Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 15: actor actor

After the makeup is done, my face is oily. This is to simulate the makeup of the character Paul who wakes up after being kidnapped with a little sweat on his face, not really sweating on his face. The reality, after all, is completely different from the needs of cinematography.

Heath Ledger sat quietly beside the crew, alone, holding the script scene to be shot next.

He is not an actor who can quickly bring into character emotions. He knows what he needs and how to make up for it.

In order to play Paul well, he has done enough homework.

Write character biographies, design characters\' living habits, and small actions.

The script is full of comments he made.

Even in order to seek the feeling in the dark, he endured all the discomfort in his body and suffered in the bathroom all night until it was dawn, and he could no longer simulate the scene.

Although he is not the crazy clown of later generations at this moment, he is willing to endure hardship, work hard, and ponder the meaning of every emotional change.

He studied experiential school, so when he came out of the bathroom overnight, he captured that feeling. That suffocating oppression.

Heath Ledger slowly closed his eyes and emptied his mind to meet the fear in the dark...

"Lyman, are you ready?" Ryan on the side looked at Lehman sitting behind the director\'s camera and asked casually.

"Is it all arranged as required?"

"Yeah." Ryan, who is the set manager and the set recorder, is in charge of the entire operation of the crew. In this regard, he has a great say.

"Wait 3 minutes and start."


Three minutes passed in an instant.

With a wave of Lehman\'s hand, Ryan took the slate to officially play the board, "--"

Inside the coffin glowing with fire, the surroundings were quiet.

Videographer Cullen Man-Subbot was lying on the sand, shoulders against the camera, taking a close-up shot of the outside perspective.

Another camera fixed to Heath Ledger\'s waist captured a close-up of his face.

Under the shroud of orange light, a man in a light green short-sleeved long shirt was disgraced and embarrassed.

The camera lens captures his eyes, close-up.

Under the panic, revealed thoughts and memories.

He is just an ordinary land contractor, and he also works part-time as a transporter. In order to make more money, he went to Afghanistan, where supplies are in short supply and it is easy to make big money.

But why he appeared here now, in such an unclear environment.

Slowly, Paul pieced together the clues he knew, and he became more and more disturbed and panicked.

Anyone who is trapped in such a cramped, maddeningly small space and doesn\'t know why, will do so, not to mention that the phone has only a little weak signal and not much power.

He has to find a way!

In the shot, Heath Ledger began to bang the inner wall with his hands vigorously, and even hit the top with his head to make a sound.

Obviously it really hits!

His forehead was a little blue, and the instant pain made him lie flat in the coffin, breathing heavily.

Thomas was lying on the other end of the sand pile, holding a long pole with recording equipment hanging from it. He could hear the sound just now, and he also secretly admired this ruthless man. He really didn\'t take his own body seriously. It was obvious that he only needed a light bump to perform that kind of feeling. Strive for truth.

So even though his posture was particularly strenuous, making him uncomfortable, and even his hands were numb, he did not shake the front-end recording equipment to avoid the sound effect being imperfect.

Sweat dripped down drop by drop, and the whole body was sticky, but he didn\'t dare to move.

He is just an intern, he has to intervene in any dirty work, in order to be his cameraman well. He really wanted to be able to control a camera like Cronman Subbott, the cameraman on the set, that he had been craving for all these years.

At noon, the sun outside was still violently casting flame magic, and everyone around could see Thomas\' face flushed red and his teeth clenched, but his body remained motionless.

Lyman noticed too, but he didn\'t say anything. Everyone in the crew is enduring torment, just to shoot every scene well, if they shout "stop", so many people are braving the heat wave, and all their work will fall short. So he turned his head hard and didn\'t look at it, and concentrated on his directing work.

The funds are limited, and the shooting environment is not good.

Under the camera, Paul stood up halfway again, the lighter in his hand emitting light steadily...

"Crack!" It sounded like the sound of heaven, Thomas could finally move his stiff body, but he still remembered to handle the radio equipment stably.

Ryan took a look at Lyman and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the scene, so he hurried to the coffin prop and helped the actor Heath Ledgerto up.

The makeup artist Katie next to her was also very discerning and took out the dry towel and mineral water prepared in advance and sent it to her.

If it is said that the crew members are enduring high temperature, the environment in which Heath Ledger is located is undoubtedly even worse.

In order to create an underground dark atmosphere, in addition to the dark holes left for breathing in his coffin, the long wooden box outside had to be solidly closed to block the light.

So in such a short time, his body was soaked with sweat, and his face seemed a little better because of the treatment, but it was extremely unbearable.

Think about it, in a closed space without sunlight, the outside temperature is still very high, plus the physical strength used to knock the coffin. As soon as Heath Ledger came out, he quickly took Katie\'s mineral water and drank more than half of it.

"Wipe it." He handed the towel in his hand to Heath Ledger, and makeup artist Katie continued: "In the next scene, you will make a blood stain on your forehead, and then you will use a tighter material to stick to your forehead. There, to prevent sweat from washing away the fake wound, you have to pay more attention and don\'t touch it with your hands."

"Well, I see." Heath Ledger, who was wiping his sweat silently, responded.

In order to better reflect the anxiety and madness of the protagonist Paul trapped in the ground, and to present better visual effects, the impact of Heath Ledger just now was not enough, at least he had to bleed. Of course, this part is left to the makeup artist. It can be done. If you really want to bleed, you may have to take it to the hospital. Maybe it\'s a concussion.

"Director, is the camera okay?" After Thomas put the radio equipment away, he also wanted to come over to know the fruits of his labor.

"Very good, the effect is very good." Lyman smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Phew, that\'s good." Thomas said with hope. He just worked really hard, and he longed that the fruits of his labor would not be in vain.

"Can I take a look at that shot just now?"

"Of course."

While Thomas was watching the shot, Ryan ran over, "It\'s noon, let\'s shoot after dinner."

"Okay." Lehman was very satisfied after having harvested so much in one morning.

Can\'t you get fat in one bite? Take your time.

After Ryan informed the crew, everyone sorted out the filming equipment and props, locked the warehouse door, and went out for lunch.

Working on an empty stomach will definitely affect the filming progress, so don\'t worry about it at this time.

Lunch was eaten at a small restaurant nearby. Ryan had communicated with the restaurant owner long ago. After going there, they were also prepared.

The shooting budget is not much, so if you save a little money, then the meal will naturally not be luxurious.

However, after all, it is enough to eat.

A generous portion of toast, jam and butter are also provided; there is also a kind of chocolate bread similar to a doughnut, and the store also prepares a lot.

Each of the nine people was given a large plate, which was definitely enough to eat.

As for the common meat and vegetable salad, I didn\'t dare to eat it because I wanted to save money. It would cost too much for nine people to eat it.

However, no one complained. After today\'s filming, they all knew the actual situation of the crew, and they would definitely not be able to get rich there.

Otherwise, it wouldn\'t have been shot in a broken warehouse, at least in a studio? The scene design and environment there are much better than those in the open air.

"Are you still used to eating?" Sitting at a small table, Lyman said while eating with Heath Ledger, who was also enjoying the lunch bread series, "No way, the budget is tight, and the conditions are not very good~ www.novelhall.com~ Heath Ledger looked at the large piece of toast on the plate, without looking up, "It\'s enough to eat, my life in Australia was not as good as this. "

"Aren\'t you American?" Lyman was shocked.

"No, I was born in Australia. Later, in order to be a better actor, I went to the United States to seek development opportunities. There are many opportunities there, much better than my hometown."

"Oh, so that\'s the case." Lyman really didn\'t know this. The resume he gave was also marked with the Screen Actors Guild, so he thought he was born and raised in the United States.

"Then why did you come to France? I mean, the distance between France and the United States is still quite far. How could you think of running here to participate in our film project?"

Heath Ledger\'s lips had a wry smile, "A young actor like me, in the United States, there are not 100,000 or 80,000, you know, before I received your film project, I had several Yue has no definite job to do. I like to perform, so I saw this message at the union that day, and I came here with the idea of ​​chance."

Lehman was even more surprised after hearing this. Can such a talented and hard-working actor not be able to get a role? The competition in Hollywood is so intense?

"I think you are very good, and you will definitely succeed in the future."

"I hope so."

His confidence was not as good as what an outsider like Lehmann thought of him.

The two of them gradually became silent, only occasionally chatting a few polite words.

Speaking of appreciation, Lehmann naturally feels this way, but he doesn\'t know where his own future is now, let alone making any promises. That\'s irresponsible. He just silently recorded this person in his heart - Heath Ledger.