Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 21: have a good dream

This year\'s main venue is still held on Lido Island. It is only the 30th, and the surrounding area of ​​the island has already warmed up.

Filmmakers and film and television enthusiasts who flew in from all over the world were laughing and taking pictures in the square or on the surrounding lawns.

At night, all the headlights installed around the road have been turned on as early as this time, and the bright light illuminates the surrounding clearly, allowing everyone to continue to release their vitality.

The local residents of Venice are not far behind, either with their children or the elderly at home, strolling together, enjoying a different lively atmosphere while walking. The whole scene was full of laughter.

In a homestay less than two kilometers away, there are no lights that are open all night, and there is no hustle and bustle of tourists.

In the dark night, all kinds of small and chaotic sounds could be faintly heard. At the end of the alley, a lantern with the word "accommodation" hung in front of the door of a house.

Taking a closer look, this hotel doesn\'t even have a name.

At this time, the door of the house was half open - the so-called door, that is, a two-way glass door like a hair salon - and inside the door of the hotel, there was also a blackboard with red chalk writing on it. "This month\'s special offer, accommodation is twenty", and all kinds of weird lines and patterns are drawn next to it to show surprise.

Entering the door, it was the front desk. A middle-aged woman at the cashier with glasses was watching a small TV and raised her head slightly, "Accommodation for three people, how many rooms are there?"

"What kind of it is." The people who came were Lehman, Ryan, and Thomas. They got off the plane and took a taxi all the way to the venue.

As a result, the hotels near Lido Island were full, and they had to travel farther to find a place to stay.

Of course, there is also a reason to control the budget. For those high-end hotels, they didn\'t dare to ask if there were any vacancies.

"Single room is 20 per night, double room is 30 per night, how many do you have." The middle-aged woman stared intently at the small TV hanging on the wall and replied casually.

"One single room, one double room. Two rooms." Lyman said.

"50 euros." The middle-aged woman continued to watch her TV as she was always silent.

"We rent for a week, is there a discount?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman turned her attention from the TV screen and looked at the three of them.

After looking around for a while, he asked casually, "Is it from other places, for the Venice Film Festival?" He said it was a question, but his words were full of affirmation, as if he had seen a lot of people like Lehmann.

"Yes." A firm answer. There\'s nothing wrong with that, they really came here for the Venice Film Festival.

"Then pay 320 euros."

"Thank you." Saying that, Lehmann took out a handful of change from his pocket, counted it, and took out 320 euros in parts and pieces. "Here."

The middle-aged woman clicked to confirm the correctness of the number.

Then he put the money in the drawer, and took out a bunch of keys from it.

"Come with me."

She got up from her seat and walked upstairs.

The three of Lehman followed behind.

Next to the front desk is a very narrow wooden staircase, follow it all the way, and you will reach the second floor.

There is a long and narrow corridor on the second floor, and it looks like there are rooms on both sides.

There is a nameplate with a number written on the door. The first room you see is the number "203" written on the nameplate.

Following the middle-aged woman, she continued to walk forward, and when she was about to reach the end of the corridor, she stopped.

"There are two rooms in 207 and 209, the one on the left is a single room, and the door opposite it is a double room." The middle-aged woman carefully groped for a while from the large bunch of keys in her hand, took out two keys, and handed them to Lai Man.

"Go in and rest by yourself. Oh, by the way, if the key is lost, I have a backup, but it costs 2 euros each, remember." After that, he turned and walked towards the first floor. Probably went to watch TV.

"How will the three of us be allocated?" Ryan asked outside the corridor.

"I\'ll live in a single room, you two should live in a double room." Lehman gave his own suggestion.

Before Thomas said anything, Ryan quit. "No, I live in a single room. I haven\'t spent the night with a big man in the same house? I\'m not used to it, and I\'m sure I won\'t be able to sleep."

He didn\'t even go to university, but he didn\'t want to feel wronged.

"That\'s not right, it gives you a chance to experience life." Lyman said with a smile, but still gave Ryan the single room key in his hand.

"Go and rest."

"Good night! I wish you two a good night together." With that said, Ryan inserted the key, twisted it lightly, and walked into room 207.

Outside the corridor, only Lyman and Thomas were left.

"go in."

Lehman took the key, inserted it into the small slit accurately, twisted it to the right, and the door was pushed open.

Two big men walked into room 209.

Lyman fumbled, and pressed the light switch in the room.

In an instant, orange light enveloped the space.

The room is not too small, and there are two small beds - the type that is long enough but not wide enough.

In the middle of the two small beds, there is a small cabinet for storing small items at the head of the bed. There are three floors up and down.

Lehman wandered around and found that the hotel was in a good condition.

In addition to satisfying sleeping, there is also a separate bathroom, just in the corner compartment, there is about 3 square meters of space inside.

He also turned on the faucet, and there was indeed water coming out.

Lehmann threw aside the backpack he was carrying, took out his toothbrush, toothpaste, and towel, ready to clean up his personal hygiene.

After washing up, he walked out of the bathroom, and while packing some things, he said, "Thomas, hurry up and fix it. When I was washing just now, the water flow in the faucet decreased. It is estimated that the water in this place will be cut off at night."

"Oh." Thomas, who was sitting on the bed, didn\'t delay any longer. He took his things and went into the bathroom.

After Lyman finished packing, he lay down on the cot.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom. He stared blankly at the roof, his thoughts were empty.

"Hey, there\'s really no water. I\'m going to take a shower." After about three minutes, Thomas came out.

His words were really right. This hotel, after 11 o\'clock in the evening, will automatically cut off the water.

"No way, this is Venice, and now is the time of the film festival, where else can I find a cheap and good accommodation hotel, just fall asleep."

Thomas smiled wryly.

Yes, now is the time when members of the film industry from all over the world are eager to come to Venice. Coupled with some tourists who spontaneously visit the film festival, the business of the surrounding accommodation hotels is extremely good.

This is their most prosperous and prosperous period of the year.

Alas, if you have difficulties, overcome them.

If you don\'t take a bath, you won\'t die.

So comforting himself made Thomas feel much better.

Lying on the bed, I don\'t know how much time has passed.

Thomas still hadn\'t fallen asleep. He looked at Lyman and found that he didn\'t seem to be asleep either, so he asked softly, "Do you think our movie has a chance to be shown in the exhibition hall?"

Lyman didn\'t speak. Just when Thomas thought he was actually asleep, his voice came, "The chance is slim."

The Venice International Film Festival has 4 units, namely "Main Competition Unit", "Horizon Unit", "Film Critics Week Unit" and "Venice Day Unit".

Among them, the main competition unit is the hottest. The annual Venice\'s highest award, the Golden Lion Award, is produced in this unit. As for other jury awards, best actor/actress awards, best screenwriters and other international A categories The awards are also selected by them uniformly; and the Horizon unit, although there are also competition selection criteria, but the persuasiveness of the awards is not high, and it has a lot less flavor and honor than the official unit.

As for the film critic week and day unit, it is more like a farce. The barriers to entry are also very low. It all depends on the tastes of the film critics and film reviewers. As long as a certain film is on the right track, it can almost be on the list without being capped. However, they do not set awards, and they are only published in news and newspapers. Just bragging. This can also be seen from the data: only about 15 films enter the final main competition unit every year, while those that can enter the horizon unit are expanded to about 20 films. As for the latter two units with no cards~www.novelhall .com~ There are more people who can enter.

"I think there is a chance."

Thomas turned over, looked at Lehman again, and continued, "Maybe we can win an award or something."

Winning an award?

In the main unit competition, about 15 to 20 films are usually selected for screening, and these films will also compete for various awards at the Venice Film Festival. Even if the less valuable Horizon unit is added, there will be no more than 40 places at most.

During the daytime today, Lehman went to the registration office to inquire. There are more than 500 films registered this year, and there are countless others who are not eligible for screening like Lehman, so he chooses filmmakers or industry enthusiasts who show around .

When he heard these data, he was shocked - God knows where there are so many film directors in this world, and they have all shot their works.

Lehmann didn\'t mean much in this regard, and after collecting accurate data, he didn\'t have any expectations.

After killing hundreds of films, I still do not have the qualifications for screening. No matter how I think about it, I feel that this kind of miracle will not appear in the type of "Buried Alive".

However, Lehman didn\'t explain much, the chances are slim, just know it yourself, there\'s no need to ruin Thomas\'s vision. He was still young, still an age where he loved to dream.

"According to your auspicious words, "Buried Alive" is a big hit."

Lyman can only answer this, he turned over and looked out the window.

Nearby it was pitch black, and in the distance, it was the center of the film festival, and the bright lights could be seen even from a few kilometers away.

It must be very lively there. People come and go, so uncomfortable.

This artificial island in the province of Venice, Italy, still radiates brilliance even under the veil of darkness.