Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 224: Show 1 hand

After spending more than two hours loading all the filming equipment onto the truck and sealing the set, Lehmann told everyone about a dinner party at a certain hotel.

Are you going to finish the banquet? Besides, Lehman still has some ideas to win over.

Two-thirds of these behind-the-scenes people are under Europa Films. However, after so many works have been cooperated, both parties are familiar with each other. What Lehman thought was whether he could establish a good cooperative relationship with these people, Even if you don\'t cooperate with Europa Pictures, you can still make a move.

After all, a production team with a tacit understanding is sometimes more valuable than a person with strong ability alone.

Actors, after filming, they went back to the hotel.

And Lehmann has to go to Europa Films to talk to the relevant person in charge about the copy, and by the way, go there to register the right to use the studio.

In the evening, after a meal together, they went their separate ways.

Next, it took about a week to fine-cut the first version of the film, and Ryan and Thomas had to worry about the rest in advance, but Lyman bought a plane ticket and flew to Los Angeles.

Without him, "The Chainsaw" also needed him to stare.


In the post-editing room of Warner Studios, Wen Ziren showed great enthusiasm for Lehman\'s arrival.

The film was filmed as early as the beginning of September, and he has been busy editing these days.

If someone with experience comes here, they can also help with reference.

Soon, Wen Ziren and Ray Warner put the samples into the player.

On the bright screen, Jason Statham looked at Hugo Weaving helplessly, begging not to kill him.

In the end, he still failed to be ruthless and sawed off his leg. Instead, Hugo Weaving picked up the pistol on the ground and shot him in the shoulder.

After he fell down, Hugo Weaving said loudly that he had done what he asked for, and the door to the basement opened smoothly.

He dragged his body and crawled hard.

After a while, Jason Statham woke up. The shot just now came to an end. Hugo Weaving kept his hand and didn\'t kill him.

But seeing that he was about to escape, he collapsed again.

shouted loudly not to abandon him.

Hugo Weaving made a promise that after he went out, he would immediately ask the police to rescue him.

After a while, only Jason Statham, who was handcuffed above the water pipe, and a corpse on the ground were left in the cramped basement bathroom.

Suddenly, he seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing in the world, that corpse actually crawled up from the pool of blood.

Shaking his head, in his most desperate eyes, he closed the door again... This paragraph is well-cut, the rhythm is lively, the mirroring is delicate, and the back and forth perspectives are interspersed, which seems quite tight.

Logically speaking, it should be a proper climax/tide point of the movie.

As a result, the jigsaw played by J-K Simmons has just appeared on the stage. Without saying a word, it was too neat when the door was closed. The screen suddenly turned, and the camera was inexplicably pulled into a medium shot, and then disappeared?

"Is this the complete film?" Lyman looked at the screen, which was no longer lit, and was rather pained.

"Well, how is it?" Wen Ziren asked expectantly.

"What do you think about the last paragraph?"

"Leave it blank, give the audience a little room for imagination."

"However, you have prepared so much ahead of you, isn\'t it just for the reversal of the last character, the plot has reached this stage, and the tone is not raised a little, won\'t it look incongruous, and the audience will be unhappy watching it. "

"Is it bad?" Wen Ziren asked weakly.

"Of course."

Later, Lyman watched the film again.

When I rewatched it again, I kept pointing out some small problems, "At the beginning of 9 minutes and 3 seconds, the dialogue is being cut and refined, don\'t analyze everything, leave some suspense for the audience... the second Here, this shot is too redundant, the scene is too dull, not tight enough... And at the end, you have a good use of tones, but you need to add a little jigsaw front shot, and finally the door is closed. Sometimes, also give a close-up, try to put the perspective on the jigsaw..."

Afterwards, a few people watched the dailies again and again. They were busy from the morning until 5 o\'clock in the afternoon, and they ate lunch in the editing room.

Finally, the original film is shown again.

Even Ray Naval, a pseudo-producer, can feel the rhythm of the film is much smoother.

As for director Wen Ziren, he definitely doesn\'t want to change it. He wanted to incorporate all his shooting concepts into the post-production process for so long.

But in fact, it is not that he does not understand film appreciation, and he also keenly feels that these subtle changes really add a lot of color to the film, and the visual experience is also more shocking.

"Excuse me." After watching the edited film, Wen Ziren said sincerely. He now understands why other people\'s films always have good results, and the sensitivity of this editing is different.

"No, no, you\'re better directing this movie, so it doesn\'t matter to me."

Although everyone likes to hear good things, they cannot easily obliterate Wen Ziren\'s efforts.

This "Chainsaw" was originally someone\'s idea, and the cuts of many shots are also very imaginative, especially the shaping of the horror atmosphere, there are too many merits. His role is nothing more than icing on the cake.

"Did you find someone to do the soundtrack?" Lyman pressed his head with his fingers and asked suddenly. In later generations, this film can be well received~www.novelhall.com~ The wonderful background music is also a lot of bonus points.

"Well, I\'m asking someone to do it, but I haven\'t found a perfect match yet." Wen Ziren said with a light breath.

"In this regard, you should keep an eye on it."

For this matter, Ryman has nothing to help. After all, each director has different aesthetic preferences. Besides, he doesn\'t know much about music either, and he always outsourced the production to Hans Zimmer\'s team. The tunes given by others, if you listen to them, they are generally enough.

After the film was cut, Lyman called Shirley Lansing, the CEO of Paramount Pictures, to inform her so she could prepare for the pre-promotion of the film.

As for Shirley Lansing, she pays the same attention to this project. She pays more attention to Lehman herself. When she heard the words, she also said that she would find someone to arrange the corresponding matters.

Initially, it is scheduled to be released in October, and they will have a meeting to discuss the specific day.

After hanging up the phone, there is nothing to need him here.

Thinking of the agreement he made with Warner, Lehmann couldn\'t wait to confirm it.

When he came here this time, there were a lot of things.

In addition to "Chainsaw", for the "Million Dollar Baby" project, after he finished filming "Micro Love", he could also preliminarily agree on the general shooting process.

So, after leaving Warner Studios, the next day, he hurriedly invited Warner to make an appointment...

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