Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 154: 1 lunatic

When ordinary people in the community encounter such a situation, they have to be angry.

Heath Ledger, too, reluctantly accepted the police\'s proposal and became their pawn.

Morgan Freeman was very satisfied with his acquaintance. The next day, he asked his lawyer to fish him out. He also said that it was because of insufficient evidence to dispel the vigilance of other "Golden Gate Party" gangs.

Heath Ledger returned to the club\'s office and sat silently on the sofa, smoking a cigarette.

The smoke slowly drifted away...

That\'s it, the audience thought.

In the face of the police\'s meticulous plan, they followed the script completely.

But even thinking like this, everyone\'s curiosity still hasn\'t let go.

On the screen, Heath Ledger suddenly laughed, "I want to be a dog, hahaha."

He seemed to have thought of the funniest thing, curled up with his stomach in his arms, looking amused.

In this world, only people are the most unpredictable.

Coincidentally, this plan met a neurotic character like Heath Ledger.

After he pretended to surrender, he called Jason Statham and asked him to arrange manpower to get rid of the third master directly.

"What about a knife, who knows where the knife will be inserted."

In the murmur, the scene changed, Nicolas Cage, who had returned from New York to Los Angeles, had an appointment with Morgan Freeman.

His subordinate brought a large box of New York\'s local pastries and handed it to the other party.

After opening it, it was filled with stacks of Franklins.

Nicholas Cage\'s meaning is obvious, but he hopes that the other party can raise his hand and not interfere in the internal affairs of the society.

Morgan Freeman didn\'t even look at the banknotes inside, and threw them on the ground.

The banknotes were scattered, making Nicolas Cage more and more confused about the police\'s motive. starter

"Take it, I don\'t take money from ruffians."

"Then why did you do this? It\'s not that you attacked and eradicated us, you must have a plan to come to me." Nicolas Cage looked puzzled.

"Why do you want to get rid of it?" Morgan Freeman was more puzzled than the other party, and said of course: "Anyway, there will be other gangsters grabbing the past, so we have to manage you from the beginning again. It\'s tiring. "New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal: https://

"We don\'t have any requirements for you, as long as you can judge the situation well, be obedient, and don\'t make a fuss."

"That is to say, let\'s be under the control of the police, right? Are we already treated as hired workers by the **** police station?" Nicolas Cage looked playful.

Morgan Freeman smiled and didn\'t explain anything.

The two sides parted ways, and Nicolas Cage returned to the car with a headache.

The long-awaited lawyer took out a document, which was the result of an earlier request for investigation.

Nicolas Cage looked at it carefully, his expression became more and more solemn.

After reading it, after being silent for a long time, I called Tom Cruise and asked him to meet at the warehouse.

Then, he handed one of the pages to his subordinates with a cold tone, "Bring her here, remember, you have to live."

In the dim warehouse, even the light was much rougher.

Tom Cruise walked in with two of his men, and saw Nicolas Cage sitting on a chair with several people standing on the left and right.

He was standing at the door, outside was a gloomy day with rain, and inside was the gaze of his dignified friend.

The light passed between the two of them, and the picture was frozen into a cold and realistic oil painting.

Large panoramic contrast composition.

Outside the warehouse and inside the warehouse are two worlds.

"It\'s kind of interesting." The Italian director, who had previously thought it was an insult, said softly: "The color and light are well-dispatched."

"Yeah, it lifted the atmosphere and feeling all at once."

The person next to him agreed.

The audience naturally doesn\'t understand the shooting techniques, such as montage and parallel composition. If you are not an insider, you will not worry about it.

On the contrary, this scene made their hearts tense, and all traces indicated that the identity of the undercover agent had been exposed.

Then what will happen next?

Under the flickering light, Tom Cruise walked in slowly.

From this moment on, he never said a word. Only trembling and fear remain.

"Is there an acquaintance of yours here, do you want to meet?" Nicolas Cage said with a rogue tone, "I brought her here, now, where is it."

The muffled background music sounded, and Tom Cruise pretended to be calm.

Under the sight of the third master, he slowly approached the big iron barrel in the warehouse.

Tom Cruise was taken aback. Although he expected it, his heart still froze when he saw the tragic state of Kate Beckinsale, who had been tortured in the iron barrel.

He turned his head tremblingly, his face covered in cold sweat.

Nicolas Cage stood up with a smile, walked over, and said, "It\'s the owner of the cigar shop you often go to. Are you scared? Brother, do you know?" Suddenly serious, "That girl, it\'s Tiaozi, Tiaozi, a policeman."

The calm words pierced Tom Cruise\'s heart like a sharp knife.

He had always been afraid of such a thing happening, but in the end he couldn\'t hide it.

At this moment, he only felt his hands and feet were cold, and he was at a loss.

His eyes were filled with a hint of despair and relief, which made all the audience worried.

According to the character\'s mood at this time, even if he is killed in the next second, it is not an accident. Instead, he feels that it is quite in line with the ferocity of the "Golden Gate Party".

However, Tom Cruise played the extremely suppressed feeling very well. The emotions flowed from his eyes and broke into his whole body, showing a state of division.

While trembling, he gradually calmed down, his eyes slowly firmed.

He was afraid of death, and felt that death was not scary.

Such a contrast surprised many people at the scene. Everyone suddenly discovered that this "Tang brother", who has always been relying on his face to eat, actually had such a burst of acting skills.

The role of an undercover agent is not easy to stand out. In the previous scenes, the strength and intrigue of the second master and the third master have always been set off.

Until here, it seems that the fragmented shots in the front have been pieced together little by little, forming a complete, flesh-and-blood character.

The setting of Heath Ledger in it is insane, and you know it is a good acting as soon as you act, and Nicolas Cage is the same. Tom Cruise is different. He is like a chess piece being manipulated on a chessboard, executing orders step by step. He glanced at it occasionally, but he didn\'t care. It wasn\'t until the moment when the chess piece crossed the river that there was a hint of desolation.

He is like a pawn, he has already moved forward and has no way out.

Moreover, it is precisely because of the dazzling eyes of the two leading actors that his ordinary helplessness complements each other.

Just like a beautiful vase, it needs a shelf underneath to hold it firmly.

In the front seat, Lyman even had the leisure to play fun games with Eva Green.

But the sitting Tom Cruise is not.

This is the first time he has seen a complete film, and his psychological feelings are more and more different. Especially listening to some people carefully discussing their performances and roles, those praises made him quite proud.

He also remembered that when he was filming this scene, he played it many times and almost collapsed.

Repeated, unsatisfactory, and repeated repetitions have greatly damaged people\'s self-confidence.

But fortunately, the director was very patient with him, and he persevered through gritted teeth.

It only took nearly 5 minutes in exchange for a confrontation without a single line. It was a confrontation scene interpreted by expressions and eyes, and it did not fall into a disadvantage. It completely supported Nicolas Cage\'s performance.

In other words, my determination to insist on starring at the beginning was really right, and Lehmann is indeed a director who can make his transition smooth.

He has an idea that he may use this role to change everyone\'s inherent impression of him, and his career as an actor will be given new vigor.

Of course, the undercover agent played by Tom Cruise didn\'t die. Besides the informant, there was also one of his younger brothers who died.

When the group returned to the club, when the lawyer asked the third master why he didn\'t get rid of him, Nicolas Cage put the collected police internal information into the safe without saying a word.

Here, there is a suspense, why the third master is soft-hearted and let Tom Cruise go.

The next day, Tom Cruise, who survived by luck, was very puzzled and found his boss again and asked to quit.

But Morgan Freeman still wanted the other party to hide~www.novelhall.com~ At the last moment of the chessboard, he didn\'t want to stop at all.

"Now for you, it is the safest way to do your job well and let him be in the position."

"Asshole, stop talking shit." Tom Cruise grabbed the other\'s collar angrily.

He really felt that he had been exposed. Although he couldn\'t figure out why he would stay at the last minute, he didn\'t want to take a risk.

Next, Morgan Freeman\'s words made him even more confused.

He said that the police\'s internal database has been altered, and your police number and special secret originals have almost all been deleted.

In Tom Cruise\'s thinking, when the scene changed, Nicolas Cage came to the underground parking lot of the club to go out to do some errands, but found a large number of young and dangerous men coming with weapons and surrounded his group. It was clear that someone was trying to kill him.

Their group was outnumbered, and Nicolas Cage was covered by his men and ran to the elevator.

He hurriedly pressed the elevator, the door opened, but there were already six big men inside.

At this time, he couldn\'t care about that anymore, so he rushed in and pressed a random floor.

Seven people are fighting in a small space.

The hand-held shooting method is used here, and the lens is slightly swaying, which meticulously depicts the realism of the knife seeing blood and **** to the flesh.

"Elevator God of War" Nicolas Cage is online.

As the leader of the club, he showed his bravery in the streets for the first time.