Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 263: Arrangements before departure

In the conference room of Firefly Pictures, except for a few senior management of the original company who were not familiar with Laiman, the others were quite casual.

Thomas pulled out an office chair and sat upright next to Lyman, with a draft of the duty lens in his hand to study the placement of the camera.

Johnson was fine, sitting upright on Lyman\'s left side, but his eyes were erratic, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

And the crew members like York, Josh, sets, props, etc. sat next to each other and whispered.

However, this is just a simple project discussion, as long as you can get it all together.

Two company employees are busy making coffee for everyone, and another errand is sending everyone a photocopy of the shooting schedule that Johnson has copied.

After a brief look, Joyce Laura from the Finance Department gave a general report on the accounts under Lyman\'s eyes. Excluding various expenses, props rental, scene construction, team compensation, "Million Dollar Baby" also Before the shooting, the budget of 30 million is only 17.62 million US dollars.

"Okay, I\'ll say a few words first."

After Laura finished speaking, Lehman said: "This is the second project of our company, or to cooperate with a big company like Warner, not to mention how much money must be made, at least not to lose money, right. We are here In one line, everyone knows that it is very realistic, and the more realistic it is, the less likely it is to fail.”

"...The profit of the movie is good, so everyone can get more money. If you are familiar with me, you should know that I am not a stingy person..."

Rory talked a lot, boosted morale, and looked forward to the future. Only then did Lehman get down to business, "There are still two days before the official shooting. Do you still have any questions that have not been resolved?"

"The shooting equipment is ready." Thomas said first.

"Several scenes were set up just fine," says Yorke.

"The required props are also ok."

Lyman nodded, very satisfied with the preliminary work of the crew, and then asked Johnson, "Have the actors been notified?"

"Well, I\'ve called."

"That\'s good," Lehman thought for a while, and then added: "Wait a minute, you go back to the studio first, and then check for any omissions one last time, Thomas, go to the Los Angeles City Government and ask them for the right to shoot the street, Johnson, you go to caa to gather a group of extras, which will be needed for the subsequent shooting."

Under the right circumstances, Lehman is willing to repay something to caa, such as supporting roles and group performances, which almost all let Johnson take the favor of caa, which is part of the reason why caa is willing to support Lehman.

The two are mutually beneficial, one has resources and the other can be realized.

Why not do it?

Hearing this, Johnson was naturally fine, but Thomas said quickly with a bitter face: "I\'m not familiar with those government personnel, who am I looking for."

Lehman smiled and said, "I believe in your ability. If you go and ask carefully, you\'ll know. It\'s not illegal to borrow a street for filming."

A few people were talking when a clerk at the front desk suddenly knocked on the door and walked in, ran to Lyman\'s side and whispered, "Mr. Ryan is here."

"Let him come up." After Leiman finished speaking, he said to everyone: "Okay, that\'s it, everyone goes down and does their own work."

The meeting room became empty in the blink of an eye.

The others are okay, Ryan is here, and they are all very happy.

But Blake Cole, director of the Firefly Films Marketing Department, lamented in his heart: I think he has been in this company for so many years, and he finally took the position of management. The status of the industry has risen visibly to the naked eye. I wanted to show off my skills, but who knew that it was a temporary worker.

As soon as Ryan comes, his identity will become that person\'s deputy, which is really tragic.

But this can\'t blame Lyman, who made him trust Ryan more.

At present, there are less than 50 employees in the company, but most of them are familiar with him, and they are not familiar with the original group of management. This is a major taboo in the workplace.

Lehman didn\'t want to, working hard to shoot a movie outside, but his family was guarded by a group of outsiders, not only the marketing department, but also several other departments had to slowly transform into their own confidants, which would make him feel at ease.

Back in his president\'s office, after a while, the girl at the front desk led Ryan, who had not seen him for a long time, in.

Maybe it was because he just got off the plane and rushed over immediately, his spirits were a little down.

But seeing Lehman, I still hugged happily.

"Unexpectedly, you also acquired a film company."

Ryan sat aside and looked at Lehman very curiously, and Lehman was embarrassed to see it.

"Why are you staring at me all the time?"

"No, it\'s a bit incredible. We used to open a studio, and I handled most of the affairs. You didn\'t pay attention to it at all, but now you didn\'t expect to take the initiative to find something for yourself. You\'ve changed, Lehman." After that, He shook his head shyly, as if he was regretting it.

"Don\'t be funny. I handed over the marketing department of the company to you, remember to be more careful."

Ryan knew about this for a long time. Long before Rodrien Pictures changed its name and before "Million Dollar Baby" was ready to shoot, Lyman called him to tell him.

At that time, he was busy with Europa Films\' overseas share of "Bad Guy", and also contributed to the investment in "Very Human Trafficker". When he first heard the news, he was surprised for a long time.

He knew how lazy Lyman was, he didn\'t care about anything except filming.

"Oh, by the way, Europa Pictures has already paid for some of the overseas share of the film. Now, Mann Studio\'s account still has 330 million, and if you add the follow-up account, it can be 370 million. , do you want to call this money?"

The overseas box office of "Bad Guy" is close to 400 million US dollars~www.novelhall.com~ According to the sharing terms signed by both parties, it can get 15%, which is about 45 million US dollars.

"Leave 30 million in the account, and transfer the rest one by one. It\'s an empty shell and will only be used for negotiating and cooperating with Europa Films. It is a French office. The real development is Firefly. film industry."

Lehman thought for a while, but still said.

If this is done, Ryan will hold a 50% stake in Firefly in the name of Mann Studio, and Lyman will also hold 50% of the shares in Mann Studio, which means that Ryan only has 50% of the shares. of 25 Firefly stakes.

In this way, it is also more convenient for Lehman to operate, because the future development will be big, and there will always be a need to divide up a part of the stock to gather people\'s hearts.

Furthermore, in case of seeking cooperation, or acquiring a distribution company, replacement is inevitable.

Of course, that\'s all in the future.
