Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 16: take a politics class

"Crack! Heath Ledger, I need your eyes to be a little more forceful, the feeling of accepting reality but still hoping for life, do you understand?"

Lehman stared at the footage from the director\'s camera, then looked at Heath Ledger with a serious face next to him, and continued: "Imagine that even the Washington government gave up on him, and he accepted it for the sake of his daughter\'s future life. The fate of being buried alive, but deep down, the human desire to survive still remains deep in the soul. That\'s almost what it means, do you understand?"

The filming of the movie "Buried Alive" went very smoothly, even beyond Lyman\'s imagination. In just 4 days, the filming progress of the crew has been pushed by half.

Perhaps this is the benefit of a one-man show. The entire burden of filming is concentrated on the lead actor Heath Ledger, and other auxiliary work is reduced to a minimum. The daily shooting progress depends entirely on the actor\'s performance status, as long as he does not make mistakes. , the scene picture of the effective lens is easy to complete.

After all, every time a scene is shot, neither the scene nor the props need to be changed. It is completely feasible to just wait for Heath Ledger to fix the makeup and adjust the camera position.

Moreover, the main actor Heath Ledger\'s acting skills are really excellent, and there are few problems, which is great news for the filming crew of "Buried Alive", which is short of funds.

Lehman calculated that if the shooting time exceeds 20 days, all the existing funds will be consumed, and there will be no money left for post-production. At that time, whether it is to start his own retreat money or Ryan said, "scratch money". money", will put him under greater pressure to fail.

It\'s a pity that Heath Ledger\'s state is breaking the charts, so he didn\'t give Lehman this chance.

"I think it should be more desperate, even his country has abandoned him, and the thugs also asked him to take a video of him being trapped in the coffin to cause panic in public opinion. At this time, he must have the least desire to survive. time, director."

Obviously, Heath Ledger had his own opinion about the shooting of this scene.

Lyman didn\'t think there was anything wrong with actors having their own opinions. He pulled Heath Ledger and said to the swapped scene, "Take a good look for yourself."

Knowing that he was going to die, his expression was hopeless, his eyes were dull, and the characters\' reactions and emotions were all in place. There was no problem. He looked at Laiman suspiciously.

"It\'s too depressing, it\'s detached from the scene." Lyman gestured with his hands, "Your performance is over, and you\'re even lower, so you seem a little isolated, do you understand?"

"You have to raise it a little bit, don\'t be so low." His hand slid all the way from Heath Ledger\'s waist to his thigh, and then up to his lower abdomen.

Heath Ledger subconsciously nodded.

Seeing his expression, Lyman understood that he didn\'t understand what he meant, so he pulled him and watched the replay of the camera again, "Look, isn\'t the whole picture a little incoherent, you seem to be huddled in that corner alone? It\'s the same, it\'s different from the surrounding painting style."

Heath Ledger finally understood a little bit. It wasn\'t that his emotions were not in place, but that the overall environment shouldn\'t be so low. The lighting is soft, and his presence makes the shot stand out, like he shouldn\'t be there.

"You can\'t just focus on the emotions of your characters, you have to understand the whole atmosphere of the scene. Now it\'s a shot of Paul accepting his fate, yes, but you\'re watching from an outsider, you know the thinking of the Washington authorities, and Paul doesn\'t You know, he still thinks he didn\'t agree to the thugs\' demands, that his daughter will be fine, and he even has a little fantasy that the troops stationed around here will come to rescue him, not the Washington authorities, you understand Is it? So the lighting is a little soft, symbolizing that he still has fantasies and the desire to survive deep in the human body."

"Director, I want to prepare." Heath Ledger said. Lehman\'s remarks helped him see what was deep in the script, and his own brain also had some new thoughts. He needed time to sort out his thoughts on the emotions of the performance.

"Okay, I\'ll give you half an hour."

This kind of situation rarely appeared on the crew of "Buried Alive", and even the camera and lighting went wrong. As an actor, Heath Ledger can still guarantee his performance, but this time, he needs to jump from Paul\'s perspective, from the perspective of Paul. The background of the entire script, which is the war in Afghanistan, must be combined to do better.

"Okay, everyone rest for half an hour." Lyman said loudly.

"What\'s the matter, is my lighting wrong again?" Dougridge, the lighting engineer, asked a little unconfidently. After so many days of shooting, it was the places he was responsible for that made the most mistakes.

"Haha, no, it\'s not your problem, it\'s just a rest."

After speaking, Lyman glanced at Dougridge again. In fact, this hired lighting engineer really has a big problem. The lighting arrangement required for the movie is not difficult. After all, there are few scenes and there is no need to change it, but he always makes a little mistake. . To say it is sloppy, but he sticks to his post seriously every day, so it can only be a problem with his ability.

You get what you get for every penny. Although he has the second highest salary, most of the people in the crew are novices, so it is nothing compared to him. The only advantage is that he saves money and does not complain. He is really patient in doing things. Gotta say.

"What\'s the matter?" After a while, Ryan came over. He knew very well that his old friend, when he was shooting, he could fight as hard as he could, so why would he suddenly think about taking a break.

"Let Heath Ledger find out. His performance just now was too low and uncoordinated." Lyman glanced back, and answered the reason for the rest casually.

Ryan followed the instructions and glanced at it. After Heath Ledger finished his makeup, he sat there and closed his eyes, "Isn\'t he acting well? It\'s so late, do you want to... ..”

Lehman knew what Ryan meant. The whole crew was waiting. It was getting late. Do you want to rest first and shoot tomorrow.

"Give him a chance. Taking advantage of his emotional coherence, it should be fine if he can adjust it well."

As an actor, comprehension is also very important. For some actors, you can see through it at a bit, and for some actors, even if you completely tear it apart in front of him, he won\'t.

As for what kind of actor Heath Ledger has always performed well, we will soon find out.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, Heath Ledger stood up, nodded towards Lyman, and went into the coffin.

Seeing this, Laiman clapped his hands and said loudly, "All departments are in place, ready to start filming."

"--" As the record was made again, the scene began again:

In that small and dim coffin, Heath Ledger was half seated, and the photographer began to adjust the lens.

Now the background of the whole play is that Paul called the US government for help, and also told the US government about the terrorists who threatened him and asked him to take a video of him being buried alive. There is something to ask him if he will help to shoot the video. After all, once such a video spreads, it will have a very negative impact on the credibility of the US government and its strategic relations in international affairs. Therefore, they lied and said it would be the fastest. The speed of rescue Paul, also told him not to film, and promised to protect his family.

The situation of the kidnappers on the other side is even simpler. They are in their own national complex and want to kill Paul and get a death video, which they use to make fun of the U.S. military and government, and they know very well that they will be buried alive by them. This person can\'t get any help from the US at all, because it is not the first time for them to do this. The deaths of many US citizens in the past have not brought them any other benefits, so they thought of burying alive and saying yes To ask for a ransom is not to deceive Paul\'s trust with the idea of ​​​​killing, let him shoot a video, and finally send him to God.

From the beginning to the end, these two forces did not care about the life and death of a little guy like Paul. They just used him as a bargaining chip and rolled back and forth on the sky plate.

As for Paul, he believed the nonsense of the US government~www.novelhall.com~ that his country would send rescue troops to rescue him, so he promised not to make a video.

It wasn\'t until after a long time that the oxygen in the coffin began to thin, and he felt more and more that death was getting closer and closer to him. He didn\'t realize that he was abandoned, but there was still a little fantasy in his heart... .

The whole film, through a mobile phone and a few conversations, reveals the image of the entire high-level society in the United States. The male protagonist also slowly slipped from the peak of hope to the valley of disappointment, and he didn\'t even know that he was being tricked. Subtle irony.

After thinking about this, the performance is a matter of course.

In the camera, Heath Ledger is lying in the coffin decadently, his breathing is barely audible, only the beating chest still shows signs of his life.

As Lehman said, the mood can\'t be too low, the key is to grasp the size.

There seemed to be light flashing in his empty eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised for some reason.

I just want my daughter to be safe and sound, and if possible, I hope I can last until the moment the rescue force arrives.

His eyes seemed to penetrate the coffin and looked into the distance. The various physical discomforts caused by the thin oxygen tormented him crazily, but his expression did not show too much pain, but a kind of relief. a feeling of. There was still a trace of hope in the desperate look.

Lehmann didn\'t shout or shout, but just said loudly, "Come on!"

"Huh..." Heath Ledger slowly got up from the prop coffin, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

This time, the emotions he brought in were very good, not as oppressive as at the beginning, and it was very harmonious with the whole scene. After Lehmann enjoyed the whole scene, it completely met his expectations. Heath Ledger, well done.