Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 245: George's sincerity

"I\'m so sorry for not being able to pick you up at the airport."

In the office of Firefly Pictures, Lehman took the initiative to open his arms and hugged George, who had come from afar, and said, "The company was just established, and there are too many things to deal with."

George and Ryman separated, looked at the assistant secretary who put down the coffee and turned away, jokingly said, "It looks like a company boss."

Lehman smiled, "What kind of boss, the kind that keeps doing things."

"But it seems that you are enjoying it."

Layman took a sip of his coffee and asked in a relaxed tone, "How about coming to my company? You can choose any position you want."

George\'s face was bitter, "Lehmann, don\'t make fun of me. You know, if I go to work in your company and go back to France, Luc Besson can\'t scold me to death."

Lehman chuckled and skipped the topic, "I heard that Europa Pictures has made a big move again and has accepted financing from Wall Street. Presumably your company\'s strength has increased significantly."

Hearing this, George was a little dissatisfied, "This is just a small part of the shareholders who cashed out and left, not Luc Besson\'s decision. Right now, the film business of Europa Pictures is going well, and it has attracted a group of hungry wolves. Besides, the people on Wall Street are not easy to deal with, who knows what the future will be like.”

After speaking, George couldn\'t help but glanced at Lehman, with infinite emotion in his heart.

Two years ago, Lyman was a fledgling grass-roots director. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, he rose rapidly, became famous in France and the United States, and now became the owner of an independent film company.

To be honest, he was quite surprised when he heard the news from Luc Besson.

Thinking that he himself has watched Lehman develop all the way, but he still didn\'t expect him to come this far. In other words, this step came much earlier than expected.

As for switching to his company, George never thought about it.

You must know that he has become the vice president of the distribution department of Europa Pictures, not to mention that Europa Pictures is a mature film company, and its production and distribution capabilities are definitely far behind the six major Hollywood, but in France, even the entire In the European film industry, their company\'s influence is absolutely strong, which is not comparable to a third-rate film company like Firefly.

Besides, he also had some grudges in his heart. From the previous relationship of equality and cooperation, it has become a relationship between subordinates and subordinates, especially the two have a lot of contacts and have good friendship.

Just thinking about it makes me feel a little uncomfortable, let alone becoming a reality.

George finished his coffee silently, stopped thinking about it, and began to explain the purpose of today\'s visit, "Ryman, I have brought the overseas distribution terms of the sequel to "The Chainsaw", you can take a look first."

In fact, there is nothing to see, and it is roughly the same as the negotiated one.

Europa Pictures is responsible for promoting the film to overseas markets. In return, they will take 20% of the film\'s box office profits (not the total box office, but the income after deducting the theater chain), and half of the advertising and distribution costs.

There is also the income from offline operation and copyright, Europa Pictures will take 30% (this is also the proportion that the general distributor takes).

"Well, I\'ll have someone from the Legal Department sign it later."

After confirming that it was correct, Lyman said.

"Then look at this again," George said, taking another document from his briefcase.

"This is?" Lyman took it with some doubts.

"We Europa Pictures would like to sign a letter of intent for cooperation with your company, and the time is set for three years. During these three years, the overseas distribution of the film projects produced by your company will be handled by Europa Pictures, of course, for the purpose of Therefore, we have given very favorable conditions and our sincerity, you can take a look."

After careful reading, Lyman finally knew what Europa Pictures was thinking.

In fact, Europa Films felt that Lehmann\'s personal ability was good, and the films he participated in would always be profitable, so they wanted to sign a three-year letter of intent for cooperation to bind their distribution business. Anyway, Firefly Pictures does not have the ability to publish independently.

Then, the conditions they gave are roughly the same as today\'s issuance terms, and they also charge 20% of the profit, and each of them bears half of the advertising and distribution costs.

Of course, in order to reach a smooth cooperation, they not only made demands, but also gave their sincerity.

That is to say, in the past three years, Firefly Pictures has the right to participate in the investment in the film projects of Europa Pictures, which is roughly 15% of the total investment share. It only enjoys the same box office income and does not participate in copyright operations.

Maybe someone wants to ask, the price given by the two parties is inconsistent.

In fact, there is nothing to say, the strength is not equal, isn\'t that the condition.

Firefly Pictures has no distribution rights, Europa Pictures has mature distribution channels, it\'s that simple.

To give another example, if Lehman had negotiated this letter of intent with Warner and even Paramount Pictures, it would have been impossible to achieve. There is no need to give you any visible long-term investment share.

Perhaps this is also because in the eyes of Europa Pictures, the value contained in Lehmann is more worthy of their bet.

The two have cooperated so many times, they are worthy of trust and worth overweight to win over.

And for Lehmann, he certainly would.

Don\'t talk about the investment share, just release this piece, Europa Films has no intention of making a big mouth, it is completely a more conscientious distribution fee in the industry.

You must know that some international distributors such as the Big Six in Hollywood can say that the highest asking price is 40% of the revenue of the film industry, but this is usually their own project, and the left hand is the right hand, and the income is diluted.

But no matter what, Europa Pictures did come to cooperate with sincerity.

Subsequently, Lehmann took the letter of intent and signed the contract with the witness of relevant lawyers.

After signing the contract, George stayed soon, and soon left.

After the two became strategic partners~www.novelhall.com~ Europa Pictures did not hide it and quickly spread the news.

This can not only stabilize the hearts of the major shareholders of the company, but also have a beneficial effect on the stock, which really kills two birds with one stone.

For a while, Lehman\'s Firefly Pictures also entered the eyes of many people in the circle.

In their opinion, film companies with production capabilities are already excellent, not to mention the **** of overseas channels of Europa Pictures.

Such a company is full of potential.

"Lyman, someone wants to see you."

One day, while Lyman was handling business at the company, his agent Johnson suddenly called.


"The chairman of Legendary Pictures - Thomas Tour."

"Why is he looking for me?"