Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 24: someone appreciates

An absurd sense of joy suddenly rose in Angelis\' heart, as if the man in the movie called "911" for help was simply a wrong choice.

The operator who was always calm seemed to be listening to a farce. He didn\'t help at all. Instead, he wasted the man\'s precious time and consumed the few oxygen in the coffin.

A person is about to be killed, but the person next to him turns a blind eye because they don\'t know each other. The footage just now gave Uncle this feeling.

Although he knew it wasn\'t the operator\'s fault, he couldn\'t suppress the anger in his heart. He was even thinking that if he encountered this kind of operator, he must scold her. But none of this matters to the man in the movie who wants to live.

He was lying in the coffin decadently, barely audible breathing.

The lighter that he had been holding with his left hand also began to let go.

The light disappeared, and the screen was dark. Are men going to die? The uncle couldn\'t help but start to worry.

Yes, how can he save himself? Even "911" didn\'t help much, so it\'s time to despair.

After Paul turned off the lighter again, he did not give up, but calmly thought about the method.

After reorganizing his thoughts, he lit the lighter again and started making calls.

He called his wife first, Linda.

Unfortunately, Linda didn\'t answer the phone, so the man dialed the "411" number information desk, hoping to find the FBI\'s phone number, but the operator insisted that Paul specify a specific state and city, and was impatient. Next, he casually said "Chicago", and after that, the call was transferred to the FBI in Chicago, and he began to explain the situation...


Lehmann had already seen the movie he made completely, and since someone stopped, he stepped aside and stared at the audience.

He had counted, from the first uncle, to the three little girls, 50 seconds passed in between.

Later, people joined in one after another, and now there are 17 viewers, and no one left in the middle, which means that after the movie is played, the loss rate is still zero.

His eyes swept back and forth, and found another suspicious person: 7 seconds ago, this pedestrian passed by, saw people gathered here, and with the mentality of watching the excitement, he also stopped, just by the roadside , I looked at it from a distance of about 5 meters.

After that, he got a little closer, but his body still looked like he was ready to leave at any time. After another ten seconds, he took a few steps forward, and then another ten seconds passed. His body was completely in the right position. Going forward in the direction of the screen, I walked straight to the group of people who watched the movie for free, and then stood up to watch.

The number of viewers also changed from 17 to 18.

New audiences, in addition to Ryan and Thomas soliciting, are also formed in this way.

Of course, not all pedestrians will stop and watch: most of them just glanced and left, without any signs of being attracted.

Some stopped and watched for a while, then left within a few minutes, and some even muttered the words "what a bad movie".

But in general, as long as they really joined the audience, none of them chose to leave, and the ratio of stopping to watch and joining the group was about 12 to 1.

And when Lehman opened his head and looked back and forth at the potential audience, this small group was like a magnet, tirelessly emitting a magnetic force, picking out guys with a common nature from passing passers-by and attracting them.

18, 20, 25, 33, 47...

In just half an hour, the number of people expanded to 52 in one fell swoop.

It took 50 minutes to develop from the first person to 17; from 17 to 52, it only took 30 minutes.

What does this mean? It shows that the growth rate is accelerating.

Lehman, who is free, has been doing statistics, absolutely accurate to one decimal place.

And the audience continues to grow.

The open space he chose was quite large, but more than fifty people of different heights, shorts, fats and thins went to this place, and he also had to leave room for the projection equipment, the curtain, the distance between the curtain and the audience, it seemed Some crowded.

The pedestrians behind who stopped to watch again didn\'t need to be interested, and moved closer, because he was already standing on the side of the road.

"Hey, Ryan, why are you here?"

"I just passed by, it\'s quite interesting. Come and have a look."

"Didn\'t you say that you should go to the exhibition hall to watch "Your Mother, Too"? It\'s half past 10. It\'s about to start, let\'s go quickly."

"Don\'t...don\'t...don\'t, I\'ve already seen the most interesting part. Let me finish the movie first."

"This man is so unlucky, how could the idiots of American politicians save him."

"Dad, let\'s go, I want ice cream."

"Afghanistan is so chaotic, isn\'t it the Americans who are working hard behind their backs? These thugs will definitely not let Paul go. If I want to tell you, his family is the most pitiful and threatened. The United States will not be as promised. provide protection."


When there are too many people, it is impossible to maintain the quiet atmosphere in front.

In the interval when the rhythm of the film slowed down, the audience kept starting to popularize science or express some opinions about watching the film.

Noisy, it also attracts the attention of passersby.

Humans all over the world, regardless of skin color, all have the mentality of watching the fun.

This is an element rooted deep in the genes. Every time something goes wrong, a large group of people can be surrounded by custody. Now that it is so lively here, it can be regarded as creating a momentum for the movie.

After a while, Thomas and Ryan also returned to Lyman\'s side. They obviously also noticed the grand occasion and understood that they didn\'t need to show off their smiling faces.

"How is it? How many people are there?" Ryan asked slightly excitedly.

"There are too many to count, but there should be at least seventy." Lehmann gave his most conservative estimate.

"There are quite a lot of people." Thomas couldn\'t help sighing, staring at the audience watching the film attentively in front of him.

If it is said that this is a funeral for their work "Buried Alive", Lehmann recognizes it. Even after going back, it will enter the offline market, and if there is no light, it will be worth it!

At least it was recognized, he thought.

As time went on, the film also began to enter the end of the final paragraph.

After once again rejecting the thug\'s proposal to record a video, Paul slowly turned over and lay on the coffin, his eyes full of despair. 911 rejected him, the FBI questioned him, and the parent company fired him over the phone on the grounds that he had harassed a female employee in the company some time ago, and according to company regulations, he would lose his job; even more ridiculous Yes, the man who was selectively forgotten by everyone, the most concerned about him is the thugs. They called in one by one, threatening him, and clamoring to kill his whole family if he didn\'t record the video.

At this moment, he is like an ant, his life being played with wantonly, and the price is still being paid for the Washington authorities. It is their greed and lies that have brought men to what they are now.

"Squeak, squeak..." The small coffin seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the outside sand and began to make noises.

Paul woke up with a start. He looked at the gradually twisted top plank, his eyes were deep, full of fear with a hint of relief.

He called the home number again, but it was no longer his wife, but his mother who was suffering from Alzheimer\'s disease in a nursing home.

In her memory, Paul was still a child. She rambled on some trivial things, but the words were so bland and repeated many times that Paul completely fell into a breakdown.

Even though the man was shedding tears, he still bit his lower lip, not letting his voice come out.

His mother also began to forget him, and he was abandoned in a barren place, waiting for death to come, but he still didn\'t want to let his mother worry about him.

A corner of the coffin board began to collapse, and the sand poured down like a waterfall.

The man quickly hung up the phone, and tried to plug the hole with his coat and clothes, but this action didn\'t seem to have much effect, and sand kept pouring in.

At this speed, it doesn\'t take much time to really bury Paul alive.

At the moment of crisis, the phone vibrated again, and the man answered the phone as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

On the other end of the phone, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is the thugs.

They gave out the detailed address of the man\'s family and again threatened to film the video.

This time Paul agreed. He could not guarantee that the U.S. government would guarantee the safety of his family. Besides, he\'s going to die, so he doesn\'t care.

After hanging up the phone, the man turned on the phone again and recorded a video. As a will, he left everything he had to his wife Linda and his daughter.

"I love you, Linda, Sally," he said at the end of the video.

This sentence is also the last trace he left in this world.

The sand poured in sparsely, burying him little by little, Paul\'s thoughts began to wander, and in the end, only the words of his daughter\'s laughter echoed in his mind.

The movie is over.

The audience who finished watching packed up their stinging hearts. Some people have not been freed from their emotions, their cheeks are full of dry tears, and they stand in place, showing a trace of overwhelmed vulnerability.

The non-stop tear-jerking Dafa in the last part did not live up to Lehman\'s expectations and successfully shocked the audience.

A slightly relaxing background music began to sound, and on the screen, the announcement began to appear:

Directed by: Lyman Rattles.

Writers: Ryan, Lyman.

Starring: Heath Ledger as Paul.

Cinematography: Curranman-Subbot.


Field Notes: Thomas.

Field Service: Ryan.

These audience members seemed to be stuck in place, and they foolishly watched a long list of cast members and did not leave.

In the end, it was the uncle who was the first to come back to his senses and start applauding.

"Clap clap clap..."