Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 162: Ledger standard

If "Bad Guy" wants to enter the Chinese/Chinese market, it must naturally abide by other people\'s rules.

According to what Han Cheng said, in the movie, the fight scene of Nicolas Cage in the elevator needs to be cut out of some frontal close-ups, and the frontal shots must be avoided when Tom Cruise shot Kate Beckinsale. There were also some cuts to Heath Ledger\'s actions and Tom Cruise\'s actions to get the upper hand, but other than that, it\'s nothing.

After listening to the specific requirements, Lehman said, "Yes." His willingness to agree also made the film buying team of China Film very happy.

After all, if people don\'t want to cut it, they can\'t do anything about it. At most, they can only give up the idea of ​​introducing screenings.

"Then let\'s be specific, let\'s talk about agency distribution." Then, Han Cheng talked about China Film\'s regulations on splitting films.

This time he didn\'t think about releasing "Bad Guy" in the form of a buyout, although the former would allow them to make more money.

The reason is very simple, there are not enough places. In this way, only about 15 films can be imported by China Film and Huaxia, and they can be released by one party alone. Such a convenient way is naturally finished from the beginning.

In addition, buying out the rights is usually to buy those movies that have been in theaters for a long time, so the cost will be lower, but "Bad Guy" is only the premiere of Cannes, of course, it is not the first choice.

Next, the two parties started negotiations on the cooperation issue. Both parties were sincere, and the negotiation went smoothly.

After a while, the related problems were solved.

The condition for sharing the accounts given by China Film is that Europa Pictures can get 13% of the box office revenue of the film "Bad Guy" in China/China. (ps: This ratio is dead, as long as foreign filmmakers want to enter the Chinese/Chinese market, they have no choice.)

The ratio of 13% is naturally very harsh, especially compared to the general international distribution standards (35% for producers, 17% for distributors, and 48% for theaters and screening theaters). George and Lyman were quite satisfied with the idea of ​​how much the screening could earn.

If you are not satisfied, you can\'t. The regulations are there, and it\'s still a rule made by a country, and you can\'t resist.

However, Hollywood has always been dissatisfied with this ratio. In 2012, through a ruling, the share ratio was added to 25% of the total box office revenue.

After all, it is selling one\'s body, so don\'t be too miserable.

And in response to this phenomenon, the concept of "co-production" has also been developed.

For example, the Sino-US co-production "The Great Wall" and the Sino-French co-production "Wolf Totem", if these co-production films are released in China/China, they can enjoy the treatment of domestic films, there is no quota limit, the proportion of accounts is reasonable, and they can even enjoy relevant policies. support.

The only thing is that the copyright has to be allocated to the Chinese side, and the shooting conditions are also very harsh.

For this kind of joint filming, it is necessary to hire foreign main creative personnel, and it must be approved, and the proportion of foreign main actors should not exceed two-thirds of the total number of main actors. After the filming, the producer needs to send the film to the radio and television department for review. , After passing the qualification, you can get the dragon mark for the corresponding screening work.

However, as long as it is successful, the producer and the distributor will share 43% of the revenue. (Talk about the specifics, but at least the proportion is higher than that of the account introduction, which is also encouraged by the state. It is implemented in various aspects to reduce the pressure of foreign blockbusters on its own market.)

Every country with the slightest voice has a means of resisting the invasion of Hollywood films in this regard. Oh, you said Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia, then it\'s fine, the international status is not bad, but there is nothing wrong with being a little brother. Yes, it is a red card warning, who dares to be presumptuous.

Stains, a bit miserable

"Happy cooperation." Han Cheng took the initiative to extend his hand and said.

After the negotiation was completed, the group was in a very good mood.

"Happy cooperation." Lyman smiled and shook hands.

"If there is no problem, after the deletion, we will submit it for review to obtain the screening qualification. We estimate that the screening can be arranged in early June."

"Well, I understand." George also said.

"That\'s it, I wish you a good time, we still have something to do, so let\'s go first." Han Cheng said goodbye.

Watching the people from China Film leave, Lehman also sighed, "For the first time, they took the initiative to look for them."

In other words, Lehmann has made four films, except for "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood", which was regarded as a batch film and bought out the distribution rights to China Film, but has not yet been scheduled for release. In addition, the remaining Not to mention "Buried Alive" and "Fury", the number of places is limited, and people don\'t like it.

"It\'s a good start." George continued: "Lehmann, I\'m leaving first, I have to deal with the simultaneous release of "Bad Guy" in France."

"go Go."

George is really ambitious. He rarely runs here or there every day when he is free. I don\'t know if he will be tired.

After thinking about it for a while, Lyman walked along the outer edge of the beach.

He didn\'t ask Eva Green to come over. After all, he had to deal with business affairs, so she would definitely be left out in the cold. Instead of letting her wander around the banquet alone, there was no need.

The sand is very fine, take off your shoes and step on it is very comfortable. Looking at the dark sea in the distance, and looking at the carnival people nearby, inexplicably did not want to participate.

Sometimes it\'s good to be alone.

While enjoying this comfort, there are always inappropriate interruptions.

"Director Lyman."

Hearing the greeting, Lehmann turned his head to look, and saw Sophie Marceau walking over.

Approaching, there is a faint fragrance on the body. I don\'t know what brand of perfume I use, but I can just buy a bottle of Eva Green, it smells so good.

"Congratulations on winning the Grand Jury Prize for your film." She was also so polite.

"Thank you." Of course, so did Lyman.

How can two people who have only seen each other get to know each other well? No politeness and no chat.

"I went to see the movie, and it was very good." She continued to find the topic. Since Lehman invited her to make a movie that day, she has become a little more interested~www.novelhall.com~ After going to the theater to see the feature film of "Bad Guy", this kind of thinking has become more and more obvious.

As an actor, I always hope to perform good works, especially for someone like her who has pursuits.

"Your schedule hasn\'t been handed in yet." Layman asked again.


"That\'s right. My script is about to be completed. After a while, you can take a look at it."

"OK, all right."

"Oh, by the way, what brand of perfume do you use."

"Dior." Sophie Marceau was surprised, but replied.

"Thank you." After saying that, he turned and walked away.

Strange person. she thought so.

