Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 261: King's return

"Wow, that\'s beautiful."

Looking at Eva Green sitting in the business car, Lehmann gave a heartfelt compliment.

The girl was wearing a lavender off-the-shoulder dress and her long hair fluttered, giving people a very stunning and feminine feeling.

It seemed that the costume stylists Johnson found for her were quite useful.

Very set off the girl\'s temperament.

"Do you think it looks good too?" Eva smiled, seemingly satisfied with Lehman\'s performance.


"I\'m going, so arrogant?"

At the scene of the Ruel Theater, Lehmann looked at the red carpet that wanted to break through the sidewalk, and the lively audience of movie fans. He was very surprised.

"Is this the third film, the momentum created by the first two films is big enough, and it can\'t reach the end of the last film, making it even more shabby than before, not to mention that New Line Pictures is preparing to use this film to compete for the Oscar. , how can you do it without any momentum?" Johnson also sighed a little.

By the way, Harvey Weinstein is still one of the producers of this film, but because he lost a copyright lawsuit to New Line, the two still fell out for a while, and later New Line promised part of it privately. Benefit to Harvey, and only then did he get the help of the public relations guru.

"Okay, it\'s time for us to get off."

Seeing the main creators debut, it was their turn.

Lyman opened the car door and got out of the car first, then took Eva\'s arm and greeted her.

All the way to the interview area, Lehman did not let go of Eva\'s hand.

The signal of his behavior was already obvious.

There is quite a kind of appearance of showing intimacy in public, and Johnson, who is walking behind them, also takes the initiative to open a little distance, like a single dog that no one cares about.

Toleman\'s current reputation, but many reporters have also noticed Eva.

For a time, the flash continued, and the eyes of those who were shining directly hurt.

In front of the theater, the fat man from New Zealand was still greeting the guests to enter, and standing next to him was Shay, the president of New Line Cinema.

"Director Jackson, congratulations on the release of the new film."

Lehman took Eva\'s hand and walked forward with a smile.

"Haha, you\'re here, let\'s have a drink together when you have time in the evening." Peter Jackson hugged Lyman with a dashing smile.

"Who is this?"

"Eva Green, my girlfriend."

Lehman said.

"Hello, Director Jackson." Eva stretched out her hand towards Peter Jackson generously.

"Hello. Thank you for coming."

Smile politely as always.

After entering the theater, after greeting a few acquaintances a few times, Laiman sat in his seat with peace of mind.

He was in the middle of the third row, surrounded by directors, producers and other people in the circle, and Eva sat beside him.

About half an hour later, the interview with the main creators arrived.

Looking at everyone on the stage recalling bittersweet thoughts and talking about various interesting stories during the shooting, Lehman\'s eyes were on a middle-aged man wearing glasses.

This person is the leader of the special effects team in charge of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" - Richard Taylor.

This product became famous in the industry almost together with the "Lord of the Rings" series. From the first film, the New Zealand-born visual effects filmmaker gradually emerged, and directly won the best makeup and best makeup at the 72nd Oscar. Visual Effects Award, and later founded Weta Studios.

Since then, his name has always been associated with major directors such as Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, and James Cameron.

In addition to the "Lord of the Rings" series, some of the beautiful scene construction and character models of Melon on the planet Pandora in "Avatar" are also the result of him and his studio. He\'s a really great special effects guru.

Lehman looked at him, very inviting, but unfortunately, the Weta studio has become a climate, and there is no one billion that can\'t be won, that is, thinking about it.


After the movie started, Lyman thought it was fairly interesting.

Although he has seen this movie before, it does not prevent him from watching it again from another perspective.

To be honest, Peter Jackson really deserves the title of a **** Tolkien fan. Several scenes, such as the Battle of Palano Plains and the Battle of Black Gate, were reproduced to the greatest extent by mixing real shots and CG models.

This guy has been planning to adapt "The Lord of the Rings" since 1995. At that time, his old club was Miramax, and Harvey also provided him with 10 million US dollars of funds for preparatory work (Harvey\'s vision is still good, But he has a bad personality and likes to play small tricks. In addition to Quentin, many directors who have worked with him finally chose to leave him.) After the project was established, in order to find a buyer in a hurry, Harvey and Jackson visited a number of film dealers .

In the end, it was former New Line Cinema President Shaye who took a fancy to him. After seeing Jackson\'s early work, he also said a famous golden sentence: "The original book of "The Lord of the Rings" is a trilogy, why didn\'t the movie do that?"

That\'s right, the concept of a trilogy was proposed by Saya. At that time, Hollywood was not popular at all for sequel production. Peter Jackson originally wanted to get "The Lord of the Rings", but after hearing Saya\'s proposal, he probably loved it to death. The president is Mr., and he also took the initiative to give up part of his adaptation copyright to New Line, which is why Harvey and New Line later had a conflict. All three parties hold part of the copyright, but in general, Harvey is the least, Peter - Jackson betrayed his old club again and switched to a new line.

The combination of the two made Harvey directly lose the right to speak on this project. Seeing that the first film was very profitable, Harvey could not stand such exclusion, and decisively brought the two to the court, but the court is not Oscar, ha Wei had no acquaintances, so he was directly put on the ground, and finally accepted the recruiting in a dreadful way.

However, Peter - Jackson\'s mind at the time is also very understandable.

Before that, he was just a B-level film director who had achieved a little success. He had made three or four films, and the total box office was less than 30 million US dollars. 300 million.

With such a great trust and kindness, it is no wonder that he would abandon Harvey. Harvey has never supported him like this.

Comparing the two, it\'s worth choosing which one to choose.

Furthermore, in order to faithfully restore Middle-earth, it took 3 years just to write the script and the scene simulation. It took 6 years from the preparation in 1995 to the release of the first film in 2001.

Without such a thorough understanding of the original work and preparations that consume energy, it is impossible to have today\'s glory.

A fantasy epic trilogy, well deserved.

It must be the proudest thing in Peter Jackson\'s life.