Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 202: A rookie's guide

In the crew of "The Chainsaw", if Wen Ziren was to judge.

He is most satisfied with Hugo Weaving, followed by J-K Simmons, and finally Jason Statham.

The criteria for judging are very simple: acting skills and harmony in the scenes.

If you don\'t get married by relationship, this is the most intuitive thing an actor can see.

It is clear at a glance who is good and who is bad.

Hugo Weaving is the one he likes the most. He has a good image, a thin body, and has the professional temperament of a doctor. Wherever you go, you can be convincing and give a thumbs up from the bottom of your heart.

The actor industry needs a breath of life. The kind of spirit from the inside out that is closely related to the human being.

There are more stories, more insights, and more understanding, and that feeling naturally comes out. Like flowers, it smells pleasant.

There is no doubt that Hugo-Weiwen has acted for nearly 20 years, and he is at the most mature time in his life. It\'s so transparent that people can\'t help but look away with his performance.

As for J-K Simmons, that\'s the script itself. Playing a corpse, lying there motionless, watching a ghost perform well.

However, people are also dedicated to their work. If they say that they pretend to be a corpse, they will pretend to be a corpse. They often lie there for more than half an hour. No one can pick a bad one.

As for Jason Statham, what should I say?

He was a monk halfway through and he didn\'t go through systematic study, so his foundation was weak.

And they don\'t have the innate acting talent like Heath Ledger and Cage-we often call this type of people: God\'s food.

His filming relies entirely on blind thinking, hard work, and perseverance.

If this part doesn\'t work, do it again, if it doesn\'t work, do it again... Repeat, keep repeating, and use "practice and skill" to make up for the feeling and emotion that you need when performing.

Every night, he spends a lot of time thinking about the scenes that he needs to shoot tomorrow, and how to handle them.

And in this case, the general scene is okay and can handle it completely. This is also the reason why the filming started to go smoothly.

But when it comes to that kind of particularly delicate or strong paragraphs, it will inevitably appear to be insufficiently expressive, and it will be too hot. That\'s the bottom line.


"As for this part, you need to put it on hold. You see, Adam is a **** who likes to take pictures secretly and has a more egoistic personality. After he was caught, he heard the sentence on the tape, there is only one of the two. If he can go out, he already has the intention to kill. He is not like Lawrence, his idea is simple, he thinks that the murderer deliberately provoked, he is watching a joke, or he can kill them directly when they are in a coma. "

In the actor\'s restroom on the set, Wen Ziren was talking to Jason Statham. After the staff did their due diligence, they also rested there. Or chat, or sit quietly. Everyone is waiting.

"But when he saw that Lawrence really dared to saw his own calf, he must have been shocked first, and distraught second. Because he escaped and he didn\'t. Do you understand? It must have had an influence on him, so he also took a ruthless heart, just like that..."

Wen Ziren gestured continuously, talking about thoughts that he didn\'t quite understand, "When you perform, you should suppress your emotions, but not too much, because you don\'t have the determination as Lawrence."

Jason Statham listened silently, rubbing the mineral water bottle in his hand. Confused for a while.

He understands what the director wants to say, and he also understands this part. He can\'t be overshadowed by Lawrence too much, otherwise the rivalry of the two protagonists will abruptly become a one-man show. How does that work?

But what he needs is not these, but hopes that the director can tell him how to do it.

But in the profession of director, what I don\'t know and like the most is how to teach people to act.

They are not teachers of acting classes, can they still analyze the use of micro-expressions and body language?

But let\'s pull it down, it would be great if they knew what they wanted to do. To a large extent, every performance should be the performance of the actors. It was a sudden outpouring of that emotion. Everything is designed, and then do it step by step, that is not called acting, that is called rehearsal.

In many cases, performance teachers can only teach some muscle control skills.

As for performance, it is a process of actors learning, accumulating, and slowly stacking up... Obviously, Jason Statham has not yet reached this level.

So, even if he understood, he wouldn\'t be able to act.

At this time, another corner of the studio. Taking advantage of the break, Lyman was sitting there talking with Eva Green.

When filming was blocked, it was not him who had the most trouble.

On the contrary, he is in a good mood now.

I even want to see Wen Ziren\'s training skills.

"How would you like to act naturally like Hugo Weaving?"

Eva Green had also read the script, and it was after reading it that she realized that maybe like Jason Statham, she couldn\'t act like that, or could not imagine the feeling when someone\'s leg was amputated. It cannot infect the audience and bring them a more realistic viewing effect.

"If you\'ve acted a lot, you\'ll be able to act naturally, so there\'s no need to worry." Lehmann leaned back in his chair and said nonchalantly.

In his opinion, actors need life experience. It\'s useless for a young man like Eva to think too much.

"What if I can\'t act?"

"There are many ways." Lehman continued: "Give a profile shot, let the audience\'s attention focus on the wound or the blood on the ground, and don\'t take a close-up of the character\'s face. , the climax point is not so cool. You know, seeing people in pain will also make people feel more involved and empathize with them.”

Eva heard the words ~www.novelhall.com~ nodded silently.

This method is also the most common filming method of borrowing metaphors in movies. It is usually given to those who have poor acting skills, or who are quite helpless after the performance does not achieve the desired effect. Can try to be better, who doesn\'t want to?

But this man has limits. It’s really not good, and it’s definitely not good to insist on it. (When watching some small fresh meat performances, such scenes often appear, or narration lines, and cover up the past without showing your face.)

Everyone rested for about half an hour before shooting resumed.

But seeing Jason Statham still looking sad, doesn\'t it seem to work?

"Are you talking about a play?"

"I said it." Wen Ziren stood behind the monitor, spread his hands rather roguely, and sighed, "But I don\'t know what the effect will be. Let\'s try it first."

"Camera is ok."

"The radio is ready."


The camera is on Jason Statham again.

This time, he remembered to put it on hold.

Her brows were knitted together, as if she was suffering from great pain...

"Crack." Wen Ziren stopped filming less than a minute after the official start of filming.

"No, it\'s too deliberate."

He turned his head and looked at Lyman who was watching the lively? ! .

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