Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 184: cut shot

"Chainsaw" crew.

"Director Lehman, you are finally here." Wen Ziren looked extremely happy.

It\'s just like……

The man who suddenly fell into the water grabbed a strong arm and regarded it as a support.

But Leiman is not in such a good mood. Anyone who rushes to Los Angeles from France will be like this.

This guy suddenly called last night and said something was wrong.

Alas, I am tired. I clearly said that I don\'t need to worry about the crew, but the result...

The thing is, during this period of time, after the project was approved, wasn\'t Wen Ziren busy raising the crew?

The production staff and the filming team are also easy to say, after all, Paramount Pictures and Europa Pictures have a lot of such experienced and mature candidates.

Scene reconnaissance and rental of shooting equipment are also easy to handle, and it takes a little time to bring up the progress quickly.

But only for the actor, Wen Ziren had no choice.

Although major brokerage companies can provide a large number of excellent actor customers, the problem is that Wen Ziren is not very familiar with it. After several on-site auditions, he could not find all the roles.

Seeing that the preparatory work for the crew is almost done, it can\'t be because of this delay in the shooting plan, so he thought of Lehmann.

He has made many movies and has many familiar actors, so he must be able to give some advice.

With this idea in mind, after carefully determining the time difference between the two places, Wen Ziren waited until about 8 o\'clock in the evening before making a call.

"Lyman, the crew is short of actors, come and help me."

Don\'t make trouble. Ryman only had this idea at the time, but he rushed over anyway.

Without him, the person you want to hold will be done with tears and trouble.


"You mean you haven\'t decided on a major actor yet?"

Wen Ziren nodded irritably, "As you know, the actors have to match each other. I haven\'t even decided on the leading role now, and the other actors who have a little more important roles are even less interested."

Lyman is also a director, of course he knows this, but the problem is that he always has a clearer casting direction in his mind, which is not like this guy, and he doesn\'t say anything. What a fuck.

In a play, basically all the plots, other characters and even conflict points revolve around the leading actors.

Then it is very important whether the style and aura of these main actors can match, and it also determines the sense of hierarchy between other characters who serve them.

The supporting role can play with it, but it can\'t overshadow it.

If the movie is over and the audience is more impressed with a supporting role than the leading role, and there is still a sense of existence, it can only mean that the director was blind when he chose the person, or the movie itself is a big bad movie.

Of course, another reason cannot be ruled out. It doesn\'t matter how well you act.

"This is the first time I\'ve directed and filmed independently, and I have no experience. I haven\'t had the opportunity to contact these before, and my vision is too narrow. You have made so many films, and you must know many actors. I\'m sorry to bother you."

Wen Ziren\'s posture was extremely low, after all, he was very embarrassed himself.

There is a kind of bragging being slapped in the face.

What\'s more, it\'s just a name, but things really can\'t be dealt with.

No way, it\'s the first time for a newcomer, Lehmann can also understand.

Besides, he can\'t ignore it, the money has been put in, he must hear the sound.

Lyman lowered his head and pondered, and asked, "Then what are your thoughts?"

Wen Ziren hurriedly said: "Adam and Lawrence, the two main characters trapped in the same room, the former is kind but cunning, the latter is calm and smart, and there is a policeman and a perverted killer jigsaw. I\'ve already found them." At the end, he added.

Fortunately, there are only four people, and Wen Ziren has a good idea about the characters, so it doesn\'t seem to be very troublesome.

Lyman took a sip of water, calmed down, took the shooting schedule, and said, "I can help you."

After a pause, he looked at Wen Ziren again, "However, if I join, you have to change some things."

"You said?"

"Blurring those **** shots, can you do it?"

There are many large-scale scenes in "Chainsaw", but the key point is that Wen Ziren\'s shooting ideas are very naked. . is disgusting enough.

There are many ways to describe the degree of bloodshed, but Wen Ziren is the most direct one.

Speaking of which, this guy is also an extremely sturdy director, and those who have worked with him say he is very shy.

But in his bones and deep down he was like a devil.

He always has a strong visual sense for blood, brutality, torture and fear.

When this shooting concept is presented in the film, it can often be more acute if it is not restrained.

Such as "Dead Silence", such as "Hidden", such as "The Conjuring"...

Specifically, it is the strangeness reflected from the depths of the heart.


Wen Ziren froze when he heard it, and repeatedly emphasized: "What I want is the sharpness and authenticity of the shot, this is... This is a way of expression, it can reflect the film\'s vision. The ideas to be conveyed..."

Lehman waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Since I\'m going to get involved, I\'ll definitely limit it. You don\'t want this movie to be classified as nc-17 as soon as it\'s made."

"I..." Wen Ziren opened his mouth, trying to explain something, but said nothing.

He is a smart man, and he has already mastered the required subject of a proper compromise as a director.

What\'s more, what Lehman said also makes sense. If the film is rated as nc-17 by the approval agency because it is too bloody, "Chainsaw", which is a niche movie, will shrink the audience even more.

In this way, if the investment is lost, isn\'t his film career sentenced to death at the very beginning?

No, I can\'t think about it anymore~www.novelhall.com~ Wen Ziren gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Okay, I promise you, I will try my best to control the use of close-up shots."

Lyman didn\'t say anything, just nodded slightly.

Appropriate large-scale lenses can indeed increase the viewing interest of these specific groups, but in everything, it is too much to pay attention to.

In his opinion, Wen Ziren\'s early works were all a little dazed and would not be controlled. It was only when "Dead Silence" came out that he slowly changed.

But now, now that the decision has been made to join the group, it is better to correct it in the first place.

If you don\'t need him, it\'s fine, and Lehman doesn\'t say anything. You can shoot whatever you like. When it comes to editing, you can still check it out. Is it a big deal to make up some scenes? Anyway, "Chainsaw" doesn\'t have any characters and scenes. It\'s pretty easy to unfold and shoot.

But things have developed to this stage, so what else to say. Lyman has always been a relatively strong master, especially when it comes to filming.
