands, took a few deep breaths, and silently returned to leave.

The camera slowly followed behind and patted her back.

She came out of the boxing gym, walked along the street, lowered her head slightly, and occasionally when she was in the mood, she would jump a few times to practice sideways dodging.

In some background board group performers looking like a neurotic, they still go their own way.

"Crack. It\'s over. Next time—"

Lyman waved his hand, and the make-up staff on the side hurriedly pulled Hilary Swank to touch up the makeup. Next, there are several sets of her shots.

On the other hand, Aikesh-Judd was still "walking" with the script.

Try to figure out the role over and over again and think about the performance.

After seeing Hillary once, it was over, and while secretly envious, I ran to congratulate a few more words.

Speaking of which, a small and transparent crew like her often has to wait for the scenes of several leading actors to be arranged before it is her turn.

Just like today\'s few scenes, if it goes well, Hilary Swank, Clint Eastwood and even Morgan Freeman\'s performances are all ok, then she can shoot around 3 or 4 in the afternoon , if it doesn\'t go well...

Well, today is another day of vain waiting.

Small supporting roles have no human rights, and they will not be valued by the crew.

But the good thing is that Aikesh Judd is all too familiar with this situation.

Since she entered the showbiz, she has spent countless hours of waiting.

"You were just great."

In the vanity car, Aikesh Judd said with three points of sincerity and seven points of goodwill.

"Really, I\'m still very nervous. When I said the lines, I almost didn\'t remember it." Hilary Swank smiled.

Then, the two of them chatted.

In fact, Aikesh - Judd is a fairly smart man.

Know your status and know what you need.

What a young actor like her needs most is to seize every possible opportunity.

It is also a compulsory course for small actors in this circle to have a good relationship with the main creator or director and big-name actors.

Although she was still working hard for the heroine of the movie some time ago, in a blink of an eye, it was embarrassing to need to get close to the heroine a little.

But she was calm.

No competition means no competition. Instead of complaining and cursing, it\'s better to figure out how to get to know these people in the crew.

Don\'t even think about it, director Lehmann. If you casually strike up a conversation, it is very likely to annoy him, which will outweigh the gain. Although Lehman feels that his temper is okay, people don\'t know it.

The rest of the leading actors are similar, and occasionally they can chat a few times when they are in a scene, but there is no room for contact, and rushing to get close will only be counterproductive.

After all the calculations, there is only one familiar Hillary Swank who is a good breakthrough target.

If this movie is really successful again, as the heroine of the movie, with this qualification, what happens, the situation of finding resources in the circle will be much better.

Moreover, this kind of thing is very likely to happen.

As an old man who has been in Hollywood for more than ten years, Aikesh Judd sees it very thoroughly.

Here, always chasing winners.

And she just wants a possible opportunity, or the inside story of the role to play, or the starring to say a few words to the casting director, or a personal invitation, no matter what it is, it is incomparable to her. need.

Newcomers, if you want to stay in Hollywood.

In addition to having a godfather or something, or the family relationship is too strong (such as Cage, Sofia, the Coppola family, and the second generation of stars like Jake Gyllenhaal), many times, it is based on own emotional intelligence.

To be realistic, it is to make people happy, get to know people, and let people pull you.

What kind of performance foundation and what star character is set, that is only considered by famous people.

In this, it is actually a process accumulated by many people.

Some people will feel that what is natural beauty, what is willing to accept unspoken rules, are they afraid that they will not be able to mix.

It really is.

There are a batch of beautiful girls in this world every three to five years, not to mention that the plastic surgery industry is getting more and more powerful, and a makeover is a matter of money.

How many of them came out of the siege?

If you are making movies and casting roles are based on unspoken rules, then the game will not go on.

Why, there are a lot of people who are willing.

And then back to the question, who?

Akesh-Judd sees it very clearly, so she is not beautiful and has a place in Hollywood, but in the past few years, I have seen too many beautiful faces, and once the youth is gone, it quickly disappears. Instead, there are a new batch of girls with "actor dreams".

Newcomers should learn to "flatter". It\'s not ashamed.

Sometimes, just by simply knowing someone, you can easily get the opportunity that others look up to~www.novelhall.com~ This is normal in the circle. Who doesn\'t want to take care of a good-looking acquaintance they know when they can.

"Hilary Swank, are you ready?"

Not long after, a field manager came over and reminded: "Wait a while, it\'s about to shoot."

"No problem, I\'m ok here." Hilary, who had already put on her makeup, said.

"Well, today\'s shooting schedule has been temporarily changed, and the next shot will be the scene where you are at home, you know."


Seeing the girl nodding, the field manager also completed his own task, and hurried back to the studio to report to the recorder.

About 5 minutes later, the field recorder hit the board again.

"All departments prepare..."
