Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 163: Film release

May 22, a very ordinary, very ordinary day.

But for some fans or fan audiences, it is a long-awaited day.

Because today is the national release of the movie Bad Guys.

After the three idiots made a riot in Bollywood and the madness of the excellent market performance endorsement, the trust of director Lehman was beaten, not to mention the first-line movie stars such as Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage joined, so this film is in At the beginning of its release, it also received the attention of the theaters.

On the first day of the release, the number of screens in 2,886 theaters is the answer they gave, and both the proportion of the film and the prime-time release are very good, which is quite a high-profile feeling.

From the publicity to the moment it was screened in Cannes, the film has left an impression on many people with the popularity of several leading actors and excellent film critics.

Of course, the media also attaches great importance to it, and they are well prepared. After the results of the bad guys come out, they will decide whether to blow it up or not. Anyway, whether it is really a good word-of-mouth film or a bad film with false hype, they are all determined. In an invincible place, there is material to report.

If it is a bad movie, it may attract more attention. They can criticize and ridicule as much as they want.

The reality is probably the case, and the media people are the best among them.

When night fell, Dawn, who had been busy for most of the day, took his girlfriend Merry to a movie theater near the university, took a seat at the end of the long queue in the ticket hall, and was about to buy two Bad guy movie tickets.

The movie\'s schedule in the theater is from 7:30 to 9:30 and two shows from 10:00 to 12:00. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

Looking at the long queue, Dawn sighed. Today is only Thursday, and it\'s a working day. The average student or people who are too busy with work the next day rarely go to the movies, but that\'s it, the queue is really enough. long.

"I hope this movie is really as good as what is said on the Internet." Girlfriend Merry muttered, "Up to now, Rotten Tomatoes and imdb have no relevant movie reviews and ratings, and I don\'t know what the situation is."

"The public screening has just begun." Dawn explained: "And many film forums have said that the film\'s reputation in Cannes is very good, not to mention Nicolas Cage in it."

Well, he\'s a fan of Cage.

Those who can enter the theater to support it on the first day are generally fan audiences, which is quite normal.

On the other side, in a cinema in Chicago, Bella was wearing a thin gown, looking at the promotional poster in the poster column, and staring at the line "Director: Leman Rattles" for a long time before moving away. Glancing his gaze, he walked towards the ticket window.

She has always been very concerned about his films.

This time, I naturally hope to see it first.

"A movie ticket for the bad guy, thank you." After a dozen people lined up, it was Bella\'s turn.

The white conductor took the ticket. After Bella paid the $6.50, she took the ticket and turned around and walked to the theater.

After entering, Bella looked left and right to pay attention to the seating situation while looking for her position.

The area of ​​the movie hall is not large, about 600 people can be accommodated, except for the seats in the back row that are empty, almost full.

It seems that this movie is indeed very popular, Bella secretly delighted, finds her seat and sits down.

Before the movie started, there was a hum of conversation in the auditorium.

"You think Tom Cruise\'s performance is really that good?"

"Nicholas Cage played, and I was full of expectations for the film all of a sudden."

"Has this actor named Heath Ledger played Norman before? It seems like I look at the poster." The fastest updated novel https://

"Why hasn\'t the movie started yet?"

"You get me the popcorn and drinks, and I\'m going to the toilet."

There was a lot of noise around, and it slowly became quiet.

The lights went out and the screen slowly turned on.

"What will it bring me this time?" Bella adjusted her sitting position and muttered to herself.

As a film critic, she has to be impartial, even if she admires director Ryman\'s ability to direct.

Well, try to be fair and objective.

After watching the three idiots making a fuss about Bollywood, she felt that she couldn\'t say anything bad about his movies.

Her principle has long been shaken, witnessing his step-by-step growth, there is an inexplicable sense of expectation.

But a movie is a movie. If the story of the movie itself is boring or unpleasant, Bella will not deliberately tout it. It is probably just a bland turn over. Maybe in the future, I will not pay so much attention to the development path of Lehman. .

After the movie\'s opening animation and the screening logo, the screen went black at first~www.novelhall.com~ and quickly turned on.

A gloomy face appeared on the screen, and Heath Ledger\'s second-ranking family had a good look. The next scene told the audience how ruthless the society was to those who stood in their way.

There was a slight sound of surprise in the cinema, and it was obvious that the death of a living person being put into a large iron bucket and sunk to the bottom of the sea was chilling.

But Bella\'s focus was not on this. She watched Heath Ledger because she had seen several films directed by Lehman. She was quite impressed with this actor, and now she has changed her image to play the role. The boss of the society has no sense of disobedience.

"Norman, the obedient and taciturn recruit, can\'t see a shadow at all. It\'s amazing." Bella thought with emotion.

Before the audience can recover from the surprise, the screen has been switched from Heath Ledger.

Accompanied by the sound of the majestic rain, a talk by the police station introduced the background of the film. The underground forces in Los Angeles have been unified by the "Golden Gate Party", which has become the biggest hidden danger in the urban area.

Then, in the scene of a car accident on a rainy night, the director laid a foreshadowing, that is, who will be in the other car.

Such bright, suggestive shots naturally captivate the audience.

It wasn\'t until the undercover role played by Tom Cruise appeared that a little clue came together.

Bella has been completely aroused, watching the plot unfold slowly, and from time to time she writes down some movie viewing experiences in her notebook.

Under the rivalry between the two forces, the position changes and character analysis of each character, as well as contradictions and conflicts, are all her concerns.

In this, the undercover role played by Tom Cruise is definitely the most different, and even his final rebellion has a kind of excusable meaning, which is undoubtedly an excellent affirmation of the director\'s excellent skills in shaping characters.