Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 249: disgusting person

"Bangdang." A crisp sound.

Miramax, in Harvey Weinstein\'s office, a chinaware used for decoration suddenly fell to the ground, and the broken pieces were still spinning on the ground.

"Alas." Bob Weinstein sighed, kicked the shattered china aside with his foot, and persuaded, "What\'s the point of being angry? It\'s just that a movie has never competed at the box office. Besides, we If you earn it, you will have a long time in Japan, isn\'t there no chance to win?"

Harvey Weinstein, on the other hand, slapped an invitation letter on the table with his big fat hand, and said with an angry face: "The little guy\'s smug thing, the celebration feast of "The Chainsaw" has been sent to me. , he is deliberately mad at me, but also disgusting me."

Is Harvey so angry because of the invitation?

Of course not, that\'s because in his heart, he thought it was Lyman\'s idea to ask Paramount to send him an invitation.

In the past two years, what he regrets most is missing Lehman, and the relationship between the two has been bad, which has become a kind of grudge in his heart.

As a result, he saw that the more prosperous Leiman\'s career was, the more unhappy he became, not to mention that the two sides were defeated in the first confrontation. Now it is even more extreme, and he even sent an invitation to the celebration banquet to his company.

What\'s this? Get off the horse?

Bob on the side didn\'t look good after listening to it. Of course, he also knew the grievance between Miramax and Lyman, but in his opinion, he was offended and couldn\'t cooperate. That\'s how their company was still mixed in the industry. Get up and running.

But the only thing that can\'t be pushed on the nose is the face.

But Bob Weinstein was a very rational person. Although he was annoyed by this provocative behavior, he still said: "You know he did it on purpose to anger you, why are you angry?"

Harvey Weinstein sat back on the office chair and dropped a piece of china, which calmed down his anger a little, "The project "Kill Bill" this time was really not very good, and Quentin also lost to A newcomer, do you know what the current newspapers say? They all say that the directors trained by Miramax can’t even beat Firefly’s second-in-command. Isn’t that embarrassing? Also, we won’t talk about the box office results. , the key is that the shooting costs of the two films can\'t be compared, can you not be angry?"

One thing to say, it\'s really frustrating.

This fact is there, and Bob Weinstein doesn\'t know how to persuade him.

The North American box office gap between the two is not too big. The 160 million-plus score of "Chainsaw" is only more than 20 million higher than that of "Kill Bill", but the shooting cost of the two films is too great. "Kill Bill" is based on the remuneration of several actors plus director Quentin\'s worth and directing conditions, which is more than 15 million expenditures and deducting 12% of the North American box office dividends. In this way, relying on North American results alone , and they haven\'t paid for it yet -- Kill Bill cost $55 million to shoot.

Generally speaking, in order to make a profit on the box-office market for a Hollywood movie, the result is at least three times higher than the cost of shooting.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing that the shooting cost of "Chainsaw" has not been shot at five times.

Harvey Weinstein sighed: "These are nothing. I just talked to the film dealer in Europe, and the European market over there is also better for the screening of Chainsaw."

"What?" Bob Weinstein couldn\'t believe it. This news is even more unacceptable to him than the domestic market has never played.

You must know that the agents of the two overseas channels are similar in strength. It is nothing more than the strength of Europa Films in France, and the strength of their agents in Germany and the United Kingdom.

And more importantly, overseas audiences do not have so many information channels to understand a movie, and they will generally pay more attention to familiar faces to select movies. For example, a movie, which star or director is directing, then buy a ticket to see it.

After all, they also have movies to watch in their own country, and the choice is very wide.

For example, in the Japanese/Japanese market, there is always a phenomenon in which animated films beat live-action films; and those with high cultural and national awareness, such as China/China and South Korea/China, give priority to supporting better local films, not to mention policies. Suppression, (I won’t talk about this, I know everything I know, so as not to be a crab), so for a long time, the European market, which is also an English-speaking cultural circle, is the location of Hollywood’s largest overseas ticket warehouse, and Quentin’s reputation in Europe has not been weak. But I didn\'t think that I couldn\'t beat it at home, but I still can\'t do it when I go abroad?

This phenomenon is not good for Miramax. Although they can guarantee profits, the overseas market is still very important.

It\'s hard to miss now.

Harvey Weinstein opened the invitation letter and handed it to Bob, "Look at it for yourself, Paramount has specifically pointed out overseas achievements. So far, it has accumulated 150 million and a total global box office. Officially exceeded 300 million."

It\'s no wonder that Harvey Weinstein is so angry, it\'s already a blatant slap in the face.

He also told him with accurate data: You can\'t!

Of course, all of this was just random thinking by the two of them. Lyman had no idea who the invitations sent by Paramount were given to, and he didn\'t prepare this celebration dinner, and he didn\'t care much either. Besides, he never cooperated with Miramax, and basically treated the other party as a passer-by, ignoring it at all. The two of them even added drama to themselves, which was disgusting.

Bob Weinstein took the invitation and said, "I\'ll go instead of you. They\'ve all sent it. Isn\'t it a loss of face if you don\'t go. We Miramax really want face."

Harvey Weinstein waved his hand helplessly, meaning he agreed.

In fact, judging from all the films released by the two companies in October, their two already rivaled overlord level ~www.novelhall.com~ is the only one, and the rest of the rivals are in the competition between them. On the premise, there is no chance to even enter the ring. No matter how you look at it, "Kill Bill" is not a loser.

But no matter what, people are always staring at the brightest side. Who cares how good your second child is? The popularity of "The Chainsaw" and the frequent media reports have completely overshadowed the limelight of "Kill Bill". It is more like a background board to highlight how awesome the "Chainsaw" is.

Harvey Weinstein originally thought that relying on the overseas fan base that Quentin accumulated, maybe it would be a different situation to enter the overseas market.

After all, people have consumption inertia, just like they prefer to choose familiar stores when buying things. Audiences will also have the habit of watching movies. It is better to watch a familiar director than to choose an unfamiliar movie.

In the same way, why the series of movies become the first choice for producers is also supported by this inertial concept.

After watching the first one, then watching the second, third, fourth, etc., there will be a subconscious consumption impulse, which is why the series of movies always sell well, unless the quality is really bad, Otherwise, as long as it stays above the pass line, the audience will not only be more tolerant, maintain good reputation, but also be willing to promote spontaneously and support ticket purchases.