Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1: 1 suicide note

Lyman felt as if he was about to die.

He was in severe pain all over his body, and his head seemed to explode.

"It hurts." Pain kept coming.

Finally, the pain eased.

Lyman\'s chaotic brain also had a hint of clarity.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the affairs in front of him slowly became clear.

The dazzling incandescent lamp on the ceiling fell down weakly. The pale light made him dizzy for a while. He couldn\'t help but closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

But even so, the discomfort and pain from his body continued to torment him.

What exactly happened here?

Didn\'t he invite a few buddies to KTV to sing on his birthday? How did the body become like this.

Raising his arm, he pinched the brow with his fingertips, trying to make his dizzy head clearer.

He opened his eyes again and saw everything around him—in a room of less than 20 square meters, there were all kinds of miscellaneous things scattered, and it looked like it had been ransacked.

Looking up, there are triangular arched beams and a wooden window. The windows are closed.

Isn\'t this his home? Lyman stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something.

Crazy got up from the bed and looked for the mirror.

Finally, in a drawer in the room, I found a mirror the size of a palm.

Looking at the unfamiliar face that appeared in the mirror, Lyman suddenly felt like a concubine, it wasn\'t him.

With the unfamiliar environment and the completely different face he saw in the mirror, it was right to be frightened—he passed through.

From the mainland of 2020, I have traveled to a ghostly place that I don\'t know where it is.

In addition to sadness inside, there is anger.

And this anger has a tendency to intensify.

"TM\'s, XXXX..." He shouted a paragraph of national scolding.

"Bang!" You seemed unhappy, Lyman clenched the fist of his right hand and smashed it **** the floor.

The sound like thunder on the ground was so pleasant in this quiet environment.

But the pain from the hand is not empty.

The tingling feeling that started to tingle clearly came from his right hand, and he could even feel the sharpness of his nails piercing his palm and the discomfort of his finger bones.

Anger has no meaning except to vent.

He still hasn\'t returned to the familiar place.

Soon, the somewhat calm Lyman began to search for the information left by the original owner.

Finally, he noticed a piece of paper fixed on the wooden table with something written on it:

You should be Ryan who found my body, I\'m so grateful to you for taking care of me all these days, if you can, please tell my father about my death, and a labeled cardboard box in the corner of the study hand over to him. Thank you very much.

This is actually a suicide note! And it\'s written in French.

After Layman read it, he hurried to the next room to find the cardboard box mentioned in the letter.

After opening it, there was another letter at the top:

Forgive my selfishness, father, I\'ve hated you all these years and blamed your abandonment, but now I want to ask you to bury me in my mother\'s grave after hearing the news of my death beside. She has always been lonely, and I want to be with her, hoping to fulfill my wish.


In the cardboard box, in addition to this letter, there is an estate transfer agreement about the house.

It is said that after the death of "Lyman-Laters", the new owner of the house was Del-Lates, who was the father he said.

After sealing the cardboard box and putting it back in place, Lyman sat back on the bed where he woke up.

He was in a mess at this time.

The brain kept flashing some memory pictures of the predecessor and those memories of his own past.

The two sides were intertwined, causing him to be tortured from waking up until now. Having to accept the fact of crossing over is what drives Lehman crazy.

He used to be a graduate of the Beijing Film Directing Department. As soon as he entered the society, he joined a production crew as a camera assistant through the relationship of the academy.

After 3 years in the circle, I finally got a chance to direct.

Although there were many directors of that TV series, and he was only responsible for some of the filming scenes, he was very excited to be in charge of the director for the first time.

But the accident happened like this without warning.

He was just celebrating his birthday, it was his 27th birthday.

The next day, there was no shooting assignment, and he also greeted the chief director, and everything was fine.

Why is this so?

Lyman couldn\'t figure it out. He thought his life was beautiful and he didn\'t need to start over.

But God just likes to joke about TM, it brought him to this place, a small town belonging to Cannes, France.

Lyman, who merged his predecessor\'s memory, was a little distressed.

This body has left too much mess.

He made a movie with his friend Ryan some time ago, for which the two invested a lot of money into it.

Well-made movies have problems in distribution.

At the Cannes Film Festival, the film they made was picked up by an international distributor.

The man said that he could make this movie available in Hollywood because he had the channels.

How could the two of them accept this temptation, and immediately decided to hand over the distribution rights of the film to that company.

That person also kindly drew up a distribution contract for Lehmann to sign.

It guarantees the benefits they will have as producers after the film is released.

The 20% profit share plus the film copyright owner still belongs to the Mann studio that Lehmann and Ryan cooperated with.

Lehman felt that there was no problem, so he happily signed.

But what happened after that taught this young man a lesson just after graduating from college.

The distributor, Miramax Films, made the film to be released in Hollywood as promised.

Although there are very few screening theaters, there are only a few dozen.

But for Lehmann, it is also a recognition.

He also went to Los Angeles with Ryan and went to the cinema to watch his work.

But when the movie was down, they were going to Miramax Films to find the gentleman who bought the copyright.

However, he was told that the film\'s release revenue was a loss, not only no profit, but also a lot of operating costs.

It is necessary for Lyman and Ryan to make up for Miramax\'s loss with the relevant copyright of the movie, otherwise they will lose money.

No way, they had to sign another contract and hand over all the copyright of the movie to Miramax Films.

If that\'s the case, then that\'s fine. It\'s just that their films are not recognized by the market, and it\'s a matter of their ability.

But later, Lehmann, who thought about it more and more, went to consult relevant people in the industry, only to know that there was a problem with the issuance contract itself, and it was irregular.

There is neither the cost of guaranteed distribution nor the issue of paying for the purchase of early-stage operating copyrights. The unified use of subsequent benefits to pay for the previous transaction links is a deception.

Lyman, who learned the truth, was furious.

He went to Los Angeles to find the director of Miramax Films, the famous Harvey Weinstein in the circle.

But his ruthless words pierced Lyman\'s heart.

"The person you mentioned belongs to my company. Did he do anything wrong? If so, please find a court to decide all this."

Naturally, the court did not accept Lehmann\'s case.

The contract was clearly written in black and white, and it also had the name signed by Lehman.

It\'s legal, it\'s not wrong.

Back at his Cannes residence, Lehmann felt more and more annoyed the more he thought about it.

He betrayed the trust of his friend Ryan, and put all the savings left by his mother into that movie.

He couldn\'t face it all.

This huge gap made the original owner of this body choose death.

That night, he committed suicide by taking medicine.


Lyman sat on the bed and didn\'t know what to say. The death of such a cowardly and stupid person made him pass through inexplicably?

It\'s absurd. A complete loser, a coward who dare not face reality, should really die.

Such thoughts kept popping up in Lyman\'s mind, and he really couldn\'t have the slightest sympathy for the original owner.

The world is dangerous and if you don\'t know how to guard against it, sooner or later it will end.

Looking at the messy bedroom in front of him, Lyman gradually calmed down.

Anyway, he\'s going to face all this now. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

It took a while to tidy up the place a little bit, and Lyman was also a little hungry.

Found some bread in the kitchen drawer, facing the water, and slowly finished it.

There was finally something to rely on in the empty stomach.

What is he going to do now? What\'s next?

Go back to the mainland?

No, Lehman immediately rejected the idea.

He is now a 26-year-old Frenchman, and this is 2001. What can he do when he goes back, the visa issue alone is a big trouble.

After thinking about it, the best thing to do is to pursue a career in film.

Whether it is the self in the previous life or the original owner of this body, all they have learned are film-related knowledge.

That was his familiar territory.

However, there is still a very real problem to think about: how to repay the debt he owes to his friend Ryan.

Most of the investment for the film came from Ryan, but Lyman didn\'t want to take too much of the money and promised to borrow some of it.

After all, it was said that the cost of filming a good movie was 500,000 yuan. The two invested in half, and the profits were shared in half. Now all of them are lost, not counting the travel expenses and living expenses that will be spent later.

For this reason, as soon as he crossed over, Lehman was burdened with negative assets of 80,000 yuan, and how much money did he have left?

After searching all over the house, I only found 356 yuan. What can the money be used for?

This is the price that coward paid for his mentally retarded behavior, but in the end, he has to bear the consequences.

Come on, it\'s really a **** time-travel.

Lyman rubbed his head, also very annoyed.

Everything is against him, and there is nothing to be happy about.
