Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 164: Recognition

Accompanied by the melodious background music, the cast and crew list began to scroll on the big screen. Usually, many audience members would get up and leave the stage at this time, not to mention that it was already after 10 pm, and the viewing time was nearly two hours. For some people, it is a time period when they should go home and rest as soon as possible.

However, most of the audience in the screening hall did not move tonight, but discussed the plot with the people around them enthusiastically.

These people are of course out of love for the movie, and so is Dawn.

Originally, he was looking at Nicolas Cage and the genre of the movie.

Thriller crime is also a gangster theme, which is very tempting for him.

Gangs of New York, The Godfather Series, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, Scarface, Las Vegas... such masterpieces of movie history gangster theme, he can do it well.

He even thought about what kind of sparks the collision between Lyman and Nicolas Cage would spark after a director like Martin Scorsese.

He is quite excited and hopes that films of this type will become mainstream.

Bad Guy Movies, he\'s seen a lot of articles coming back from Cannes on the Internet.

Yishui\'s praise further stimulated his idea of ​​wanting to watch this movie.

So, instead of playing with his girlfriend, he took her to the cinema instead.

The queue was long, and the wait was exhausting.

Finally entered the cinema, the location is not very good, it is the middle seat in the third row from the bottom.

He was still full of expectations, but when he arrived at the scene, he listened to the audience around him discussing "How is Tom Cruise?"

This made him a little uncomfortable.

He likes to pay attention to the list of creators when watching movies. That\'s how Lehmann\'s name came to be known to him, although this is the second time he has watched his movie.

The first time was also the fury played by Nicolas Cage.

But who is Tom Cruise? The famous eats with his face, no matter what other people say, his impression is always not good.

He has always liked acting schools like Nicolas Cage, and it was only because of him that he learned about this movie.

Fortunately, he didn\'t leave the stage, and Dawn had a very pleasant feeling in his heart.

Including his girlfriend Murray.

She was pulled over. She is neither a fan of anyone nor does she like this kind of subject matter, but after reading it, she thought to watch it again, because there are many details of the plot that I didn\'t understand.

As for the content of the discussion among the surrounding audience, it is even more divergent.

Some say that Tom Cruise is good; some think the undercover wife doesn\'t deserve to die; some whitewash the Los Angeles police, saying that the reason why they don\'t trust Tom Cruise is because he has never really been in the line of sight, trust this guy. There is no way to talk about things; there are people who recognize Heath Ledger\'s crazy methods, and it is more regrettable that he did not get rid of the top police officers and the three leaders, otherwise he would be able to take charge of the "Golden Gate Party" as he wished...

It was not until all the subtitles of the cast and crew were played and the film was officially ended that the audience got up and left in a hurry. In the crowd, the words "wonderful" and "powerful" became their frequent words, which is also Dawn A feeling after watching the whole film

To be honest, the rivalry between the two forces didn\'t touch him too much, because he was an enemy, and he didn\'t think it was too much to use any means. What touched him the most was when Nicolas Cage was dying in the hospital. What he said to Tom Cruise, and finally Tom Cruise\'s actions when he took the initiative to seek relief after being bound by life and identity.

One is brotherhood, the other is to break free from fate. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

There is no big reason, and there is no deliberate provocation, and the core of the story is not the right thing to say, but Dawn feels very real.

That kind of undercover life, contrary to one\'s own beliefs, is cruelly shaped by the director.

His transformation was based on police distrust, brotherhood, a little loyalty and a little love.

This is not a warm story. From beginning to end, it is a trial of human nature and a tragedy.

It\'s cruel, cruel to the truth.

"He is so pitiful." This is the focus of many people\'s discussions. He became the leader of the club, but he was not happy because he lived in darkness forever.

"I want to watch it again, Dawn, will you accompany me?" Merry asked.

"Of course." Dwayne shrugged, "In fact, I had this plan originally, originally to support Cage, but I didn\'t expect Tom Cruise to play well in it."

"The final transition was so cool."

"The director is great..."

As the voices in the theater slowly dissipated, the two figures walked out of the corridor.

Crete gave Brad Pitt a careful look. He wore sunglasses and a hood, which made it difficult to see his expression~www.novelhall.com~ But as an agent, Crete knew his client Maybe not in a good mood.

As a film practitioner, he can see how good the bad guy is and knows that the movie has a good chance of being a big hit.

And if it\'s a big sell...

He shook his head slightly, since the Furious Casting missed the opportunity because the asking price was too high, at first, he didn\'t care.哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

Because Pitt\'s coffee spot is there, there is no shortage of movie performance resources.

But later, the market performance of Furious Release was very good, and he even defeated the old-fashioned series 007 in the competition, and he regretted it a little.

Come to think of it, Pitt regrets it too, otherwise he wouldn\'t pay so much attention to director Lehman\'s new work, and made a special trip to the theater to check the situation after participating in the event.


"This is still the first day, and the fans and audiences don\'t mean anything." In the end, on the way to drive, Crit said this sentence against his conscience.

He knew that Pitt wanted to see director Ryman make a fool of himself, and that the best movie was a mess.

Unfortunately, he never got his wish.

As for why? Do you need any reason to be upset with someone?

If you want, reject his conditions and invite Nicolas Cage instead, causing him to be ridiculed by some media for his lack of vision.

When Fury was released, it was not enough to point the propaganda at him to increase the topicality. This is what MGM did when they made black material, but Pete thought it was Lyman\'s idea.

"Tell me when the bad guy\'s first-day box office results come out." The car drove into Brad Pitt\'s mansion, and after leaving such a sentence, he got out of the car and walked in.

"Ugh..." Krit sighed.

So, where is Lyman now?