Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 204: night talk

There were originally 4 scenes to be filmed in the afternoon.

But as soon as the second scene was filmed, it was no longer possible.

Looking at the watch, the hour hand has reached the number gap after 5.

It\'s still midsummer now, and the sunset time in Los Angeles is still late.

Looking at the sky, although the sun is already skewed, it can still be seen clearly.

But the filming couldn\'t go on anyway, so Lehman decided to discuss with Wen Ziren, just call it a day, and talk about it tomorrow.

At about 5:30, the studio was tidied up.

Seeing that everyone\'s mood was not high, and the time for casual workers was still early, he simply said, go to the restaurant.

Several cars were full of people, and they rushed to a relatively famous hotel in Los Angeles.

I had enough food, so I ordered a few more bottles of wine.

Drink a little, but not too much, for fear of delaying tomorrow\'s affairs.

Everyone ate and drank, finally feeling comforted and the atmosphere improved.

By the time the show was over, it was already eight o\'clock in the evening when I returned to the hotel.

Lehman didn\'t go back to his room directly, but went to a nearby retail store first, got two packs of cigarettes, and then went upstairs to look for Jason Statham.

He was looking for the actor, and Wen Ziren agreed. Now that the filming is blocked, no one\'s heart is smooth.

"Dong, dong, dong."

It is the sound of knocking on the door.

As soon as the door opened, Jason Statham was a little surprised, "Director Lyman, why are you here?"

Immediately, he thought of something, with a dry smile on his face.

Presumably he also knew the purpose of his visit.

Leiman didn\'t bother, he sat on the sofa in the living room, looked at him, and took out two packs of cigarettes from his arms.

Tear it open and hand it over.

The light ignited by the lighter was subtle, and he lit it with the trend, taking two sips.

Jason Statham began to relax.

"What about you, what do you think?"

After waiting for a while, I felt that the time was almost up. Lyman asked.

"I just want to play this part. But I can\'t figure out how to express that emotion." Jason Statham frowned while smoking a cigarette. Still very annoying.

It can be seen that this is almost making him anxious.

"You\'re like this, don\'t think about that. Relax first."

"You know how to act, right." Lyman continued.

"Yes, Director James also told me, and I also understand that it is necessary to put aside the show, and it is best to be on the same line as Hugo Weaving."

"You don\'t know how hard it is, do you?"

"Almost, anyway, when it came time to act, I got stuck and didn\'t know how to continue."

"Have you suffered any injuries over the years? I mean, more serious." Lyman asked again.

"Yeah, a lot. Like in the previous production of "Taking a Life", my right little finger and this piece were fractured again." He lifted his shirt and pointed to the position of the left rib near the lower abdomen.

Action movies want to be smooth, but if you don\'t pay attention, injuries are more inevitable.

Don\'t you see, Big Brother Cheng, Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger... Almost all the veteran action stars go into battle with injuries.

"Then what was your reaction at that time? Think about it."

"Reaction? What is the reaction? I raised my hand, told the director, and went to the hospital." Jason Statham looked puzzled. He didn\'t even understand why Ryman was asking this.

"Doesn\'t it hurt?"

"It hurts, but the pain is useless. Just bear with it and go to the hospital to find a doctor."

Nima, Laiman rubbed his head, his face speechless.

Originally, I wanted to let him simulate a real experience so that he could substitute his emotions.

But people don\'t have much emotion at all.

Also, looking at his muscles, it is estimated that stumbling and stumbling are not rare. got used to it.

"You should have watched Hugo Weaving\'s performance, what do you think?"

"It\'s a very good performance. I feel worried when I watch it next to me." This guy is very sincere.

"Can you imitate it?"

"No, I don\'t know how to act? I can\'t substitute it."

"When your body hurts, how do you behave?"

"Grit your teeth?"

"It hurts a little more."

"Cracked gums?"

Well, it\'s a tough guy\'s answer.

"In this way, you have analyzed the characters, and you should know that Adam is a fearless master, and he still wants to kill Lawrence and escape from the basement. So what should he think when he sees Lawrence getting out of trouble?"


"anything else."

"You also want to get out of trouble, very urgent?"

"Yes, this is his motive."

"Then when he first started sawing, he must have been ruthless, right. But he didn\'t have the determination that Lawrence had for his family, so...you understand, you have to put it aside for now, And then it explodes a little bit more to create a sense of layering that is also distinguishable from Lawrence\'s performance."

"Let me think about it." Jason Statham stopped smoking and sat there, his eyes began to wander.

I can only do this. Lehmann first sighed, and then said: "Simulate more, especially the eye show, you can play it in front of the mirror and watch your own performance to ponder the emotional change. Also, pay attention to the sense of hierarchy and coherence. , be careful, I believe you can do it."

With a word of encouragement, Lehman doesn\'t think he can teach anything. Anyway, everything depends on Jason Statham\'s lack of thought.

I feel it, it\'s all natural.

It doesn\'t feel right, and he has no choice. In the end, it was the director Wen Ziren who had a headache.

Just let him hurt, director, filming, it\'s impossible to always be smooth sailing, everything has to be moderate.

Come to the corridor and go back to your room.

Knocked lightly. After a while, Eva came to open the door.

The whole crew knew about the fact that they lived together. There is nothing to hide.

The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. What\'s wrong with sleeping together? what you want.

"Where have you been? I came back so late~www.novelhall.com~ to talk to Jason Statham." Lyman lamented, obviously not wanting to say more.

Eva understood and didn\'t ask any more questions.

Entering the room, the lights are bright, there is a double bed, and the quilt has been spread out.

"You were sleeping just now?"

"Didn\'t you come back? I thought you had something to do. After taking a shower, I was going to sleep."

Lyman closed the door and hugged Eva. Sniffing the fragrance of her hair, she whispered in her ear, "Wait for me on the bed."

Eva gave him a charming look. Smile.

After taking a shower, she was sitting on the head of the bed.

Loose pajamas can\'t hide her good figure, which makes people very nostalgic.

He was about to start undressing.

Eva said coquettishly, "Wait, turn off the headlights first."

"Why, you\'re still shy."

Having said that, Lyman obediently turned off the light, leaving only a small lamp on the head of the bed.

"Come on, let me serve you well."

"Serve? It\'s obviously you who are having fun." Eva retorted.

"In the end, it\'s not that you are the most comfortable. I work hard."

"What did you say?" Eva\'s eyes widened. But then his lips were blocked again.

It\'s alright now, there\'s no need to say anything.

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