Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 183: trash fish

In a minimally decorated office.

The smoke shrouded, just like a fairyland on earth.


Matt Cohen, the then director of the marketing department of Europa Films, put down the cigar in his hand, snorted lightly, shook off the ash, and said with a deep meaning and as if casually, "Mr. Luc Besson, I heard that Does the company have a new project? Director Lehmann has been doing a lot of work lately. Not only does he have a plan to make a film, but he can also make some investment. He is really capable.”

When Luc Besson, who was sitting opposite him, heard the words, he naturally understood that there was something in the words.

Let\'s talk about his identity first. Putting aside the position of head of the marketing department, there are several shareholders standing behind Matt Cohen.

After all, running such a big film company, of course, you have to convince the public. How can one person have the final say.

"People can be so powerful, naturally they have the ability, and I have a sense of it in my heart."

Luc Besson paused, as if to give the person on the opposite side a little space to think. He put the cigar in his mouth and took a sip of it slowly before he said it.

"I said before that since the company chooses to set up the project, it naturally has the company\'s plan. Why, do you think Lehman can\'t do it? Or is there something wrong with the company\'s decision-making?"

"No no no." Matt Cohen shook his head immediately and denied: "In the past two years, everyone has seen Director Lyman\'s achievements, how could I not believe him, besides, the company all agreed on this, Of course I have no problem."

No comment?

Oh, what a liar.

Luc Besson didn\'t tell the truth, and continued to perfunctory: "Then you came to me today, is there something else?"

Matt Cohen smiled, held his cigar and said, "It\'s something. I don\'t think the conditions we gave were too generous, which seemed to be detrimental to the company\'s interests."

"The global box office of "Bad Guy" broke 600 million, did you know that?" The smoke cleared, but he muttered to himself.

These words were thoughtless, and the text will not continue. Matt Cohen frowned when he heard it.

The two looked at each other, each with deep meaning.

"Oh? Is that right? I didn\'t pay much attention to this aspect, or I just found out today."

The investment share of Europa Pictures in the "Chainsaw" project is not high. Naturally, some people will object to this. However, what Luc Besson did not expect is that the board of directors behind it seems to have some opinions.

Just look at the person who came to ask.

Do you really think he doesn\'t know anything?

Today\'s slightly larger film companies have complex internal personnel relations and equity distribution.

Even if Luc Besson is obviously the most powerful wave and can be the master of the house, even if he has a good vision, he can find good projects for the company, discover new talents, and even continue to generate profits.

But there are still people who have other ideas.

Wealth and silk move people\'s hearts, but it is not always easy to satisfy.

"The company only accounts for 30% of the box office revenue, so it should be a little less."

"How can it be? Some people don\'t need to take risks when they make money. What else do you want for such a good thing?" Luc Besson looked at the opposite and smiled indifferently.

"It turned out to be quite satisfactory, I thought too much." Matt Cohen continued: "Then don\'t disturb your work..."

He put out the cigar, and after a few polite words, said goodbye and left.

Watching the door of the office close again, Luc Besson\'s smile gradually subsided until it disappeared.

He glanced at a company\'s first-half financial statement on the table.

The numbers on the top are actually pretty nice, but there are always people who think it’s not enough, and maybe they think they can go further.

The idea is good, but the brain is not clear.

Can\'t turn around.

Although they are issuing companies and are at the top of the industry chain, but there is no downstream supply, what is the use, it is not blind.

If their company\'s manufacturing department is strong, it will be fine, just like Disney now, even if the business of live-action movies has not been able to go up, but relying on its own background, among the six majors, the market share is still strong.

But does Europafilm have these? Isn\'t there no such thing as such a big face, until I think too much.

If there is a lack of good works, and if you are not careful to attract capable directors, will you really develop well and your self-confidence will burst?

Don\'t you know that in the entertainment industry, talents are not worse than channels.

He worked hard to maintain the cooperative relationship between the two parties in the front, but there were people who were yin and yang in the back, and Luc Besson really wanted to yell at him.

A good director, isn\'t it an alternative industry resource?

Can make money, can make a lot of money, but also change the law and want to be harsh.

What are you thinking, is it that the non-European film industry is not cooperating, or what?

In this world, is there anyone who can\'t live with profit?

Or, with Lehman\'s current qualifications and status, will there be a lack of investment from film companies?

He understands the sense of proportion, why does his own company produce stupid people.

Do you see that Lehmann has made a particularly excessive condition? Which time is not on top of past achievements, strive for it properly, and accept it as soon as it is good, and is willing to release goodwill.

Which time is not his last compromise, only for the continued cooperation between the two parties.

In fact, Lehman is afraid of trouble here, and he doesn\'t want to delay the progress of the shooting because of a small disagreement, so he always makes concessions calmly at the juncture of the final negotiation, above his own bottom line.

But in Luc Besson\'s view, this is the release of goodwill and the performance of knowing how to advance and retreat.

And as a director himself, he can fully understand how remarkable it is that Lehmann is both productive and marketable.

Like himself, he often tinkers with one work in two or three years, which is also the norm for most directors in the industry.

After all, ideas are rare, and it is even more rare to turn ideas into reality and win the love of the audience.

Such talents, what is the reason not to cherish cooperation?

In his opinion, some people\'s buttocks are crooked and their thoughts are nonsense.

In order to compete for power and profit, even the obvious facts can be thrown aside for a while, pretending to be invisible, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also powerful enough.

Luc Besson put out his cigar, put it away carefully, stood up, and paced back and forth in the office thinking about his thoughts.

After a while, he picked up the phone and called his assistant.

"Notify the senior management of the company and have a meeting at 1 pm." He looked at his watch, it was about 10 am, and he ordered.

"Okay." The assistant nodded and hurriedly informed the meeting.

He sat back in his office chair, frowning slightly.

It seems that it is necessary to clean up the board of directors, there are too many shareholders. There are so many people and so many ideas, how can this be done?

It just so happens that the company has performed well in the past two years, and many people are more willing to support him. Whether it is repurchase or other means, they can always sort it out.

For the future development of the company, he can no longer tolerate too much noise.

Luc Besson thought to himself.