Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 264: Start shooting

December 25, cloudy.

At about ten o\'clock in the morning, Ryman took the crew to a place far away from downtown Los Angeles.

There are boxing gyms built in warehouses, streets, and communities. It is the best location for "Million Dollar Baby".

Without holding a programmed opening ceremony, Warner wanted to make some noise, but was rejected by Lehman because it was unnecessary.

With the help of the director\'s union, I negotiated with the community residents and completed the relevant procedures, and the crew started here in a low-key manner.

Reporters and so on, I don\'t know where to get the wind and come to interview, and I should avoid it.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

The set has already been completed, and after a short while at the shooting site, the voice of the field manager rang out, "Let\'s do the rehearsal first."

Then Ryman raised the loudspeaker again and said, "Thomas, double check the camera position. The lighting team is wrong, the recording team brought the radio..."

The rehearsal begins.

Several group performers simply began to practice their positions, hoping not to steal the spotlight when they were shooting.

Five minutes later, after confirming that there was no problem with the actors\' cooperation, Lehmann stood behind the director\'s monitor and immediately said, "All departments are ready..."

"Number 1?"



"no problem."

As the heads of various departments stretched out their hands to confirm, the field recorder stood in front of the main camera and tapped the field recorder.

"Million Dollar Baby, Scene 5, Act 1, Scene 1, a"

The crisp sound of hitting the board sounded, and then the monitor in front of Lyman appeared the shooting picture of No. 1 machine. This scene is the daily training of the boxing gym opened by "Frankie" played by Eastwood, and "Frankie". Rankie\'s only friend, Morgan Freeman\'s Eddie, makes his first appearance.

This casting is consistent with the previous life, because this guy\'s voice is very magnetic, and he is required to do a later narration dubbing, and besides Morgan Freeman, Lyman does not know any particularly suitable candidates, and the two are in "" "Bad Guy" has cooperated, and he and Clint Eastwood are also old acquaintances, and they are happy to join the group after a little invitation.

The three seats are placed separately.

The No. 1 machine is also the main point of view for capturing close-ups of the characters, and it is controlled by Thomas himself. Because there is no need to follow the shooting later, and there is no slide rail, there is no fixed tripod, the camera needs to be resisted on the shoulder. Although this shoulder-resistance camera is not particularly heavy, it is very demanding on the photographer, and there is no hand shake at all, even if the lens is moved, it must be kept at a very slight range.

Once the shaking picture also collapses, the whole lens will not work.

have to do it all over again.

And Thomas\'s skill, Lehmann, is quite recognized. This guy is not interested in many things, and he is not willing to cultivate him or lead him to the management. Only for the camera, that is true love. His hands are as steady as an old dog, and he understands Lehman\'s shooting intentions. A veritable royal photographer, Lehman is not used to leaving him.

The second camera is responsible for side shooting, with a fixed angle of view, just push it slowly with the slide rail.

Camera 3 is simpler, and can be done by any camera assistant. It is mainly responsible for shooting the street scenery at the door, which will be used in post-editing.

Clint Eastwood was wearing a brown-gray woolen coat, carrying an old satchel whose shell was beginning to fall off, with his head down, his hair a little messy, his beard undressed, and his expression blank. There was only a little makeup on the face. It was to make him look older, with a sallow complexion.



Eastwood waved his hand, slowly returned to his seat, and poured himself a glass of water.


Lyman stared at the performance, feeling that something was wrong, and decisively called to stop.

Eastwood turned his head to look at Lyman, puzzled.

During this time, he also thought about the role carefully, and felt that his state was quite in line with the requirements of the situation.

"Your eyes are too dazzling, let\'s dim it a bit. You are an ordinary person, an ordinary person, and you have a conflict with your daughter. When you say hello, you are a little dull. I feel preoccupied."

Lehman pointed it out without hesitation.

The surrounding staff secretly clicked their tongues.

Clint Eastwood is also a director.

One of the most senior in the circle, okay?

But still seriously pointed out the inadequacies.

Eastwood thought about it for a while and felt that he was right.

A loser in life is not as dull as he was just now.

He nodded and returned to his position, ready to do it all over again.

At this point he was just an actor.

"Crack, do it again, the eyes are enough, the walking posture is wrong, the shoulders are slightly slumped, and the movements are gentle."

"Morgan Freeman, you didn\'t say hello when you just said hello, wait for him to pass you, and then say hello. Come back..."

Originally, Hilary Swank was still pulling Aikesh Judd, and the two little transparents chatted quietly in the corner of the crew. The two had trained together, and they were still familiar with each other. I know, but I don\'t dare to communicate with others.

Everything around was so novel, and then saw the director shouting one after another, and the two veteran actors also listened to him seriously.

The problem is that he didn\'t stop shooting for no reason. Every time there are deficiencies pointed out.

Akesh-Judd has also been in a lot of crews. Although there are not many scenes, it is the first time I have seen such a serious director.

Not to mention Hilary Swank, as the heroine, thinking that she has also been pointed out to improve, if she can\'t do what the director needs...

In an instant, cold sweat broke out of the skin.

"Director Ryman is really good, no wonder his movies are always very popular." Aikesh Judd on the side seemed to have the urge to become a little fan girl.

Lyman is really good at tuning actors.

It\'s not because of his acting skills, but because he can always get the actors to be at their best when shooting. Keep improving.

Heath Ledger, Jason Statham... are all examples~www.novelhall.com~ Tom Cruise even after the filming of "Bad Guy", it seems that the two veins of Ren and Du have been opened In general, the acting power has soared, although it will be returned soon - this guy has reached an agreement with Paramount Pictures, and went to shoot "Mission Impossible 3", and the character is not handsome and cool. No, it\'s a return to me.


Hilary Swank responded twice. Turning around, picking up the script on the chair and flipping through it.

Akesh-Judd waited for a long time, but he didn\'t see his friend talking. When he looked back, he only felt a black line on his forehead.

Please, is this necessary?

On the other side, after the fourth shooting, it finally went smoothly.

Lyman flipped out the footage on the monitor and took a closer look, feeling very satisfied.

While nodding, the studio was also relieved.

The first shot is done.
