Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 251: reception

"Director Ryman, congratulations."

At eight o\'clock in the evening, the clubhouse began to get lively.

In front of the door, everyone greeted each other politely.

Lyman was dealing with it, and not far away, Shirley Lansing and her assistant had already greeted him in person.

He greeted with a smile: "Lehmann, congratulations on the box office hit. I hope to continue our partnership in the future."

"Where, we should rely on Paramount. This time it is also Paramount\'s great propaganda." Lehman laughed.

Shirley Lansing shook hands with Wen Ziren again and said, "Director Wen Ziren is also young and promising. Keep up the good work, and it will be your young people\'s world in the future."

Wen Ziren shook it lightly, then let go, and said politely, "It\'s the result of everyone\'s efforts together."

After shaking hands with Eva Green, Hugo Weaving, and others, Shirley Lansing took Lehman and a few others to sit inside.

Today\'s celebration feast can be described as a large number of big names. For example, Xiao Lizi came with a female companion, and now he is chatting with Kate Winslet. Speaking of the two of them, because of the popularity of "Titanic", many viewers regard them as the best couple on the screen, but in private, they actually don\'t have that kind of affection, and they get along more like friends.

Just like now, Kate Winslet is not jealous because Leonardo DiCaprio brought a female partner, but because they don\'t meet each other, they chat up. Looks like a good personal relationship.

Lehman\'s eyes swept again, and found that in a corner of the banquet hall, there was actually Thomas Tull, the president of Legendary Pictures, who met that day, and he seemed to be chatting with someone.

Lyman pulled Johnson in surprise and asked, "Who is that person chatting with?"

Johnson looked in the direction of Lyman\'s eyes and smiled: "It\'s Robert Berman, the director of Universal Pictures\' distribution department."

Lehman was suddenly curious. He clearly remembered that Legendary Pictures would slowly grow with the support of Warner in the past two years. How could it seem that Legendary Pictures had a tendency to invest in Universal.

However, this is not something he should worry about. After paying attention to it for a while, he gave up.

When the guests were almost all there, Shirley Lansing raised her glass and said, "The market of Chainsaw has exploded, and the box office has officially exceeded 300 million. Among them, director Wen Ziren\'s directing ability is indispensable. Here, I want to give you a toast first, and at the same time, I wish the sequel to the film is still excellent."

For a time, all the guests stood up one after another and raised their glasses to celebrate.

Next, Wen Ziren, as the protagonist of this banquet, would be asked to clink glasses from time to time, and he had to give face, so he could only drink cup by cup.

Lyman was by his side. Not long after, I saw another figure that I didn\'t want to see.

Its person, is impressively Bob Weinstein who attended the reception on behalf of Miramax Films.

He also had Quentin Tarantino by his side. You must know that Quentin\'s "Kill Bill" was just overwhelmed by "Chainsaw". The two are direct competitors, so why did they come?

Lyman was a little puzzled, but he still had a polite smile on his face.

"Director Wen Ziren, congratulations. Also congratulations to Mr. Ryman\'s Firefly Films becoming more and more prosperous." Bob Weinstein took the champagne and said with a smile.

"Thank you." Wen Ziren was almost drunk. Whoever comes is a thank you.

"Congratulations to Miramax Films for a bright future." Lyman toasted.

Bob Weinstein saw that Lehmann was not in any mood, and he took the initiative to kill the wine without losing face. After drinking it, he smiled and said, "I hope everyone will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

After saying hello, he took the initiative to say goodbye.

Quentin Tarantino couldn\'t help but ask, "Is that the case?"

Bob Weinstein shook his head, "Otherwise, what\'s the matter? Do you want to ask for guilt? This is the home of Paramount, and Miramax can\'t afford to offend."

Quentin stopped talking. He actually didn\'t have much thought about the films that "Chainsaw" overwhelmed him.

It is nothing more than that the skills are not as good as others, and the subject matter is not popular enough for the audience.

But what Harvey said made him feel like the invitation was hitting him in the face.

That\'s why he\'s here.

You know, since losing to "Chainsaw", Quentin has rarely appeared on such occasions in order to avoid the limelight of the media.

The two were about to leave against the crowd, but they didn\'t want to, and they met Barry Mayer at the door again.

Bob is a little curious why the Warners executive is here?

"Hello, please come in."

Shirley Lansing, as the host, spoke with a sincere smile on her face. Those who didn\'t know it really thought she was welcoming the guests warmly.

In recent years, Paramount has been beaten by Warner a lot in the market.

"Congratulations, congratulations." Barry Mayer also shook hands with Shirley Lansing with a smile, and then said to Wen Ziren, "The first movie can break 100 million yuan, so young and promising."

Wen Ziren smiled cheerfully and responded politely.

After Barry Mayer said hello, he went straight to Lehmann.

He came here today mainly for project cooperation.

Afterwards, the two exchanged eagerly.

Shirley Lansing on the side was a little stunned, but didn\'t say anything.

The eyes of several bosses present lit up, called their assistants, and secretly asked a few words.

Such a scene, in the eyes of others, including Bob Weinstein, thinks that the relationship between the two is different.

So, as soon as Lehman left Paramount and joined Warner, the drama slowly took shape in their minds...

Eva Green was also a little confused.

She is very smart, and she knows that the reason why Lehman brought her to this reception is a little revealing.

In addition to being happy, he was also determined to lock Lyman firmly.

Although I already knew that my man was very cool~www.novelhall.com~, I didn\'t expect that Warner\'s executive also had some friendship with him.

Thinking of this, she took another look at Lyman, who was still chatting with Barry Mayer.

Look at the crowd with eager eyes around.

Many big and small actors in the circle are keen to participate in activities, all to expand their contacts.

And for her, because of being by Lehman\'s side, most people also showed kindness to her.

What\'s more, now Johnson is also her agent, and is also actively helping her contact opportunities.

Although it is a simple exchange of a few words, there will be opportunities for cooperation later.

About 5 minutes later, Lyman said hello to Eva again, and then walked with Barry Mayer towards the colonnade next to the banquet hall.

This kind of behavior almost means that they need a private space to communicate, and no stupid people will come to continue chatting and disturbing.