Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 203: stubborn

"do it again."


"Not enough eyesight."

"Come again."



It was filmed 5 times in a row, but the scene was still not over.

Wen Ziren stood behind the monitor and walked around. Very anxious. But he is not a person who likes to vent his temper, because he knows that it is a meaningless thing.

But don\'t let it out, your heart is blocked again. Pick up the megaphone, put it down, pick it up again. A very forbidding look.

Jason Statham was also in a bad mood, covering his head with his hands and pulling his shoulders down. Although he couldn\'t see his face clearly, anyone with discernment knew that he was also under a lot of pressure.

For actors, not having a chance is scary, and having a chance but not being able to accomplish it is equally uncomfortable.

Hugo Weiwen, who was beside him, looked at it and quickly stepped forward to comfort him.

But he didn\'t know what to say. What he needed most at this moment was to finish the performance. But he couldn\'t teach.

Every actor has his own performance that he has figured out and is suitable for him. If it is replaced by Heath Ledger and Nicolas Cage, I believe that you will see different emotional renderings, but the look and feel are the same.

Wen Ziren picked up the bottle of water and gulped it a few times, moistening her throat that was beginning to dry.

If the actor cannot enter the state, the shooting plan will be delayed, which is not what he wants to see.

I was anxious for a while, afraid of disappointing too many people\'s expectations for him: his own, his friend Ray Naval\'s, Lehman\'s... and every filming crew on the set.

So...his eyes began to catch a certain figure.

Lehman swore that when Wen Ziren\'s eyes were delivered for 0.0001 seconds, he would have noticed.

But he still didn\'t move, pretending he didn\'t see it.

As mentioned earlier, directors are not teachers in acting classes, and few of them know how to act.

Lyman didn\'t understand either. He didn\'t think he could teach anything.

However, when Wen Ziren opened his mouth, he still understood that some things could not be avoided.

He, the nominal producer, finally got into trouble again. Hey, why say it again?

"What should I do, can you go over and help?"

"What can I do to help? Didn\'t you tell me about the drama?" Inexplicably, high hopes were placed on him, but this Lehmann just wanted to say: the concubine can\'t do it.

"When you were filming "Bad Guy", didn\'t you often watch you communicate with Tom Cruise? He played very well."

Damn, co-authoring, did you compare the two of them together? Tom Cruise, although those film critics always ridicule him for his lack of acting skills, but who should he compare with.

What\'s more, Jason Statham doesn\'t have a rich resume yet.

But looking at his eyes full of anticipation, Lyman couldn\'t say anything. Intuit hit people.

Besides, Jason Statham\'s professional attitude has nothing to say. Do you want to think in a positive direction? Don\'t just look at people\'s weaknesses.

Besides, the pay is just right. Only 1.8 million US dollars, what can you be picky about?

"Why don\'t you interpret this shot in a different way?" Lyman offered a pertinent suggestion. In any case, there is absolutely no benefit in dragging it on like this.

"Is it really impossible to teach?"

"I\'m just talking about drama."

The word "play" was read very seriously by him.

Wen Ziren heard this, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief for some unknown reason.

"Okay, I\'ll go talk to him."

Hugo Weaving was still trying to comfort him over there when he saw the director walking towards him. Retreat quickly and discerningly.


The atmosphere between the two was very awkward, and Wen Ziren was about to say something.

Jason Statham spoke first: "I\'m sorry, director, I..."

"It\'s useless to say that." Wen Ziren sighed.

"I\'m sorry, I really can\'t act, and I don\'t know how to act. I don\'t have a clue in my mind."

In his situation, it is a typical new account to brush a regional boss, the firepower is full, and the health bar of other bosses disappears.

It made him completely dumbfounded. What\'s more, there is Hugo-Weiwen\'s pearls in front.

This blatant comparison sucks.

"It\'s useless to think about that, anyway, I have to shoot it anyway." Wen Ziren\'s tone was not very good, but he couldn\'t help it, and he couldn\'t get better, "Wait a minute, don\'t show your face, shoot your calf and the ground, you Just do it right. Understand?"

Jason Statham didn\'t speak.

Feeling sad in my heart. This kind of thing is definitely a difficult thing for an actor to accept. Maybe some people don\'t care and think it\'s a relief, but he doesn\'t. He wants to be an actor. He likes to act.

With her mouth slightly open, "Can... can you let me try again?"

"What did you say?" His voice was small.

"Director, can you let me try again?" he repeated.

This time, Wen Ziren heard it clearly.

But seeing how uncomfortable he was about to collapse, he couldn\'t help but refuse.

Fuck, what is this called?

It\'s like the one you take part in a show and the finale. The audience\'s eyes should be around you, and it should be a glorious moment in your life, your showtime.

But when the end came, someone said to you: Oh, your skills are not good, so forget it, just do some movements.

This kind of questioning is really terrible, so terrible that Jason Statham can\'t accept it at all.

Yes, he doesn\'t have superb acting skills, yes, he doesn\'t have that kind of acting talent in his bones. Since his debut, he has always acted in action movies, or played soy sauce in other works to set off the protagonist group.

But did he not pursue it, was he content with the status quo? No, he never has.

He wants to improve~www.novelhall.com~ Also, after spending so many days with Hugo Weaving, the scene just now was stimulated by others, and this guy is a bit stubborn, and he definitely can\'t let it go.

I really wanted to fight, and forced myself to climb to that level, but the strength and foundation were a bit poor, so I had to struggle halfway.

As for Wen Ziren, he was still soft-hearted and left without saying a word. He was restless, but showed his support with action.

After all, he can\'t always say to Jason Statham: If your level is like that, it\'s useless to insist.

He couldn\'t say this.

He slowly returned to the monitor. Sit down helplessly.

Lyman saw it and knew that things might not work out.

Nonsense, those emotions are written on the face, no matter how you look at it, it doesn\'t look like the matter has been resolved.

"He wanted to try again, and I agreed."

"Well, just try it."

Anyway, no matter what decision he makes, he can understand.

Humans, aren\'t you messing around in life?

Even if the shooting plan is delayed, he, as a producer, will definitely take on this responsibility.

What are you afraid of, you should gain experience.

Besides, the director who has made up his mind to support him has to straighten the rod anyway.


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