Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 262: return

The success of a movie is multi-faceted. Looking at it now, what Lehmann feels most deeply is the soundtrack.

Let\'s talk about Howard Shaw, the soundtrack master responsible for the film.

He is Canadian, and in his early years worked as a live music director on evening talk variety shows like "Saturday Night Live".

The biggest feature of this fellow is that it is not so stylized.

This is where Peter Jackson took a fancy to him.

As early as the beginning of "Lord of the Rings" filming, John Williams and James Horner were the soundtrack candidates for the series.

Maybe everyone is a little unfamiliar with the names of these soundtrack masters, so let’s use some metaphors to describe them.

John Williams\' representative works include "Schindler\'s List", "Star Wars", "Jurassic Park", "Saving Private Ryan" and "Harry Potter". The soundtrack style is too grand and grand, such as The abbot who practices Shaolin Kungfu;

James Horner\'s masterpieces include "Titanic", "Braveheart", "Beautiful Mind", and the soundtrack style is tender and sweet, like a Wudang Taoist priest;

And Howard - Shaw\'s favorite is weird, cunning, the soundtrack of "Seven Deadly Sins", "Thriller Space", "Mind Game", a typical evil person.

Creating gloomy situations can be said to be his unique skill, and he is best at releasing his inner oppression through complicated arrangements.

When it came to "The Lord of the Rings", Howard Shaw was even more like a duck to water, and really brought his strange and changeable temperament to the fullest.

It is similar to cultivating the wicked mind with famous and decent Kung Fu, and using world music, magnificent symphony, and percussion to create a magical flavor.

At the end of the movie, when Frodo left his hometown and went to the western continent of the elves, the camera gradually pulled up, and the low background sound sounded again, which was a perfect curtain call.


On the outskirts of Beverly Hills, in a small villa, Aikesh-Judd is doing makeup in the bedroom. As an actress, if you need to go out, these are essential items. It happens that today is the final decision. day.

The famous young director, the heroine of the new project cooperating with Warner, had no choice but to pay attention to such factors.

Although the focus of the media has recently shifted from the preparation of "Million Dollar Baby" to the release of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", on the first day, the number of 3,703 theaters in the United States jointly opened, and the box office won 34.1 million in a single day. US dollars, the global revenue of 57.6 million US dollars, also broke the Wednesday single-day box office record set by "Star Wars Episode 1" in 1999.

However, to her, none of that mattered.

On the contrary, the two-week training period that Director Lehman said has passed, and it is time for the final selection of candidates.

Will I finally get the role?

She is a little unconfident, because she also sees Hillary Swank\'s performance, she is very clear that she wants to get this role, and Hillary is the peak she wants to climb.

as predicted.

When I went to Firefly Pictures again in the afternoon, the young director\'s words were like a sharp knife.

"Sorry, Miss Akesh, the heroine has been decided. It\'s Hilary Swank."

Akesh-Judd sighed slightly. She was somewhat prepared for her defeat. Even so, when she heard such news, she couldn\'t help but be disappointed.

She has also been very unlucky all these years, or, as an actress, if she can\'t become famous, it will be a bad thing.

Without acting, this is simply too deadly for an actor.

What\'s more, in Hollywood, there are really too few opportunities for women. It\'s either a vase or a vase, or it\'s a supporting role. It\'s hard to have a weighty role, but it\'s still a perfect miss.

However, she actually quite admired that girl.

Getting up and preparing to leave politely, the young director spoke again.

"Wait, this movie also has a less important role, playing Maggie\'s sister, would you like to?"

"Will... thank you Director."

Akesh-Judd turned around, grateful.

She\'s not picky, and it\'s good to have a play.


To tell the truth, the performance of these two people is in the eyes of Lehmann.

In terms of acting skills, the two are actually not bad, it\'s who is more dedicated.

After two weeks of training, Hilary Swank not only managed to gain weight, but also became more and more like a female boxer, while Akesh Judd was worse.

However, for the sake of people working so hard, the rest of the suitable roles in the movie can also be arranged.

After most of the main actors were done, Lyman looked at his watch, turned to Johnson and said, "Remember to inform their agent and ask Warner to start negotiations with them as soon as possible to determine the remuneration and let them join the group."

After explaining, Lehman left the audition room, returned to his office, took the draft of the storyboard, and was ready to go home.

In the company\'s front hall, a short-haired woman stood beside the elevator. Hearing the sound of leather shoes landing, she immediately turned to look. This person is the actress Hilary Swank, who ended her audition soon.

"Hello, Director Ryman." She immediately greeted with a smile.

Lyman nodded to her and said, "Come on, think about the role more, don\'t let me down."

"I will." The girl immediately clenched the script in her hand and nodded again and again. I\'m afraid that if I\'m not careful, the chance that I finally got will slip away.

Go into the elevator together and go down to the first floor.

After getting out of the elevator, Lehman waved his hand, "That\'s it, we\'ll talk when the crew starts filming."

After speaking, he walked towards the parking lot next to him.

Hilary Swank watched Lehmann\'s back gradually disappear in front of her eyes, thinking about the audition just now, she was still very excited.

She also didn\'t forget to inform the agent and tell her mother.

Seriously, it was like a dream, and the weeks of life and the casting were completely different from what she had imagined.

It is not a dispensable supporting role~www.novelhall.com~ nor is it selected by her face and fame, she has won the role of Maggie only by her own hard work.

Once upon a time, such a scene was only imagined when she first entered the showbiz.

The longer you wait, the more you realize it\'s not easy.

Putting down the phone, looking at the script in his hand, his chest was still beating violently.

Not far away, a black Bentley passed by the gate exit. In a glimpse, Hilary Swank seemed to see the familiar figure, and a smile slowly hung on the corner of his mouth.

Really a different kind of director, isn\'t it?

Then came the broker.

He was even more excited than Hilary Swank, got out of the car, and repeatedly confirmed the correctness of the news.

He didn\'t accept it until Hillary told him for the 13th time with absolute conviction.

God, this is crazy.