Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 223: film finish

Luc Besson thought he guessed right, and left without understanding anything.

When he was leaving, he asked Lehmann when the filming would be finished, so he could arrange the schedule.

Of course, Lehmann said it could be done by the end of September, but in fact, shooting at this speed wouldn\'t take that much time.

The studio of Europa Pictures outside Paris.

Eva Green, wearing a gorgeous evening dress, stood at the door of the reception.

Inside, there are men and women swaying and dancing to their heart\'s content. Under the background of lights and music, it is very lively.

This scene has already been filmed for the last few shots of "Micro Love", and it was faster than expected. It was only September 20th when it was filmed here.

Of course, there are reasons for filming so quickly. One is that the preparatory work of the crew is very sufficient, and there are plans to follow during the filming period, and there are no accidents that have any impact on the filming progress; the second is that the actors entered After the state, the number of ng shots during shooting has been significantly reduced, and basically one or two times will pass; the third is naturally that Lehman has a complete script for split shots, and he knows what kind of finished film he wants, and he hardly shoots anything redundant. lens.

Jake Gyllenhaal was also dressed in formal clothes, sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed by a servant.

He looked at Eva Green at the door with a smile on his face...

To be honest, his character basically has no body language, and only uses facial expressions to describe the emotions and the joys, sorrows and joys of the characters, which is quite challenging. That\'s why Jake Gyllenhaal is next.

Unfortunately, this story will never be the most happy ending in the eyes of the audience.

The back shot is also Jake Gyllenhaal\'s heartfelt wishes to Eva Green.

"I don\'t want you to miss the possibility, I just want you to have a new beginning."

"Your life is still full of infinite possibilities. This is a luxury. I feel somewhat comforted to think that I can still bring you some possibilities."

"You only have one life, and you should live a wonderful life."

Yes, he is a half-paralyzed person, and there are many things he can\'t give.

The theme the film wants to explore is also the respect and humanity of love.

Love does not necessarily mean getting married, having children, and living a happy life together. Love may also be a trace of the past.

All love is a tricky proposition.

In the end, Eva Green laughed and cried.

Under the camera, that sadness is enough to tell too much...

"Crack." Lyman smiled lightly: "I announce that "Micro Love" is finished."

The staff were naturally very happy and happily started to clean up the studio.

And Eva Green seems to be still immersed in the character\'s emotions, standing there blankly.

Lehman walked over, patted her on the shoulder affectionately, and asked, "Why, are you still sad? It\'s over."

"I don\'t know, but when I suddenly think of something, I can\'t control myself." She said this forcefully.

Perhaps, this scene is the most emotional time in the whole movie for her.

For a moment, she really felt abandoned.

That kind of sadness was swallowed hard, pretending it didn\'t matter.

Fortunately, this is a movie.

"You said, when will it be released after filming?" Eva asked again.

"It won\'t take long. I plan to choose a date in November. At that time, there will be Thanksgiving, the audience base will be a little larger, and the audience will be wider." Lehman explained and added at the end.

Speaking of which, the rough budget of Lehmann\'s "Micro Love" project was 10 million US dollars, but the shooting went so smoothly and it was completed ahead of schedule, which saved a lot of money. more than 8 million.

Even if you add in the later narration insertion, soundtrack, editing, copying, etc., it is estimated that it will not be finished.

Think about it, with such a trouble-free director as him, Europa Pictures has really found a treasure.

Jake Gyllenhaal has also become acquainted with Lehmann these days. Although he is a second-generation circle and has rich acting experience, most of them rely on the relationship between his parents and the brokerage company William Morris. Help pick up. In addition, he is low-key by nature and doesn\'t like to hype up much. Sometimes, the market appeal can\'t be improved.

And after this filming, apart from the salary he deserves, what he wants more is to maintain a good relationship with director Lehmann. After all, just like what his agent Mason Robert said, this person is in the rising stage of his career, and he is still good at holding people up. He doesn\'t have a chance to make friends. If he has an opportunity, he misses it, which is a pity.

So, while everyone was packing up and preparing to seal the library, seeing that there was no one around Laiman, he quietly went over to greet him, "Director Laiman, I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you next time."

Seeing his respectful look, Lehmann said with a smile, "As long as you don\'t dislike the lack of scenes."

"How could that be? In the future, as long as there is a need, feel free to call me." Jake Gyllenhaal said quickly. Of course, it is not known how many true meanings there are in this statement.

However, Lehman also intends to establish a formal production company in North America, and "Chainsaw" is the company\'s first project.

Although Jake Gyllenhaal has not received much attention from the audience~www.novelhall.com~, he is the more recognized group in the circle. The acting skills are good, and the remuneration is also very affordable compared to those of the traffic group. In addition to the people, the professional attitude is not to be said. After so many days of filming, I am neither late nor leave early, basically follow The crew is walking, and Lehman\'s impression of him is still good.

Lehman thought for a while, and gave a promise: "Well, I may not necessarily have a role suitable for you when I make movies in the future, but as long as it is a movie project that I have a relationship with, if I can get in, what is suitable for you? Yours, I will also pay attention to you, whether to act or not, of course, it depends on your own wishes, you don\'t need to think about me, and you don\'t have to worry too much."

"Thank you Director." Jake Gyllenhaal was overjoyed. He really didn\'t expect Lyman to talk so well.

Also, if he can look at Heath Ledger, he should know that Lyman has always been a kind of person who is more willing to go. He treats whoever treats him well.

Whoever is kind to him, he won\'t betray anyone.

Just like Thomas, he never forgot the kindness he gave at the beginning. He wanted to train him to be a director, but he didn\'t want to, so he just let it go. Now he is still his full-time videographer.

And Ryan, an old friend. He was also the one who came here in a daze at that time, the one who cared about him the most, even if he developed, he always wanted to take him with him and support him to the producer. Otherwise, it is not impossible for him to write a script, give a good idea, and be on his own...

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