Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 225: Warner

After discussing with Warner, the meeting time was put at 2 o\'clock in the afternoon. The location is naturally their headquarters.

After lunch, when it was almost time, Lyman called his agent Johnson from his mansion in Beverly Hills and asked him to pick it up.

Getting in the car, Johnson asked, "Where are you going?"

"Warner Headquarters."

"Oh." Johnson has always agreed with Lehman very much, and is very good at doing things. He never asks nonsense. After knowing the destination of the trip, he doesn\'t ask what to do. He starts the car directly, and once the clutch is released, he goes to Burban. gram departure.

About half an hour away, Warner\'s headquarters building arrived.

After the two got out of the car and said hello to the girl at the front desk, they also knew that the other party had an appointment, and immediately took the two of them to the sixth floor by elevator.

After walking all the way to the sign with the president\'s office written on it, he said goodbye politely.

Johnson knocked on the door with discernment, and an assistant secretary came out.

After a few people entered, the outermost floor was where the assistant secretary stayed just now, and then passed through another hall, and at the corner was Barry Mayer\'s office.

The assistant secretary went in first to talk, and then opened the door to welcome Lyman in. Johnson didn\'t come in, he had to wait outside.

When he got inside, Lehman discovered that in addition to Barry Mayer, there was another person sitting in the office.

Seemingly feeling that Lehmann was puzzled, Barry Mayer introduced: "This is the production director of our company, Michael Clough."

"Hello." Lyman stretched out his hand and greeted him shyly.

"Director Lehman, I\'ve admired the name for a long time." The other party stood up and said enthusiastically while holding his hand.

I don\'t know, I thought they had a similar relationship.

But Laiman knew very well that this was the first time he had seen this person.

Barry Mayer is almost sixty years old, but the skin on his face is not much wrinkled. He looked at Lehmann with a pair of eyes and said, "Has your new film been filmed yet?"


After a few people were seated, Lehman didn\'t like to play tricks either.

He immediately said, "I\'m here this time to talk about the project you mentioned."

"A novel adaptation? Well, we should discuss it in detail."


Barry Mayer was sitting on the boss chair, with an oil painting of a realistic wheat field hanging on the wall behind him. He didn\'t know which famous artist belonged to.

Although Lehmann doesn\'t know much about this subject, he still has some sense of appreciation. He didn\'t know the value of the painting, but he knew that when Barry Mayer faced the guests with his back to the painting, it would create a situation of overwhelming people.

In addition, the sofa he was sitting on was a little short, and Lehman instantly felt that the other person was taller.

Lehman\'s heart was a little funny. Why do many people like to play this tune? Originally, when he met Shirley Lansing, the president of Paramount, he also had such a low-level sense.

After a while, Barry Mayer said, "Do you have any ideas for this project?"

"The story is a good story, but it doesn\'t have many commercial elements, and it is impossible to describe the life of a boxer as much as "Rocky". Even if it does, it can\'t surpass "Rocky". One of the aspects is deeply processed, starting from the awards season, first to win word of mouth, and then to consider the market.”

This is also the path taken by "Million Dollar Baby" in the previous life, but it was used by Lehman.

"Which aspect?"

"Material selection. Most of the stories in the novel are the stories of those unsatisfactory people in the boxing world. We will start from this aspect and focus on the life of the boxer after the injury and retirement. Although this may not be so pleasing, it can be better established. live characters."

Barry Mayer nodded subconsciously. He didn\'t know much about movies, but he knew about directors. The words spoken by a director like Lehman, who already have achievements, are more coherent and more convincing.

After all, even the release plan has been considered, and it is obvious that a comprehensive plan has been made for the project.

He looked at Michael Clough, who understood in seconds, and then asked the topic, "So, Director Lyman, what are your requirements for directing?"

"I don\'t need the basic salary, but I want a part of the investment share."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them were not surprised. Obviously, they had inquired about some news before inviting Lyman to direct the movie.

"How much?" Michael Clough asked again.

"40 percent." Lyman was not polite. Of course, he himself thought it was quite reasonable. From his standpoint, the investment in this movie is not too high, and the profit is not too high. It is purely for the sake of going the award-winning route, brushing qualifications, and really like the story. down.

With his current worth, a basic salary of 9 million to 10 million US dollars plus a part of the North American box office share is completely in line with the market. After such a conversion, if he is posting part of it, it will be about 40%.

After Lehman finished speaking, Barry Mayer was fine, but Michael Clough couldn\'t sit still.

If the project is really run according to this, for Warner, the cake that can be shared is not ideal. Moreover, this turned out to be the script collected by their production department, and it was his jurisdiction.

"Director Lehman, is this condition a little higher?" He said politely.

"Then ~www.novelhall.com~ what do you mean?" Layman didn\'t answer, and threw the question to the other party again, wanting to hear what conditions Warner planned to give him to invite him.

After all, it was Barry Mayer who found him first when the project started.

It wasn\'t Lehmann who took the initiative, and neither was he who was rushing for cooperation.

"Okay, I promise." After a long time, it was Barry Mayer who spoke.

As soon as he spoke, Michael Clough was shocked again.

Of course, no one else can guess what Barry Mayer is thinking.

From the very beginning, he didn\'t take this kind of small project seriously.

The mere 10 to 20 million yuan, even if it loses all, Warner can fully afford it.

What he values, is that through this cooperation, he can win over Lehmann or see if the other party\'s directing methods can control the more important movie plans he thinks.

For a long time, DC Comics has been the blueprint he most wanted to accomplish.

He has planned the restart plan of Batman and Superman for a long time, and the only thing missing is the talents who can grasp the general direction of the shooting. And this kind of big production can easily involve hundreds of millions of dollars, especially Batman and Superman have failed once, and they can\'t stand another failure. Even if he is the CEO of Warner, he dare not make a decision lightly.

As for Lehmann, his successes in recent years have also made him look at him.

What we need to see now is whether he can bear it.

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