Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 23: someone agrees

The main venue of the Movie Palace is located in the south of Lido Island, with a very good location and convenient transportation.

Early in the morning, Lyman, Ryan, Thomas, the three went to the rental company and got a set of projection equipment.

Immediately rushed to the screening location.

Lyman was sitting in a taxi, looking out the window, he could see pedestrians walking slowly along the street.

Casual, relaxed and orderly, this is his impression of this town.

The taxi was still running smoothly and soon arrived at the destination.

The three got out of the car, took the equipment in the trunk of the car, and started walking.

They want to pick a suitable location to show.

Looking around, in fact, in the open space on both sides of the Film Palace, many people have already started.

They pulled up a curtain and were playing their respective outdoor movies.

The three of Lehman continued to walk, when they saw a black man in his thirties walking around on the side of the road, talking non-stop.

When I got closer, I realized that he was promoting his movie.

"Hey, buddy, do you want to come and enjoy my work? It\'s really good."

There were indeed some passers-by who stopped to watch under his instigation, but basically they walked away after watching for a while, and the black people didn\'t get angry, and continued to use his fairly standard English to solicit customers everywhere.

"Go and have a look." Ryan looked excited.

I don\'t know if it was due to the environment or the courage of this black man.

He said that, his footsteps have already passed.

When the black man saw that Lehman and others were willing to watch his movie, he was overjoyed, and said dancing, "This is my movie! I made it!"\'

Ryan listened quietly, and suddenly said, "Can your movies sell for money?"

When the black man heard this, although he was a little confused, he still smiled and said, "Hey! Dude, I made this movie in two years. In order to get from Dire Dawa to here, I had to endure hardships all the way. But none of that matters, what matters is that I screened my film at the Venice Film Festival and a lot of people watched it! God! This is what I\'ve always wanted, and it came true. As for making money? I didn\'t think about it. "

Lyman listened and was silent.

If the movie can\'t generate benefits, how can I continue the career I love?

Power generation by love? Stop teasing.

Anyway, he couldn\'t understand the thinking of such a movie fanatic.

"Oh, brother! Then you\'ve lost a lot of money. Come here from your hometown and spend a lot of money." Ryan obviously didn\'t agree with the views of black people, and he continued: "You must be quite rich."

Talent is such an extravagant waste, Lehmann silently added in his heart.

"Those are not important..." The black man was about to start explaining his creative experience, when Lehman made a look, the three of them walked away.

The film made by this black man doesn\'t even have a complete story. There is one shot in the east and one shot in the west. It\'s like watching a personal landscape film. It\'s so boring.

Continuing to walk forward, he came to the back of the gate of the Cinema Palace venue.

There is an intersection here, one leading to the venue and one leading to the exit.

It is crowded with people, so it is very suitable for showing movies.

"Just here."

After the decision was made, the three began to debug the projection equipment.

After operating as the merchant said, pull up a curtain to put images.

Then, take out the film copy from the backpack, put it into the machine, and everything is done.

"Try it."

Ryan neatly flipped the switch and started playing their movie Buried Alive.

This is the nth time for the three of them to watch this long-running movie, but it is the first time that it has been enjoyed in public.

Just seeing Heath Ledger\'s panicked expression made Lyman dazed for a while, and he looked around subconsciously, and then he smiled wryly.

Apart from him, Ryan, and Thomas, there was not a single audience.

The movie was still playing, and Ryan apparently found the problem too.

After thinking about it, he said, "I\'ll also go to the intersection to pull people over. That trick looks pretty good."

"I\'ll go too." Thomas volunteered.

"Well, let\'s go together, Lyman, you\'re here looking at the equipment and film copies."

Seeing him nod, Ryan took Thomas to the intersection just now.

It\'s not far from this screening point, about 15 meters away.

Lehmann watched the mouths of the two move, and also directed the intentional passers-by with his hands.

After a while, an uncle left the road and walked towards Lehmann along the lawn.

It only took less than three minutes to pass just now, and one audience member was willing to try it. This method really works.

Uncle passers-by stopped to watch. At this time, there was a picture of Paul starting to beat the coffin for help on the screen.

In the movie, the character played by Heath Ledger is lying in the coffin and struggling, and the camera circles a large circle from left to right, so that the audience can know the environment inside the coffin more directly and clearly.

Small, dark, and then a few quick close-ups focused on Heath Ledger, and the wound from his forehead was still vivid.

Uncle subconsciously put his arms around his chest to ease his anxiety.

He thought to himself, how would he escape if he was trapped in a coffin.

After a while, a few more little girls came.

Judging from the way they chattered, it was estimated that they were together. At least they were chatting.

"Is that tall guy so handsome just now?"

"Oh, do you think so too? I thought it was only me..."

"Did you say he made this movie?"

Okay, I was attracted by Ryan\'s beauty.

Lehman couldn\'t help looking at him, and saw Ryan\'s mouth opening and closing, with a sincere smile on his face, looking like a man who was engaged in that industry - "prostitute", duck, he thought faintly .


Andres couldn\'t help but get irritated. From the very beginning of his arrival, the movie entered a fairly fast-paced story scene, but there were always irrelevant noises in his ears, and he could hardly hear the movie. sound. If these people continue to be so noisy, they will definitely miss some important plots. Nervousness, worry, and anticipation were mixed together, and the fist was clenched and loosened. In the end, he couldn\'t hold back. The uncle roared fiercely:

"Don\'t be noisy!" He turned around and said this to the girls next to him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a little regret, and his tone seemed to be a little strong.

The uncle turned his head silently and continued watching the movie, thinking that nothing had happened.

The girls were taken aback, but their own qualities made them understand that it was their fault. They stopped chatting and making noises, and did not choose to leave. They just stood and enjoyed the movie together.

The uncle is even more uncomfortable. If it is normal, with such a small voice, he will slander in his heart, and he will not be so impulsive and shout.

But the sound of this movie really needs to be listened carefully to be heard clearly - this venue is next to the intersection of the road, there are many pedestrians, and the sound of the projector speakers is seriously scattered, so you need to concentrate to understand the movie. The scene of the camera, the lines of the protagonist\'s phone call are the main points of promoting the original appearance of the background. Can you do it if you can\'t hear it clearly?

At this time, the murmur near the ear was a kind of torture. No wonder the uncle shouted warnings at a group of girls.

On the screen, the man trapped in the coffin begins to call 911 and start calling for help.

The phone was connected, and the voice of a female operator came.

"Hello, I was buried alive." The man took a deep breath and said stumblingly, "Please, save me, I may die."

"Sir?" The operator seemed confused.

"I\'m trapped in the coffin, come and save me, send someone to save me!" The man held the mobile phone in his right hand and a lighter in his left hand, staring at the faint flame.

"Sir, you have to calm down. Tell me first, what\'s your name?"

"Paul Conroy."

"Okay, Mr. Conroy, can you tell me where you are now?"

The man closed his eyes in pain, "I don\'t know." His voice was hoarse and terrifying, "I\'m trapped in a coffin, I don\'t know where it is. Please, save me, I don\'t want to die."

"Are you in the coffin?"

"Yes, yes!" Paul felt that he was almost out of breath, as if an invisible hand was strangling his throat, and the suffocation made his face redden, "an old-fashioned wooden coffin."

"Are you at the funeral home?"

"No!" Paul quickly denied ~www.novelhall.com~ I don\'t know, I\'m trapped underground, come and save me. "

"Can you recall why you were trapped in the coffin?" the operator still asked casually.

"When I was driving in Afghanistan, the road suddenly exploded. Then... Then, I woke up and I was in a coffin." His eyes were also blank.

"Then why were you attacked?"

"Why do you have so many questions! I\'m dying, come and save me...don\'t ask, please, find someone to save me." The operator wasted his time endlessly, this It made the man more and more furious, "I\'m somewhere in Afghanistan, find someone to save me!"

"Are you a soldier?" the operator asked calmly again. It didn\'t seem to be affected by the man\'s anger.

The man suddenly laughed out loud, an inexplicable sadness lingering in his heart, which became a huge irony, "I\'m not a soldier, I\'m just a businessman." A coherent utterance cannot be fully uttered. He knew that the oxygen was getting less and less.

The operator said helplessly: "You said you were buried alive somewhere in Afghanistan, but how did we find you in such a short time?"

Is she asking me for a solution? The man thought blankly.

"Isn\'t there an American garrison there? Tell them to come. I\'m really dying, please, save me... save me!"

The operator\'s words interrupted the man\'s endless calls for help, "Mr. Conroy, this is the Michigan police station, and we can\'t notify the soldiers stationed abroad."

"Then... forget it!" The man hung up the phone.