Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 185: Bald Adam

When choosing an actor, it depends on the network, which is the basis of all the premise.

The second is worth, which is the most realistic and real issue. After all, if you have to find some famous celebrity in a small-budget movie, it will be a waste of your brain.

Unless people are willing to take a pay cut or act in a friendly way, there will be no drama. Finally, consider the image and performance skills.

On the other hand, in the category where the first two are satisfied, the last one is the key to the choice.

Hotel, living room.

Ryman stayed in the hotel because the house decoration and custom furniture were not ready.

Just after dinner, a notebook was spread out on the small wooden table in front of the sofa, next to each actor\'s information initially screened by major brokerage companies.

Lyman was half-sunk in the soft sofa, thinking.

I thought about it left and right, my mind jumped for a long time, but I couldn\'t figure out why.

Having no clue, I don\'t know where to start, and finally I simply spread out the paper and listed the actors I worked with one by one.

Heath Ledger is impossible, he is actually quite suitable, but he is filming "Brokeback Mountain", there is no schedule, and the rest are either too expensive, or the image style does not match at all, in the end, it seems that only a few are possible. Piece.

Jason Statham, Hugo Weaving and J-K Simmons.

Looking at these names, he suddenly had some thoughts.

Does it seem appropriate?

Moreover, the budget of "Chainsaw" is much more than the $1.2 million in the previous life, and the selection can be more abundant.

At least some people who have no acting skills will no longer be allowed to perform - the film in the previous life who played Adam was Wen Ziren\'s friend and the screenwriter of this film, Ray Warner, which is helpless, after all, the shooting budget is really Too low, nothing can be done.

Now that you have money, you must have a good polish to get the series off to a good start.

Under the lights, Lyman began to dissect the characters. He is very good at this.

A few main characters, let\'s talk about Lawrence first: middle-aged, with a gentle face, he has no requirements for body shape, but whether he is fat or thin, it is very appropriate to create that kind of temperament.

The script is one of a kind for his family relationship.

After getting along with his wife for a long time, the relationship begins to become indifferent and formatted. It belongs to each other. Divorce is a form. Many couples who are not in harmony are like this, but they have some concerns and have not taken the last step, but they are actually similar.

Lawrence is a professional doctor, obsessed with work, and has an affair with his trainee.

One day, a patient is diagnosed with cancer, and later, the story unfolds.


If you want to hold on to this kind of role, the actor himself must have a certain feeling as a doctor. He can\'t talk too much, but he is absolutely firm, assertive and confident.

The character design is not complicated, and it is easy to analyze, but who should play it?

Lyman closed his eyes and sketched.

Like a doctor, he has a light heart and gentleness in his bones, which can make people subconsciously convince.

Well, it seems like Hugo Weaving would be a good fit.

This is a good actor who can move the audience\'s emotions with his voice alone.

In "V for Vendetta", he always wears a mask, and Mr. V plays the role of the soul of the whole film. Even if there is no expression, but relying on the tone to be able to make people feel the changes in the character\'s emotions, it undoubtedly requires skill.

He opened his eyes and circled Hugo Weaving\'s name.

Then there is Adam.

The protagonist of the play against Lawrence.

Indifferent and disrespectful to life, that\'s why he was caught by the jigsaw.

He is kind on the outside, but he is extremely cunning on the inside and likes to deceive.

It\'s someone who speaks the lie as the truth, and doesn\'t feel anything wrong at all.

In short, the image and temperament have to be separated.

This is also a difficult place to deal with. It has to look very ordinary, but it is too ordinary to act like that, and it is easy to have no sense of existence.

Who should be, Lehmann pointed and blinked, his thoughts were not as smooth as before.

Honest, not honest, can he do it? The face is quite in line with the honest people\'s setting, but the performance...

No matter, this is something Wen Ziren should consider. How to train an actor is also a compulsory course for a director, isn\'t it? If he has nothing to worry about, it\'s enough to choose one that matches his image.


United Kingdom, in an apartment.

A middle-aged man with a bald head was sitting on the sofa answering the phone.

With thick eyebrows and big eyes, he looks like an honest man.

It\'s this muscle, the body is strong, and it doesn\'t feel very easy to mess with.

As the saying goes, fat water does not flow to outsiders, Lehmann has always made no secret of the tradition that he likes to use acquaintances.

The film industry is a very realistic place. Human relationships and relationships have created a "circle" that looks like a spider\'s web and is inextricably linked.

Besides, isn\'t it human nature to choose one\'s own people first?

If you are a person, you will have emotional closeness, so there is nothing worth mentioning about choosing actors based on this condition.

As long as certain casting criteria can be met, of course, acquaintances are preferred.

And this time, for the role of Adam, Lyman wanted Jason Statham to try it out.

Although he has always acted in action movies, after all, he is full of tendons and meat. No matter how you look at it, he feels like a thug, a social gangster, or something.

And it\'s not good at acting. It may be more difficult to play Adam\'s identity and temperament, but who made him work with Lehman.

It\'s good to give a chance to break through. Broaden the way of play?

"Okay, I\'ll be right there."

The bald-headed man with thick eyebrows and big eyes hung up the phone happily. It was Jason Statham who had just notified the invitation.

It is said that since the word-of-mouth box office double harvest of "Bad Guy" has not only made the film\'s main creators gain a lot, but also made his days in Hollywood better and better.

Once the attention is high, the film company is also quite popular.

It also made Jason Statham usher in a busy career in the recent period of time.

In just two months, three films have been filmed in succession. Although the role plays are still not high, there is still acting.

He is not picky, he can make money, he can also perform, he can increase his industry qualifications, and he can become more famous~www.novelhall.com~ What is there to dislike.

It\'s much better than when he first hit the wall everywhere and didn\'t necessarily have a play a year.

Humans, always be content.

He was quite content, and this change also made Jason Statham more and more grateful to Lyman. After the movie was released, he not only made a phone call to express his gratitude.

But I didn\'t expect that I was invited by him again.

Could it be that all his fantasies in the Paramount reception room that day were going to come true.

Is it a dream, if so, please don\'t wake me up.

Jason Statham was so happy that he made a phone call to ask his agent.

Of course, the agent didn\'t know that the filming of "The Chainsaw" was still quite private.

No way, since we made an appointment to meet, let\'s go first.
