Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 17: Filming is complete

"Buried Alive" is about to be completed. Preparations began in early June, and in a blink of an eye it came to July.

The temperature in Cannes is getting hotter and hotter, still tormenting the young crew.

Fortunately, the filming progress of the film is very fast. Although there are some small problems from time to time, they can always be solved.

"Heath Ledger, this is the last set of shots in the movie, are you ready?" Lyman looked at Heath Ledger, who was sitting and resting not far away, and smiled softly: "After shooting this set of shots, It\'s over."

Today is still a hot day. The warehouse is very sultry. Heath Ledger is wearing a short-sleeved long shirt that has not been washed since the shooting. Hearing Lehman\'s words, he calmly nodded.

Counting today, this is the eighth day after the filming of the film started. Lehmann directed this work, and he would be overloaded with filming every day. The crew members also gritted their teeth and accompanies him to persevere.

In the last scene, Paul, just before being buried alive, took out a photo from his pocket, which was his cutest daughter, a scene that triggered memories.

When editing later, I will use the method of quick recall to show some of Paul\'s good memories, which can be regarded as a warm card.

There is nothing that can greatly promote the depth of the story. It is simple and cliché, just to deceive the audience\'s tears.

This is a very primitive method, but it is absolutely effective.

"Okay, ready to shoot."

Hearing Lehman\'s words, the crew began to act again.

"The camera is no problem!"

"The lighting is fine!"

"The actor is ready!"

"--" Following Thomas\'s final call, the last set of shooting began.

This is a very simple scene, and for Heath Ledger, who is getting better and better, it is not difficult to perform at all.

Just like Paul still fantasizes about being able to reunite with his family, it\'s just a good memory when he is dying.

"Cut!" Lehmann stood up from behind the director\'s camera, took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and then loudly announced: "Buried Alive, all filming is over!"



Ryan was the first to run over because he was the closest to Lyman.

"Great, man." He said, and hugged Lyman with open arms.

As a person who has passed through, Lyman is obviously still a little unacceptable to the custom of cuddling with a big man. He smiled awkwardly, "Thank you, Ryan."

Ryan didn\'t say anything, just let go of Lyman and ran to greet the rest of the crew warmly.

Everyone in the crew is very happy. The end of the filming not only means that they have worked together to complete a work, but also get the actual payment - according to the employment regulations at the beginning, only half of the salary is paid, and the rest will wait until Paid after filming. And now, the filming is over.

"Oh, Lyman!"

Heath Ledger, who was covered in sweat, also came over. He was in a very beautiful mood. After these days of filming, he had enough of his addiction to be a starring role, "Thank you, let me experience a... ... pleasure."

Looking at Heath Ledger, who was still a bit reserved, Lyman didn\'t mind the sweat and stains on his body, hugged him friendly, and patted him on the back twice, "You are a good actor, I hope we will in the future There are still opportunities to collaborate.”

Heath Ledger smiled, "Well, I\'d love to."

"When will I go back to the United States?" Lehman let go and asked with concern.

Heath Ledger replied naturally: "It\'s probably just two days. The consumption here is too high, and I don\'t have any money on me."

"I will settle your payment to you as soon as possible." Laiman said embarrassedly, "It may not be much, I\'m really sorry."

After the filming is over, after removing the unfinished salaries of the hired behind-the-scenes production members and setting aside about 50,000 US dollars in production costs, there will be 10,000 or 20,000 euros left. For Heath Ledger, who was thinking about accommodation by himself, it was really a bit less.

His worth is more than that, and he is enough to meet the daily performance remuneration stipulated by the Actors Guild.

"It\'s okay, I\'m very satisfied with these days of filming." Heath Ledger looked very open.

After finishing the filming equipment, everyone parted ways.

It was because of a movie that I gathered here. After the filming was completed, it was normal to leave.

There was no special shutdown ceremony and no lively celebrations. After Lyman followed Ryan to send the most sincere verbal thanks to the crew members and paid the rest of the salary, the warehouse gradually became quiet.

Simply tidy up the hygiene, save the film, lock the door... go home and sleep.

A film director is really a high-stress job. When he returned to his den, Lehmann didn\'t even eat dinner, so he lay on the bed and fell asleep.

For so many days, his rest has not been good. He thinks about shooting every day, and has no intention of sleeping. Now that he has sustenance in his heart, the situation is naturally different.

After a hard sleep, Lehmann, after recovering his energy, did not rush into post-production, but first dealt with some trivial matters first.

Called up Ryan, who was still trying to be lazy. The guy was complaining all the time, saying that he hadn\'t had a good rest for so many days, but he still didn\'t reject Lehman. The two also came to the big warehouse together.

"Come on, move these to the car, let\'s return the rental equipment first."

Lehman ran to the closed cubicle at the other end of the warehouse to take a look. The film material after shooting was stored here, and there were 300 reels of film that he had purchased. The use of these films was much better than he expected. , there are still nearly 60 discs left, which means that he shot about 1200 minutes of material.

Besides them, Thomas also came over not long after.

This candidate is the key person in their rental equipment. After hearing that he was going to return it, he took the initiative to ask to come over. Of course, he also had a small request, and he wanted to participate in the later editing of the "Buried Alive" movie. In his words: I want to watch the birth of a movie from start to finish.

Naturally, Lehmann would not refuse such kindness. As for post-production, it was also a laborious effort. It just so happened that an additional labor force could help lighten the burden a little, without having to pay any salary. Free is the most important thing, there is really not much money on him.

The three big men worked hard in the hot weather, and it took almost two hours to get all the utensils.

"Come on, who will drive the two of you?" Lehmann got into the car and asked casually.

All three of them have driver\'s licenses. However, Leiman\'s predecessor had never driven a car before, so he didn\'t dare to drive even though he had a driver\'s license in hand, so the choice of driver was naturally decided from the remaining two.

Ryan glanced at Thomas, who immediately understood, "I\'ll come."

"Well, it\'s him." Ryan sighed and got into the car.

The poor honest Thomas was driving steadily in the front, and the two unscrupulous gentlemen in the back had already dozed off.

The journey is long, it\'s nearly two or three hours\' drive, so it\'s better to rest in peace.

All the way to a sweet dream, I soon arrived at Uncle Angus\'s camera equipment store.

"Lyman, get up." Ryan pushed hard twice with his hands.

The body sensed the movement, and Lyman opened his eyes instantly.


"Of course, come down and help with the move. It\'s hard to ask people to help all the time."

Lyman stretched and his brain began to wake up.

He hurriedly got out of the car, ran to the back and began to disassemble the camera equipment.

It seems that Thomas has been working for a while, and his back is already wet.

Lehman held a camera and put it back to the designated position. When he saw Uncle Angus passing by, he sincerely thanked him, "Thank you very much for your help, Uncle Angus."

Angus smiled and didn\'t say anything, and he was not a person who was good at words.

With the help of Angus, the four people disassembled very quickly, and in a short while, all the rental camera equipment was moved back to the equipment store.

"Uncle Angus, you can check it out. We keep this batch of camera equipment very well, and we pay attention to it. There is no damage. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Well, you are all tired too. Let\'s stay for lunch." Angus didn\'t want to check the equipment, but talked about eating.

"No, we still have something to do, and we\'re leaving soon." Lyman quickly rejected Angus\'s kindness.

For Thomas\'s sake, he gave enough, and he really couldn\'t let him bother.

Thomas, who was beside him, understood and quickly said, "Yes, we still have a lot of things to do, so I won\'t disturb Uncle Angus."

Angus listened, without further persuasion, and said, "Then don\'t delay your young people\'s business, hurry up and do it."

The three got into the car and headed back to Cannes.

On the way, Ryan said, "Are you still short of money for post-production of the film? I still have some here. It looks like 10,000 euros. You can take it."

Lehman smiled and rejected Ryan\'s kindness, "I still have a part, which is definitely enough. If it doesn\'t work, I\'ll take it from you, okay."

Ryan thought for a while and thought it was okay, so he nodded and said, "Come to me if I don\'t have enough money. I still have pocket money on me, so I just need to do something serious."

"Do not worry."

With an investment of 450,000 euros, about 60,000 was spent on the salary of the behind-the-scenes shooting team. The cost of renting equipment and shooting venues, as well as various miscellaneous props, makeup, and scenery was about 280,000. During the shooting period, it didn’t cost much, including The usual cost of food and drinking water was less than 10,000 euros, and 40,000 euros were spent in addition to the printing fee of the recruiters, the suspension fee for a period of time, and the salaries of the actors.

With this calculation, there is still about 60,000 euros left, which is enough for post-production. It turned out that his budget was lower than that. People, be content.