Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 248: rich

""The Chainsaw" broke 160 million, a typical example of Xiaoboda." - "Los Angeles Daily"

"Just yesterday, Chainsaw announced that it would be out of the market with a victorious attitude." -- "Chicago Daily"

"Wen Ziren: Another shining star. The first work can break 100 million." - "New York Morning News"


While Ryman was busy running the company and preparing for the filming of the sequel to "Saw", the screening of "Saw" in the North American market finally came to an end.

In fact, in the fourth week of the show, the decline was already obvious, and the box office in a single week was less than 10 million.

However, this is also normal.

The screening cycle of cult films is generally short.

As the movie viewing potential of the audience group is almost exhausted, and as the number of screening theaters gradually decreases, the next picture is also a normal market choice.

But there is no doubt that this movie has been regarded as no small miracle.

The production cost of 10 million US dollars, in addition to the fact that the director is still a newcomer, and the main actors are not particularly well-known, may still receive a box office of 162.3 million US dollars in North America.

Moreover, the overseas market that Europa Pictures is responsible for is also very smooth.

What is certain is that the overseas distribution is absolutely profitable, and the popularity and profits may not necessarily be as popular as those in North America, but with a box office of more than 100 million, the global box office of "Chainsaw" exceeds 300 million, it seems It\'s not anything particularly difficult. (Because there are delays in various places, and except for France, other places are still two weeks behind, that is, October 25th, so the box office statistics are not completely accurate.)

The film\'s amazing performance in the market has made many media happy to report on this.

This time, Paramount Pictures did not put money behind the scenes. After all, the movies have been released, so what else is there to brag about? This is completely reported by the media, because it is very topical in itself.

The movie broke 100 million, and the director was actually a newcomer.

Isn\'t this news coverage enough?


The housekeeper put the last dish on the table, Wen Ziren moved his chopsticks and said, "Leiman, I\'m going to buy a suite in a few days, do you have any good suggestions?"

Well, at present, Wen Ziren is still renting with Ray Naval, and the house is still in a mid-range community. Although the environment is not bad, it is definitely not good. (The living environment in the United States depends entirely on how much house you can live in, like Beverly Hills, why so many rich people gather here, it is entirely because the community has a complete police department, fire management, and large Hospitals, security and security forces, a strong one.)

As for those not-so-high-end residential communities, burglaries and extortion with guns are terrifyingly high crime rates.

Of course, it\'s not that Leiman didn\'t invite Wen Ziren and Ray Naval to live with him. Anyway, his side is very big and there are many rooms, but if people don\'t want it, he can\'t force it.

"Where do you want to move?" Lyman asked.

"I want to move to the Santa Monica community. A few days ago, Ray Naval and I took a look. The surrounding facilities and community environment are very good."

"Why not move here? Isn\'t Beverly Hills better?"

Hearing this, Wen Ziren was a little hard to say, "We don\'t have that much money, if we rent it, it\'s fine, but we still want to buy a suite, so that we can feel more at ease."

No, with the market performance of "The Chainsaw", Wen Ziren should have money.

Although the basic salary of his director is not high, only 500,000 yuan, but the box office performance is so good, Paramount Pictures will definitely give the reward a share. After all, there are three or four million, and Ray Naval Er, as a screenwriter and producer, you can also get a salary of no less than 500,000.

All in all, it shouldn\'t be difficult to buy a small apartment.

Immediately, however, Lehman understood again, and asked with a smile, "Do you have any concerns, so you want to save a sum of money."

Wen Ziren nodded embarrassedly, "Do I have to come up with a sum of money for investment?"

Well, for the production of the sequel to "Chainsaw", Lehmann arranged it like this. The director and producer, Wen Ziren, will receive a basic salary of $1.5 million plus an investment share of $1.5 million, accounting for 20% of the total production budget. , participate in the box office share in the same proportion, and the rest will be contributed by Mann Studio and half by Firefly Pictures.

In the future, with the continuous increase of Wen Ziren\'s qualifications, this investment ratio will definitely be more and more inclined to Wen Ziren\'s side (refer to the rising salary and investment share when Lehmann cooperated with Europa Films.)

But now, if it\'s only 20%, Wen Ziren also needs to take out most of his savings.

Thinking of this, Lehman suggested: "I still think it\'s better for you to come and live here. It just so happens that a friend of mine has a house right next to my suite. It’s not expensive, it’s about 20 million, you can pay a down payment first, I’m helping you to make a little advance, go through the house purchase procedures first, and you should be able to pay it off after the sequel is released.”

That so-called friend, of course, is Nicolas Cage. This guy still manages money as always, what is not good for hoarding, and hoarding houses in the United States, the extravagant housing tax, as long as the market goes down a little, he will be killed. (High-end housing prices in the United States are not very expensive, but what is involved in maintenance fees, housing tax and inheritance tax. In recent years, real estate has generally been rising, and Cage can be regarded as earning a lot, but once housing prices fall, It\'s all rotten in his hands, and Cage has changed from a multi-millionaire to a multi-millionaire)

As for Wen Ziren, he obviously didn\'t want to bother him too much, so he didn\'t say anything to help pay the full amount in advance.

Although 20 million US dollars is nothing to the current Lehmann, there are still more than 80 million in Firefly Pictures\' books, not to mention that the deposit of Mann Studio has already exceeded 200 million. The former is his personal asset, the latter is a common asset with Ryan, and it is not too confusing. However, Lehman is right to have spare money. Anyway, the company\'s projects are gone, except for the sequel of Chainsaw, and there is not much money. It is better to spend it in a reasonable place instead of devaluing it in the bank.

First, he can sell his favor to Wen Ziren, and secondly, it can be regarded as a pull for Cage, so that he won\'t pay too much.

Now this guy has just joined "National Treasure" in a high-profile manner, with a basic salary of 17 million plus 15% of the total North American box office share. It is the time when he is gradually moving towards the peak of his career as an actor. , but at least it\'s good not to end up with the reputation of the "King of Bad Movies" in the previous life.

Friend, pull as much as you can.

Finally, under Lyman\'s persuasion, Wen Ziren finally made up his mind to buy a house in Beverly Hills.

After Lyman called Cage, he also said that it would be done in a few days.

The matter of buying a house was settled, Lehmann said with a smile: "In this way, we can be considered neighbors."

"Yeah, haha." Wen Ziren nodded. He now has more respect for Laiman, and he is full of hope for their future. At this time, he also asked expectantly, "Laiman, that sequel movie project. When will work start?"

Lehman replied: "No hurry, the list of suitable actors and crew members is still being screened for the past few days. When the crew is ready, it is estimated that it will take a week or two."

While eating, the two discussed the future filming of the film.

Although Wen Ziren has made a movie, he still lacks confidence in some places. At least he needs some experience to train actors or something.

As for Ray Naval, he is also a talent, and his screenwriting ability is good. Many of the killing mechanisms and clue placement in Chainsaw are all his ideas, and he is a solid and hardworking person. He is also Wen Ziren\'s right-hand man. The relationship between people has also passed the test of time, from college all the way to the present, but if he was to be the producer by himself, the means would still be poor, and he could only be a deputy and continue to study.

On the other hand, Ryan and Thomas, after these two years of filming, the experience of the crew has risen rapidly, and they have the ability to be independent.

In Ryan\'s case, you can try to hand over the company\'s marketing department to him. As for Thomas, this guy doesn\'t have much self-motivation. He just wants to do his photography well and see if he can go to the company\'s production department in the future. Supervisor development of photography and lighting teams. Of course, all these wishes depend on whether the two of them are willing or not.

Several of them, including George, are good friends.

Lehman also hopes that they can have better development.

After eating, Wen Ziren left.

This person is also a workaholic, and said that he was going to caa to help Johnson to refer to the actors and prepare the crew.

After taking a nap for a while, Lehman also rushed to the company.

The next painting of "Chainsaw", its effect is far from a box office number that can confirm its value.

For example, some operations of peripheral copyright.

Like what is authorized to some toy manufacturers, calendars, notebooks and other peripheral products.

After the movie was released, Paramount Pictures also found those suitable manufacturers, and made a profit from the secondary copyright development~www.novelhall.com~ For example, some texts and calendars, if you sell one copy, it will cost 1 USD. On the selling price, Lehmann gets a 2-cent profit.

There are also TV stations and premium channels for movie broadcasting rights, and each negotiation can roughly get hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue. (The reason why Hollywood is keen to make blockbusters is because they are not afraid of box office failures. Unlike the mainland movie market, where movies are all supported by the box office, the majority of Hollywood movie profits are still in the offline market. For example, "Star Wars: The DVD sales of The Force Awakens (2015) earned more than $130 million in North America, but this disc will continue to sell. You think about it yourself, how much money Disney made, so people gave it all to the box office. Don\'t feel bad either. The main creators accounted for more than 50% of the North American box office revenue. Also, in terms of toy licensing, Disney\'s financial report that year pointed out that the Star Wars series peripheral toys generated local revenue of up to 700 million US dollars. Among these data, Next, you can understand why Hollywood manufacturers like big and special shooting so much, they are indifferent to low-cost movies, and even lose money to develop blockbuster movies)

Unfortunately, because Paramount has participated in the investment and is the publisher, most of the peripheral development profits were taken away by them.

In the afternoon, Lyman was handling business at the company, and Shirley Lansing called to inform him of a celebration banquet.