Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 250: dress up

On November 13, the air was slightly cold.

As soon as Eva Green got out of the airport, she saw the familiar figure at the exit.

Of course, this is how it should be from Lyman\'s point of view.

In the crowd, a white shirt, straight cropped jeans, long chestnut hair pulled back, a beautiful woman with a sense of style was walking towards him.

The ankles that are just exposed, the high-heeled shoes, and the two straight long legs are also very eye-catching.


She screamed in surprise, put down her suitcase, and threw herself into the arms of the man in front of her.


In the slightly envious eyes of others, he offered a sweet kiss.

Well, maybe the resentment of the male compatriots is too full.

Layman, who was locked on by several eyes, did not dare to take a step beyond the thunderous pool.

"Thank you for picking me up. Did you wait?"

Eva had not seen Lehmann for a while, and she was in a very beautiful mood when she saw her goodbye.

"No, it\'s you, wearing so little, isn\'t it cold?"

"Isn\'t it cold on the plane, so I took off a coat."

"Let\'s go then, Johnson is still waiting for us outside." Lyman took the suitcase, took Eva in his arms, and walked to the parking lot of the airport.

If he doesn\'t leave again, the single dog\'s eyes will really kill him. horrible.

Kissing in public, does it really mean that my big fff group has no branches in the United States?

Getting in the car, Lehmann said to Johnson: "Go to Dior\'s flagship store."

Johnson\'s quick start car.

Tonight is the celebration feast of "The Chainsaw", and I will choose Eva\'s dress first.

"Are you going to choose with me?" Eva said happily.

"Of course." Lyman stretched his arms around her waist and said seriously.

"...how about this dress?"

"This color is not bad, I\'ll try it first."


Maybe women are born shopaholics, and two hours later, they\'re still in the Dior store.

Johnson sat silently beside him, watching Eva still discussing outfits with the foreman in the store.

He asked, "Have you already established a relationship?"

"Yeah, didn\'t you already know?"

Lyman wondered.

"No, I\'m explaining the relationship on the surface. Are you ready to let the media or everyone know?"

Lyman looked up at Johnson, but said nothing.

"I have seen too many couples who broke up after too much attention to their private life. You are a director, and you may not have the value of constant attention like a star, but don\'t underestimate those paparazzi. If you continue to hide it, you will not Affect the relationship between you. I mean, there is no need to be above board, she is not the main creator of "Chainsaw", and we have no good reason to explain her entry."

"Johnson, do you know women?"

"Uh, I don\'t quite understand."

"She needs to be acknowledged and she needs a sense of security. Keeping it mysterious all the time is fine, but have you ever wondered what Eva thinks. She called me the day before yesterday and said it was her mother who wanted to take her there. Blind date, at her age, she also needs to think about the future, do you understand?"

Lyman gave Johnson a serious look.

"Okay, I get it. I\'ll be in charge of her personal business in the future, and I\'ll say hello to Kevin Howian."

Eva\'s economic contract is also signed in caa, but it is the more common one.

And Johnson is already a senior agent. If he is in charge, it will undoubtedly help Eva a lot.


"There\'s no need to talk about that between us."

Johnson glanced at Eva, who was choosing a dress, still worried.

As he said, it is common for couples in the circle to break up and combine, and he has also seen examples of those who were beaten down by the woman after breaking up.

Lehman is very talented, and the market acuity of filmmaking is also terrible. His films never worry about results, but this is also the case. Johnson, as his agent, is particularly afraid that Eva will affect him.

His future, their careers.

Lyman\'s future is tightly bound to his future, and Johnson doesn\'t want to see some unfavorable factors appear.

But first, he respects Lehmann\'s choice.

Hopefully, they can go a long way.

"Lyman, what do you think of this dress?"

"Let me see......"


The celebration banquet of "Chainsaw" can be described as luxurious, and it directly contracted a private club in Beverly Hills as the venue.

As for the participants, in addition to the main creator of the film and some high-level executives of Paramount, there are also a bunch of stars - from caa, and even from major brokerage companies.

Shirley Lansing is the top group of real leaders in the circle, so naturally there will be many people who are willing to come and draw connections.

As for Laiman, on behalf of Firefly Pictures and Paramount, they jointly developed the sequel to "Chainsaw". In order to support Laiman, caa has contributed a lot. Most of its customers have had friendship with Laiman, and naturally Will not be stingy with people to support.

As an aside, the sequel to "The Chainsaw" has been determined to be a package service project within caa, and they have formed a shooting team. For this, they can get an additional 10% of the movie\'s share of the income - wanting to let people Contribute, how can you do it without giving some benefits. Moreover, caa is willing to support so strongly, which is also the reason why Lehman is willing to divide some interests.

In this circle, as long as you don\'t eat alone, everyone is a friend.

Lehman is also very clear that his roots are not deep, so in addition to pulling caa onto the ship, he will not offend Paramount. If there are no irreconcilable contradictions, basically the future distribution rights will still be given to them.

The same goes for Europa Pictures.

In the evening, Lehman arrived at the venue with Johnson and Eva, just in time to see Wen Ziren and Ray Naval inside.

He saw that the venue was still being set up, and the time had not yet arrived~www.novelhall.com~ but some crew members were already present, looked around, and asked curiously, "Where\'s Jason Statham? Didn\'t I come with you?"

Wen Ziren explained: "He went to France to make a movie, which seems to be called "Very Trafficker". The filming party is Europa Pictures, don\'t you know?"

Well, it was Lyman who was dizzy.

Luc Besson also made a special trip to tell him about this, and Ryan even invested 4.8 million US dollars on behalf of their company.

And this is still a series of films. The first film was filmed by Jason Statham and Shu Qi around 2002, and was jointly produced by the shooting team at Hong Kong and Europa Pictures.

It should be said that after the Hong Kong movie was lonely, many talents came to Hollywood to develop.

For example, Wu Baige came here together at that time.

It can be said that Hollywood action movies can be so smooth and gorgeous, it is inseparable from these experienced film talents.
