Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 165: The operation of offline copyright

The day before Bad Guys was released, Lyman was in Los Angeles.

Compared with the film market of the two countries, the United States always has more weight and needs more attention.

Hollywood, caa\'s headquarters.

In the well-decorated office, two people sat opposite each other on the sofa.

In the middle is a solid wood coffee table with two cups of coffee on it.

Kevin Howian took a sip, pointed to a document above, looked at Lyman opposite, and said slowly, "So, do you know the charm of Oscar?"

He stood up, pulled the curtains slightly to block the sunlight that came in, "Since you won the award, you have started a new project, and it\'s about to be released now. We haven\'t sat down and had a good chat. Something\'s distracting, and I haven\'t officially congratulated you. Good luck with your new movie, Lyman."

Lehman smiled and picked up the coffee, "This is all of our business, and the profit is also ours."

"That\'s right." Kevin Howian also said happily: "It is a very right thing for us to let you join caa. I am a little worried that you will be poached by other people or brokerage companies."

"Then you need to fight for me even more." Lehmann teased.

"We\'ve already offered you the best service conditions, isn\'t that enough?" Kevin also laughed.

Naturally, he came here today for the offline operation of the three idiots in Bollywood after the Oscars ended.

So desperately, spending countless words, contacts, energy and money to win awards, for Lehman, it must be for the blessing of personal influence, and even for the effect of the potential value of this reputation, it is not a pity to pay a large sum of Franklin for this. , but for companies like Paramount, Europa, caa, winning the Oscar is always about profit, or the kind of gain that can be seen in a while.

After all, compared to Lehman, using this award to decorate the facade is completely dispensable to them. Only interests and only interests can make them tempted to operate.

And the document on the table is the efficiency of their days.

The data listed above is very detailed and clear at a glance.

In the US market alone, there are more than 10,000 video tapes sold. This is not counting the income from rental and sales. In a general sense, the entire home entertainment market should have received a revenue of 14.32 million US dollars.

Moreover, the award was won the day before, and as soon as the relevant news was released, Paramount Pictures seized the opportunity to add a few more theaters to show Three Silly Bollywood, and the slogan was the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

The wind direction of this Olympic Award is also immediate. The box office figures of the repackaged and released Three Silly Havoc in Bollywood are actually not bad. Compared with the poor 100,000 yuan that was bought at the box office by the previous screening, it instantly increased by a dozen times. , the single-day output can be more than one million US dollars.

Even many foreign filmmakers have come to ask to buy the distribution rights.

Germany, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan... These film markets are all visible, not to mention offline channels such as video tapes and DVDs have always been a long-term business.

Even after deducting the cost of publicity and public relations, the United States alone can wipe it all out. Then calculate the overseas market, deduct the money from the buyout and the money from the distribution, the income that falls in the hands of the producer is about 10 million or 20 million. These are almost pure profits, and the sales of DVDs and video tapes are very high. Considerable appearance, about the harvest can also be more than 40 million US dollars.

Oscar is really very profitable, no wonder Miramax can have a good position among many manufacturers by relying on low-cost production.


"Knowing this earlier, we can operate successfully and the results are very good. It should not be scheduled for release in March. It should be screened first, and then rolled out on a large scale after winning the award. It will definitely perform better, believe me. , Lehmann, when the time comes, the amazing box office numbers will make people feel elated..."

"I\'m very happy now." Lyman glanced at Kevin Howian and continued: "So, how is the revenue divided and settled, or is it the old rule?"

"Of course, the relevant accounts have been sent to your studio, and the channel payment for DVDs and videotapes is still the old rule, which is paid every three months. We have decided not to charge for this service." Kevin Howian Generous promise. Now he or caa wants to maintain a good relationship with Lehman, so it doesn\'t matter if he takes a little less service fee. The caa is shared with Paramount.

So if you compare a situation like this to a piece of cake, Lehmann now only accounts for 8%, and it should have been 25%.

Lyman smiled~www.novelhall.com~ did not speak. His biggest feeling in this regard is the rise in status and potential reputation. As for real money and profit, he doesn\'t care so much. Of course, if you should take it yourself, you will not be polite. Business is fine. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing." Lyman looked at Kevin Howian, "Help me find someone to follow Sophie Marceau, I want to find her in my next drama, and I need to ask her about her schedule and negotiation to join the group. work."

"Don\'t worry, leave this to me." Kevin agreed.

Although Lehman\'s nominally highest business acceptance broker has always been Kevin Howian, but with his status in caa, he has long stopped following up on a certain client\'s related work, generally focusing on major aspects. It was done by Johnson, the manager in charge of the day-to-day life, but because the bad guy is about to be released, there must be a lot of things in the United States, and it is inevitable that there will be a lack of skills, so you need to find someone to go to France to deal with it.

"Then if there\'s nothing else, I\'ll go back first." After the related work had a solution, Lehman also took the initiative to leave.

"It\'s the same sentence, Lyman, I wish you success, the new film will be a big hit." Kevin Howian said, extending his hand. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

"Thank you." Lyman shook hands and said, "Then, see you next time."

After all, he turned and left the conference room.

After leaving the headquarters building, the agent Johnson was already waiting in the parking lot.

"Come on, go back to the hotel."

The vehicle started slowly, and after it was delivered to the hotel, he greeted Ryan and the others, and Lehman returned to his room.

Take a shower to clear your tiredness.

Until lying on the bed, before going to sleep, Lehman suddenly thought: It will be released tomorrow, and I don\'t know what the situation will be...