Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 22: Open on the first day

"Lyman, I bought a few newspapers, take a look."

Ryan walked in with a look of joy, and put the newspaper in his hand on the small cabinet between the two cots.

Laiman slowly got up, sat cross-legged, and found a comfortable position to lean against.

He sat on the head of the bed, lowered his head, took out a newspaper and read it.

The newspaper\'s name is "badtaste", which is an old Italian media brand.

"Monsoon Wedding Banquet", "The Age of Disorder", "Your mother is the same", "There is a Hollywood in Hong Kong", "Invincible", "Me Without You"...

Lehmann\'s eyes looked at the past line by line, and he felt a little envious for some reason - today is August 3, the Venice Film Festival will open tomorrow, and the list of participating films will be announced today. The media and newspapers must be the first to lift the curtain, and they are the voice of the film festival.

After reading the newspapers one by one, most of them were introducing various information about the films to be exhibited tomorrow or predicting which award the film would win. He read it again, but like the previous time, he did not Here\'s a little bit of information about Buried Alive.

The window was open, and a slight cool breeze was blowing outside, but it couldn\'t drive away the restless emotion in his heart.

In the end, Lyman held a large newspaper in his hand, put it back on the bedside table in a daze, and sighed lightly.

He spent 30 euros to write materials, and he went to the registration office to sign up that day, but he did not let his film enter the official exhibition unit.

Are you lost? It seems a bit.

blah blah...  

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Thomas walked in from outside until he sat down on the bed next to Lyman, and then handed him a meal.

Lyman looked at him, with a smile on his face, took it.

This is a pancake-like pancake with various jams. To be honest, the taste is not good and the taste is strange.

Facts have proved that Thomas\'s words are really a vision, and he is not the son of God after all, so it is impossible for good luck to be on his side.

The film "Buried Alive" is not shortlisted in the competition unit, and it is impossible to win the award.

You don\'t even have the qualifications to enter the competition, so what are you talking about?

"Is it tasty?"

Thomas asked. This was specially packed for Lehman after he went downstairs for breakfast early in the morning. The taste is full to his taste.

"Very good." Lyman nodded, then ate the rest of the pancake in a big mouthful.

"What do we do next?" asked Ryan on the side.

"Has the projection equipment been rented?"

"It\'s agreed with the merchant that the rent is 100 euros per day, and the advance deposit is 5,000 euros. I have already given it, and I can go to his projection equipment to show our movies at any time." Ryan answered Lehman\'s question carefully. .

The whole set of projection equipment is still a bit expensive. For fear of damage, the merchants require a deposit in advance, which is very reasonable.

After all, if the equipment really breaks down and the person runs away, that little money won\'t make him lose too much.

"Are we going to show it today?" Thomas said, "When I just went down, I saw a lot of people going to Lido Island, let\'s go too, just tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the film festival, I haven\'t seen Venice yet. How is the film festival organized?"

Lehman chewed the food in his mouth and swallowed it, "I haven\'t seen it, let\'s go together tomorrow."

"Okay." Ryan also agreed with this proposal.

In the end, their films were not able to enter any unit. Anyway, there is no official endorsement. If you show them yourself, you can find them on the side of the road, and you are not in a hurry.

Come here, it\'s good to open your eyes.

Lehmann also wanted to know how much better the films that can enter the exhibition hall can be.

Probably still a little unwilling.


On August 4, the annual Venice Film Festival opened as scheduled.

Early in the morning, the largest building on Lido Island, the Cinema Palace in the main venue, was crowded with people.

As early as two days ago, the layout began here.

A bright red carpet stretched from the entrance of the Film Palace to the roadside outside, with guardrails pulled up on both sides of the carpet, and a large group of reporters set up guns and cannons like the army, playing their role.

At this time, experienced reporters will hold the spotlight in their hands high, shout the names of the stars passing by on the red carpet, ask them to pose, and kill the film "kaka".

At this moment, a black Lincoln stopped on the other side of the red carpet, and a gray-haired old man stepped out of it and walked on the red carpet in high spirits.

"Nanny Moretti!..."

The scene fell into a small climax again. The media reporters who had been silent or perfunctory before turned on their fire for a while, and the spotlights flashed in a flash. They wanted to flash the old man on stage to death, and they also shouted: "Look this way, Chairman." "This way, this way..."

This old man is the chairman of the jury of this Venice Film Festival, and it is also the nth time in his life that he has hosted the Venice Film Festival.

The local Italian media respected him very much.

Next, there were people who came on stage one after another.

One after another director or actor and star walked in an orderly manner, and the reporters and media made intermittent firepower masterpieces. The rules of this are very easy to grasp - those movies that do not have special car pick-up or have special car pick-up, but do not rely on their faces to eat. Talent unification is ignored, journalists put on a show, clapped a few times, and it\'s over, and only those newsworthy or native Italian filmmakers can fire their weapons.

About an hour and a half later, the guests were almost gone, and the opening ceremony finally started.

According to the previous rules, if you want to enter the film palace to watch, except for those invited members of the opening ceremony, there will be venue tickets in the circle as usual, but the expensive price of up to 5,000 euros is obviously not Lehmann, Ryan, etc. People are willing to bear it, so they did not go to the main venue of the Film Palace to watch the opening ceremony with the stars, actors and directors, but chose the next branch venue - 100 euros per person.

The opening movie of this venue is called "Monsoon Wedding Banquet".

From the information in the declaration, it can be concluded that the film has a high voice for winning the Golden Lion Award, second only to "Dog Days", which is the most optimistic about the media film critics. Of course, if it wasn\'t for the attention of the judges, the film would not have been scheduled as the opening film.

After checking the tickets, they sat in the sub-venue next to the Movie Palace. The three of them waited for the movie to be played.

"It looks wonderful."

Thomas said, holding the official movie information in his hand.

When Lyman heard this, he grinned.

Ten minutes before leaving the venue, the crowd who came in filled the huge auditorium, and when they looked around, it was dark.

Whites, blacks, mixed-race people, people from all regions come to the Venice Film Festival, and the charm of the art of film is evident.

After waiting for ten minutes, the movie started.

This is a movie about the love of Indian women. From the beginning, you can see the general plot: In a relatively wealthy family, the father Ralit and his wife Pimi are busy with the marriage of their daughter Adit.

They want to hold a grand and luxurious wedding for their daughter, but they are suffering from a tight budget, so they need to be careful.

At the same time, those family members scattered all over the world rushed back to their hometowns for this wedding. These things also required Ralit to worry about, so in just a few days, he was very busy.

Daughter Adit is going to marry Haymont, a network engineer working in Houston, USA. In this designated marriage, the two can only meet for the first time at the engagement ceremony and become partners immediately after a few days.

But Adit likes the host of another talk show and has an extramarital affair, but she still falls in love without hesitation.

Adit\'s cousin Ayasha flirts with college student Rahu.

Dolby, the wedding planner, was busy dealing with Ralit, while falling in love with his maid, Alice...

As the story went on, it was extremely uncomfortable for Lehmann to watch.

The setting of the characters of this "Monsoon Wedding Banquet" combined with the image of India that I know is simply completely false.

The director obviously raised the status of Indian women and weakened the tolerance of the whole society for women not obeying their husbands.

Even if it is necessary for the plot, it is too much, and it does not respect Indian customs at all.

I remember a famous **** in India, the content is this: I hope you will have a daughter!

From this, it can be seen that the status of women in them is very low. To what extent is it low? When getting married, the woman provides almost all the items needed for the wedding, and also includes a dowry, while the man does not give anything. Like a documentary "In a Country Without Women", it is no longer rare for those female young children to choose to drown from the very beginning.

It is also this kind of serious male superiority. India has always been the most famous crime scene in the world, and their capital, New Delhi, is even called "the capital of sex".

The funny thing is that the laws of India are still issued by the British colonial period more than 100 years ago~www.novelhall.com~ For sex, if a woman is lucky enough to survive, she will testify in court and the judge will approve it, and it will take a few to a dozen times. It takes years to get the result, not only that, but also to pay high litigation costs, and to reveal the scars in his heart again and again.

Because they testify in court, those female victims of **** must explain every detail of the violation clearly before the judge will accept it.

The story on the screen continued, with a more prominent glorification of the status of Indian women.

But on second thought, Lehmann seemed to understand the director\'s good intentions.

She is probably aware of the fierce social conflicts in India.

This movie is more like a kind of sustenance in her heart, she hopes that the status of Indian women can rise and even equal to men.

No wonder it was shot like this, it turned out to be the idea of ​​a feminist fighter.

After watching the movie silently, listening to director Mira Nair\'s speech, Lehmann complained.

"Let\'s go." Ryan endured drowsiness after watching an Indian movie. He couldn\'t take it anymore. Seeing that the movie was over, he hurriedly urged.

"Yes." Thomas agreed.

When the three of them embraced the sunshine outside again, Ryan couldn\'t help but say, "What did the movie say? It\'s going to make me sleepy."

Thomas also yawned, "There are too many characters, I can\'t remember them, and I can\'t recognize every face."

Lehmann was silent, these two scumbags probably couldn\'t appreciate this type of literary film.

Apart from the director\'s personal stuff, the quality of this film is still above the horizon. The plot is smooth, the rhythm is controlled, and the actors\' performances are not superficial, but they can be seen.

"Let\'s go back." Lehman said, and then walked out along the road.

The two immediately followed.