Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 159: what are you doing

Maybe it was just after taking a shower. After Lyman lay down, he could clearly smell the faint fragrance of the shower gel on Eva\'s body, as well as a very, very wonderful...body odor mixed with it?

Her hair was just on the side of her face, and it was itchy when it touched the skin.

He slowly wanted to approach the past, and just after taking a step, Eva Green turned around, "Oh, my hair is pinched."

She was silly, raised her head slightly, and fiddled with her hair.

Lyman curled the corners of his mouth, feeling that the atmosphere was just right, so he no longer hesitated, and put his arms around Eva.


As the saying goes, foreplay is very important.

After some entanglement, Eva Green hugged him tightly,

The two of them are very familiar with this kind of action, but when they actually do it, they still look hot, sweaty, and have disordered and rapid breathing.

"Let me come." Eva was calm, and actively wanted to speed up the rhythm.

"Hey, all right."

Lehmann took a deep breath and prepared his last physical and mental mobilization before the battle.

Just as he was about to make a move, Eva poked him with her finger, "Lie down and let me be on top."

Lyman couldn\'t, so he had to lie down obediently.


Lyman was speechless for a moment, but seeing how lazy she was when she sat down and refused to get up, she had to get up and put her arms around her smooth back.

"Come again next time." Eva was obviously not convinced.

Lyman did not explain this to her, and the war started again.

She gasped lightly, her waist slightly arched in coordination.

Killing to the hearty place, the two fell into that strange taste.

By the time the war was over and Ming Jin had withdrawn his troops, it was already midnight.

Good night, sweet dreams.


In the early hours of the morning, it began to rain in Cannes, and by the next morning, it finally stopped.

The sun shines from the clouds, the water vapor is evaporated in the air, and the sultry heat begins to ferment.

Inside the house, large blue curtains blocked the windows.

But some peripheral light still came in. Under the orange light, the two of them were half-covered with a quilt and snuggled together.

Well, I didn\'t turn off the lights when I slept last night, and I was naked.

Eva Green rested on Lyman\'s arm, buried her head between his neck, and pulled her hands over his back. Her legs were not honest, and they hung on others\' waists.

Suddenly, in her sleep, she felt that something was against her and made her uncomfortable, so she changed her posture and put her legs down.

Such a little movement made Lyman open his eyes.

Looking at Eva\'s heroic sleeping position, she couldn\'t help but chuckle.

The skeletons of French people are the same as those of Westerners, which are slightly wider. Therefore, as long as they gain a little weight, they will give people a feeling of big shoulders and round waists.

But if you control it well, it will be like Eva\'s figure now, a little sensual, pleasing to the eye and feel very good.

Although he was awake, he didn\'t want to get up.

Looking up, looking at the ceiling, enjoying the leisurely years.

I was sighing in my heart when suddenly someone grabbed my vital spot.

Looking down again, I don\'t know when Eva felt like she was about to wake up, but her consciousness was still a little confused.

After blinking for a while, he realized that Leiman was beside him, and quickly let go of his hand, "It\'s yours, it hit me."

She murmured and slowly got up again to get up.

There is business today, the Cannes Film Festival is coming to an end.

The time is not urgent. After the two of them washed up, they put on their formal clothes to attend the award ceremony and went out.

Eat something casually. At five o\'clock in the afternoon, the last screening event is over, and the preparations begin.

Although the closing ceremony was far less attention-grabbing than the opening ceremony, it was clear that the filmmakers who were already eligible for award nominations must have been very enthusiastic.

In the waiting area on the red carpet on one side, a group of people looked at each other quite reservedly. Although they were a little nervous, they were more happy.

The change of their emotions is actually very interesting. When they first came, some were for their dreams, some for expressing their ambitions, and some for showing and seeking affirmation. But at the end, apart from those filmmakers who had already left to go home, they still stayed in This, is it for a final purpose, to win an award.

In reality, this is probably the case...

Lehman\'s crew was again arranged to play second, and they were not in a hurry.

Chatting from time to time, Tom Cruise can be said to be in a good mood and high spirits. Now the whole Cannes is discussing his wonderful performance in "Bad Guy", which is not good for a person like him who is not bad for money but bad for fame. for maximum comfort.

He also knew how all this came about, and he complimented Lyman very much inside and out.

No compliments, no. After tasting the sweetness, I know that Lyman has two brushes for training actors. Tom Cruise is still thinking about whether he can continue to cooperate.

After a while, it was their turn.

Tom Cruise took his female partner, Sofia Vergara, the mixed model circle, on the red carpet first, followed by Lyman and Eva Green.

"Caden Ian."

Tom Cruise, who was walking in front, waved to the auditorium on both sides from time to time. In addition to calling his name, he even called the name of his character in the movie.

It seems that he has really been recognized by everyone.

When they arrived at the interview area, the official host quickly stopped Lehmann and prepared to ask questions.

Are you a local? Naturally, you should pay more attention to your own people.

"Excuse me, the movie "Bad Guy" you directed has been nominated for five awards. Are you confident to win these awards?"

"Confidence? Of course I have confidence. But it still depends on whether the judges on the jury like the movie or not. I said it doesn\'t count."

"Many people say that Tom Cruise\'s performance in it is wonderful. As a director, do you have anything to say?"

"He is very hardworking and excellent. It is inevitable that he will shine. It\'s nothing."

"I can evaluate..."

The host was really enthusiastic and kept asking questions when he caught Lehman. Fortunately, the next batch of crew came over, and Lehman also got the opportunity to slip away.

As he and Eva Green were walking towards the Movie Palace, the voice of the audience behind him suddenly became louder, and many people shouted the same name, "Nicole Kidman, Nicole Kidman".

Lehmann turned his head to see that this female star, who was deeply appreciated by the European literary and art circles, was walking the red carpet in a light red dress.

Her shortlisted film this year is called "Dog Town", which tells the story of, um, a beauty turns into a **** in a place called Dog Village.

That is, the character who was chained by the dog~www.novelhall.com~ became the character of the whole village to vent their desires. In the end, the father of the mixed club slaughtered the whole village as the end of the film.

To be honest, the ideological core was shot more in Italy than in France, but it turned out to be the work of a Danish director.

This is really... excellent.

"She is really appealing." Eva on the side said with emotion. With a hint of envy on his face.

"Don\'t follow her." Lyman couldn\'t help saying.

For the first time, **** on the screen is marked with a label.

Regardless of whether others recognize it or not, whether you devote yourself to art or not, it is a sacrifice after all.

Of course, in the field of literature and art in Europe and the United States, it seems that female stars are not considered actors if they don\'t take off their clothes. This kind of bad habit also forces them to do so.

I still want to get a role without taking off or revealing. Isn\'t this a dream?

Lehmann despises this kind of thing. Sometimes it seems that the entertainment industry is a private place for men. It seems that this is true. No one cares about the subjective willingness of those actresses. Anyway, if the standard is there, someone will always take it off. clothing.

After a long time, it has become the mainstream, which is also ridiculous.

With such a large environment, one can\'t help but feel sad and deplorable.

This kind of regularization mechanism can be said to be like a duck in water in this chaotic literary and art circle. Looking at the movies produced in Europe and the United States in recent years, this trend has become more and more obvious, and I don’t know how it will evolve in the end.

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