Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 25: movie buyer

The sporadic applause was not abrupt at all in the slightly noisy surroundings.

The uncle was still there applauding with great enthusiasm.

"Clap clap clap..."

His action seemed to be a signal, and a second applause echoed it.

Slowly, the third, fourth, fifth... The applause grew louder and louder, and finally broke into one.

Lyman, who had been counting the heads beside him, couldn\'t stand.

Looking at the scene in front of me, my chest was filled with an indescribable emotion, so full that it filled the entire chest, and even made my breathing quicker.

He remembered the hardships and struggles of begging for a release in the past period of time, and the memory flashed through his mind like frame by frame, and finally settled on what Ryan said in that silent morning: go to Venice!

For some reason, his nose suddenly became a little sore, and his eyes felt as if sand had gotten into them.

Before he could restrain his emotions, there was a pain in his back, and someone patted him vigorously.

Looking back, Lyman found Ryan\'s happy face.

He was really happy. After slapping Lyman vigorously, he slapped Thomas on the back heavily, mumbling something stupid like "God, God".

Thomas, who was beside him, was moved. When Ryan did this, he immediately slapped Ryan on the back vigorously.

The two big men were fighting each other, and neither of them would stop first.


The screening of "Buried Alive" was over. The liveliness exceeded Lehman\'s expectations. The scene that would be very deserted in the fantasy did not appear. After the audience watched it, they spontaneously expressed their suppressed emotions with applause. All indications are that the audience is quite satisfied with the film.

Rubbing his cheeks vigorously, he calmed down his chaotic brain. Lyman was about to take out the copy and find a time to show it later in the afternoon.

A big bald head suddenly appeared in the crowd!

"Hello..." The bald head didn\'t pretend at all, and said politely, "I want to ask, are you the director of this movie?"

"Yes." Lehmann asked hesitantly, "May I ask you to find me..."

"My name is Alman Norway." As he spoke, the bald man stretched out his right hand, "From Europa Pictures."

Half an hour ago, Arman had just finished watching a screening of a film from the film palace branch. When he was about to leave, he noticed the strangeness of this place on the side of the road-a group of people stood around as if they were watching something. thing.

With the idea of ​​having nothing to do and watching the excitement, Arman walked over.

Oh, so I was watching a movie! He thought so.

With the dual nature of curiosity and work, he carefully watched the second half of the film at the end.

After the movie ended, he immediately made a phone call to his boss.

"Rise, where are you?" Seemingly aware that his words were a bit inappropriate, he said again, "I have something to report here."

"Have you won "The Age of Disorder"?" A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"No, the film\'s distribution rights were won by EMI yesterday. I went to ask today and the director explained the situation."

As a film buyer who comes to various film festivals all the year round, Arman\'s first goal was missed.

"It\'s okay, you can try to get in touch with the Mexican director\'s work in the afternoon, think about it more, and give me a reply."

"The Same with Your Mother? Isn\'t it that the movie\'s award-winning efforts are not strong enough?"

"There\'s no way, there are potential works, various film companies are competing, we can\'t compete in this area, pick a slightly worse one, if you can make a little profit, just make some money, anyway, it\'s not a waste of money. ."

Yes, their company is still a lot worse than those really powerful international publishers.

But Arman already had an idea in his heart, he tried to say: "Although we left first in the final competition of this film festival, the film industry is still the market, and we may be able to win from this aspect. return."

The other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, thinking that Arman was his capable subordinate, and simply said straight: "I mean, while no one is robbing those films that have a low chance of winning, just buy out the copyright at a suitable price, It’s enough to make some profit by the follow-up operation.”

They are all literary and artistic films. They can\'t even compete for awards. How can they compete in the market? It\'s a dream talk.

Arman held the phone, looked at the three Lehmans behind the projection equipment, and looked at the audience who were still applauding before continuing, "I found a new target..."


Lyman looked at the bald man in surprise, but still held his outstretched right hand to ease the embarrassment, and said, "Hello, Mr. Arman..."

"May I ask who is the producer or investor of this movie?" The bald man asked again.

Layman, who had come to his senses, finally understood what the bald man in front of him was doing. The two consecutive questions are all about movie information. Without exception, I am either a professional movie watcher or a movie buyer.

Regarding the other party\'s initiative to visit the door, Lehmann said directly: "The film was produced by Mann Studio, which was founded by my friend and I, and the copyright is also in our hands."

I don\'t know why, after knowing the origin of the other party, Lyman was not as happy as he imagined. Maybe it was because of the difficulty in seeking distribution before, or maybe the passion brought to him by the audience just now had not dissipated. Appears to be very peaceful.

The bald man nodded, "Let\'s put it this way, Director Ryman, I just enjoyed some of your works, and I\'m also a little interested in this movie, so I want to watch it again alone." He went on to explain: "Maybe I will bring a few colleagues with you. You know, the issue of buying out the film copyright is not a trivial matter, and it requires both of us to be as cautious as possible."

The word "cautious", he said very seriously, it seems to be emphasizing his own considerations and a kind of advance statement similar to retreat.

Objectively speaking, if there is a film company willing to release Ryman\'s films, he should be happy.

He does need help in this regard, and Lehmann agrees.

But he stood there from beginning to end. After listening to Arman\'s speech, he did not easily nod his head to release his willingness to cooperate.

He suddenly figured it out a bit, and now the advantage lies with him.

A movie, after all, depends on the audience market to speak. In the past, it was him who asked for others, but he turned to himself; now, it is others who recognize the movie and come to him.

He wants to play with fire!

"Afternoon? Not in the afternoon. Someone has an appointment with me. I have to go to his place first." Lyman said apologetically, "I\'m sorry, Mr. Arman, can you make an appointment tomorrow?"

Some people are also optimistic about this movie. This is the first thought in Arman\'s mind, but after thinking about it, he thinks that this movie does not know how long it has been showing, and it is not surprising that some people have noticed it.

Facing the meaning revealed in Lehmann\'s words, Arman seemed very calm - at least on the surface he didn\'t seem flustered at all, but he began to murmur in his heart. Of course, he knew that the Venice Film Festival was not just a professional movie buyer. Hand, I also know that if other people participate, it will inevitably fall into a vicious competition, or, like that "Disordered Age", there is no chance to even participate in the competition, what should I do?

Facts have proved that Lehman\'s trick is not bad. Buying and selling movies is a game, and he is the dealer, so why can\'t he trade.

The rush in the past made him understand a truth: either he is excellent, or he creates excellence.

"Can you listen to my conditions first?" Arman said casually, "Maybe it will change your thinking."

Lehmann put on a very expectant smile, "Really? Please tell me?"

"One and a half million euros. As long as we watch the movie once and feel satisfied, we will at least buy out the movie copyright at this price." Arman gave a very good price as soon as he opened his mouth.

At the Venice Film Festival, the distribution rights of independent works are generally less than one million euros. Occasionally, a few potential works that are recognized by everyone can be fired for an ultra-high amount of 5 million or even tens of millions, but those are all exhibited works, or The awards are popular, and there are not many in the entire film festival. More are similar to those "mediocre" films that cannot win awards. Naturally, the price is not too high.

And considering that "Buried Alive" is also an "open-air" film ~www.novelhall.com~ the director has no qualifications, and is still a newcomer in the industry - otherwise, it is impossible to even enter the exhibition hall.

As a senior movie buyer, Arman has a lot of experience and so on. The price given is also reasonable, and it is definitely enough to win over.

His eyes looked at Lehmann, wanting to know what he meant.

"It\'s not enough." Ryman frowned and pretended to shake his head: "Arman, do you know how much the production cost of "Buried Alive"? What conditions did the invited publisher give?"

"I\'m a buyer, that\'s not what I need to consider."

All he needs is to rely on his own judgment to give the lowest possible price, not to consider how much profit the other party can get.

Lehmann didn\'t seem to hear the bald man\'s words, and said to himself: "The production cost of "Buried Alive" is 1 million euros, and the publisher is willing to ask for 1.7 million euros, so... ." He continued: "I have to meet that person first, considering your side, Mr. Arman, I am the director of the film, I have to think about our film and those investors, to choose. One of the best ways to release." "We\'ll sit down and talk more carefully tomorrow morning, okay?" He said the last sentence.

Although it was a refusal, Lehman\'s remarks were well-founded, modest and polite, and he showed enough friendliness to not make Arman angry. Everyone is originally from two different camps, with their own positions and considerations. There are differences, which is normal.

"Well." That quotation was also the right price in his mind. Since it didn\'t make sense, he could only wait for what would happen in the future.

Arman, after a few polite words, turned around and left...