Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 161: Cannes night

After the awards, the organizers held a party as usual.

Just like the Oscars for the Vanity Fair dinner, in Cannes, the sponsors are not so big, and the name is very simple, it is called Cannes Night.

All the filmmakers who were still competing for the grand prize just came to a sandy beach, and this was the venue they provided.

Not to mention, although it is open air, the atmosphere is more relaxed and relaxed.

Lehmann didn\'t want to attend. After all, isn\'t it enough to attend such a decent party?

I just think it\'s troublesome to make friends and circles, this party is not qualified at all.

But when George said that a Chinese/Chinese film company wanted to find him and discuss something with him, Lehmann agreed.


The Cannes Film Festival has always had a very close relationship with the Chinese/Chinese film industry, both private and official.

The folks have mentioned it before, so I won\'t go into details here, just talk about official cooperation.

As we all know, China/China has always had the task of buying out or splitting foreign films.

Since the late 1970s, China Film has been mainly responsible for import matters. Of course, Shanghai Huaxia is also qualified to import, but he is usually a younger brother, so I won\'t talk about it here.

In the beginning, China and China relied on buying out copyrights for distribution. For example, in 1939, the former Soviet film "Lenin in 1918", which was the first to buy out copyrights, was released in 1994. Only "Desperados" changed this pattern. It was a prying open of the relatively closed film market in China/Mainland at the time, and it also marked the official entry of the Chinese/Chinese film market into the quota system for imported "split blockbusters".

This so-called quota system refers to the film import quota system implemented by China/China. In theory, the number of imported films that can be screened in national theaters is about 64 each year, including split films, buyout films, and some co-production films. The general total number. (ps: Films produced by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are also called imported films in a strict sense, but they do not occupy places.)

In China, only China Film can introduce "split films", and Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd. is not qualified, but can participate in the distribution with the theater chain.

So, what does this kind of "account split" mean?

In fact, it is quite simple, that is, the film copyright owner does not sell the distribution rights, but entrusts a local agency to distribute it on its behalf, and negotiates the share ratio in advance, and settles and divides the film according to the local box office profit obtained by the film. The quota is set at 20 per year. (ps: This number was still ten per year, but after joining the WTO in 2001, it increased to 20 per year. In 2012, China and the United States re-entered a memorandum of understanding on related issues, and increased the number of 3D and IMAX films by 14 per year. Department.)

And these 20 credits include 14 American-produced films and 6 other international or regional films.

In general, it\'s about some kind of balance.

As for Lehmann, it is also the film buying group that China/Film came to Cannes this time to select films.

Their task is very simple, to find some films suitable for introduction in China/China at the Cannes Film Festival, and then return to China to arrange screenings. This is also the form of work they do every year.

In addition to the purpose of profit, it is more about cultural and strategic considerations.

The three major film festivals have naturally become the most ideal places for China Film to buy films because of their market advantages. Every year, people are basically arranged to participate, and this time, they also selected a film.

"\'Bad Guy\', starring Tom Cruise," Han Cheng, the group leader, read the information on the form, "Nicolas Cage starring — oh, they\'re all old acquaintances."

Tom Cruise needless to say, the "Mission Impossible" series is famous in the Chinese/Chinese market, and Nicolas Cage needs no introduction. Most of the movies he starred in have been introduced and screened. Among the foreign movie stars known by the Chinese/Chinese masses, Cage\'s name is absolutely unparalleled.

"Who is this Heath Ledger?" Han Cheng asked.

"Oh, it\'s an Australian actor. He recently starred in "Fury", and the box office data is very good." Several team members also reported relevant information. China Film has always been cautious in choosing films because they represent the official position.

"Is there any bad behavior?"

"I haven\'t been involved in any film works with sensitive themes, and I haven\'t had any public social activities. In private, I don\'t know." The team member answered truthfully: "But even if there is, no one knows about it, and it shouldn\'t have much impact."

"What about the other actors or creators?" Han Cheng continued to ask.

"The director Lehmann and the main creative team are all French, and I have never heard of any bad influence."

Han Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and made a mark on the film, "Then let\'s prepare to negotiate the import qualification of this film."

After all, China Film is also a company. If there is no problem with everything, it will still focus on profits.

"However, there are a few scenes that are too **** and violent, right?" one of the team members worried.

"It\'s alright, I\'ll go and see for myself. Are these leading actors very famous? They\'re all acquaintances. Just delete some of them."

Han Cheng doesn\'t care about this. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has introduced movies that rarely have scenes that have not been deleted. (ps: For example, Brad Pitt was officially banned from coming to China because he starred in an insulting work "Tibet 7 Years" in 1997. Similarly, Angelina Jolie. It is the reference standard for ideological and cultural strategy.)

Now that it has been decided to introduce "Bad Guy", Han Cheng also contacted the relevant distributor Europa Films. Later, George was also responsible for the matter, but because of the need to cut scenes, it was also delayed to the Cannes night, and everyone had an interview.

At night, a slight sea breeze mixed with water vapor brushed against his cheeks.

At a party that had already turned into a bonfire party and a beach buffet dinner, Lehman and George met someone from China Film.

"Congratulations to the film directed by Lehmann for winning the Grand Jury Prize. My name is Han Cheng." Saying good things at a meeting is the best way to bring the two sides closer to each other, and it will also be very beneficial to the next negotiation.

"Thank you." Lyman shook hands with him and smiled kindly, "I don\'t know if you guys want to contact me for anything."

Get straight to the point and express your thoughts directly. Perfect.

Having dealt with foreigners a lot, Han Cheng was no longer polite, and continued: "I think Mr. George has already told you a little bit, and we are here to talk about the introduction and distribution. I went to the theater to see it. The movie, to be honest, was brilliant, but inside..." He hesitated: "There\'s so much blood in some places that we wanted to ask about the cuts. What do you think? "

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