Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 153: Community situation

Just a few sentences to point the title, let the audience know that they are bad people.

As the big iron barrel rolled and fell into the sea, a human life disappeared without a trace.

A few shots are well portrayed and eye-catching.

At least this simple opening murder aroused the curiosity of the audience present.

The picture gradually darkened, and the title of the bad guy appeared.

The bold characters have an inexplicable chilling meaning.

After the film\'s title disappeared, the screen fluctuated again.

Like water droplets hitting the surface of the sea, as the folds swayed, the slight fluctuations slowly changed.

The picture became clearer and clearer, and it could be seen that a gloomy sky was raining, and the last police station appeared in the rain.

The camera slowly moved down from above the police station, and then moved inwards.

From the outside to the inside, with the sound of the rain, sweeping through the scene inside the police station, several people in police uniforms sat around the conference table.

The sheriff, played by Morgan Freeman, was the last to arrive. The point of view taken by the camera just now was also taken by Thomas following him.

"Tell me about your plans in detail." Morgan Freeman sat down and said something thoughtless.

At this moment, the projector lit up, and a map of the power distribution of the "Golden Gate Party" was projected on the screen.

One of the police officers began to introduce in detail.

The audience finally made up their minds.

It turns out that the "Golden Gate Party" is an association and the largest gang in Los Angeles.

It turned out that the leader of the gang had just been acquitted by the court after a year of litigation and investigation. This is also the purpose of the police organization of this meeting, how to destroy this group of forces.

At this moment, the camera turned and came to a crossroads.

In the rain, two black Lincolns were parked on the side of the road waiting for the traffic lights.

Through the car window, I could vaguely see the co-pilot of one of the cars sitting in the head of the "Golden Gate Party" just introduced on the curtain. The car next to him couldn\'t see anything.

The light turns to green.

The vehicle where the big boss was, turned on the left turn signal and was about to turn left. It was just starting, and a roaring heavy truck slammed into the Lincoln car.

The other vehicle that was still waiting after the green light seemed to have foreseen this situation. Seeing that there was a car accident, it did not panic at all. It started leisurely, and drove away in the other direction.

Then, the picture came to the hospital.

A large group of people in suits and ties stood outside the operating room.

The lights in the operating room dimmed, and several doctors walked out and slowly shook their heads.

Declared the death news, the master\'s rescue is invalid, and he has passed away.

At this point, the camera gave these people a close-up of their faces.

Heath Ledger, who played the second-in-command, first raised the corners of his mouth, but quickly pressed it down, his expression became excited, and he ran over and grabbed the collar of the attending physician. If his subordinates hadn\'t stopped him, he would have staged a medical incident.

Nicholas Cage, who played the third master, pinched his brows with a preoccupied look on his face.

And next to him, the deputy played by Tom Cruise, his expression was calm, and he seemed to be relieved and relaxed.

The camera began to shake irregularly, promoting the plot from the main perspective of the first person. This way makes the audience feel some freshness.

At the funeral of the head of the family, it was solemn and solemn, with thoughts written on everyone\'s faces.

A car was parked on the side of the road, and the second-in-command, played by Jason Statham, saw it, "You bastard, you won\'t stop even if you park."

He scolded and was about to go over and say something to let the car leave, but found a camera device protruding a little from the window of the cab.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

He felt something was wrong, he walked over quickly, grabbed the camera, glanced at the people in the car, and then fell to the ground.

Also, when the gang heavyweight dies, of course, the Los Angeles police are stalking at the door.

After a farce, the sheriff played by Morgan Freeman came to the police station for a small meeting.

The leader of the "Golden Gate Party" died inexplicably, and there was a vacuum in power. Of course, they didn\'t want to wait for the other party to re-elect a speaker.

After some discussion, they decided to intervene in this election and push a policeman\'s "person" to the top.

The current situation is like this. There are a total of two people who are qualified to be the boss, namely the second and third leaders. The second leader has a lot of black material and is deadly, and it is in the hands of the police. They decided to activate the internal chess pieces to help him. Force, let it go up, and then achieve the purpose of behind the control.

At this time, a new identity person appeared, the cigar shop owner played by Kate Beckinsale, and their dialogue also exposed Tom Cruise\'s other identity label is the "Golden Gate Party" that the police have painstakingly cultivated for 7 years Undercover.

"How long can I leave?" Tom Cruise was in a good mood. He is not a person who likes to work with two or five boys. He thought that he had killed the boss of the "Golden Gate Party" with a car accident. Even if the task was completed, he couldn\'t wait to return to the team.

"Actually, today, there is a new order."

This remark made Tom Cruise bewildered. He felt that there was a mistake in the script, and the original smiling face slowly turned gloomy.


With anger in his heart, Tom Cruise ran to a dilapidated factory building, where he had regular appointments with his boss.

As soon as he entered the door, Tom Cruise scolded Morgan Freeman for reneging on his promises.

"Okay, after this time, I can stop? Why?"

In the face of Tom Cruise\'s complaints, Morgan Freeman seemed very calm. In a word, it\'s up to you to do it or not.

"The situation is compelled."

"What\'s the situation? I provided the evidence that put him in jail. You didn\'t successfully prosecute, do you blame me? Now that he is dead, can\'t you stop it? Didn\'t you say this? I did it all, why still Can\'t you let me go?"

"But he was not punished by the law, so where are the forces still there?"

"But is this my fault? Is it my fault? Huh?" Tom Cruise was very broken. After so many years, he wanted to return to a normal life.

The boss died, and the "Golden Gate Party" decided to re-elect a new speaker.

Heath Ledger found a group of veterans of the gang and promised them riches and honors, and he managed to win over a lot of people by doing both hard and soft.

On the other hand, Nicolas Cage did the same thing. This group of grasshoppers did not want their lives to be threatened, so naturally they agreed.

These old scumbags have neither ambition nor ability, and neither of them want to offend them.

As the scheduled election time came, Heath Ledger and his party set out tactics for Nicholas Cage and began to provoke him repeatedly.

In such friction, Morgan Freeman\'s plan was approved by his higher-ranking boss.

At this time, the camera turned to Tom Cruise, who came to the cigar room again.

After the meeting that day, he said there was a new plan, but he didn\'t tell him the specifics.

The distrust of the police made him feel aggrieved. He dedicated his great youth to the police\'s anti-gang cause, but he never got complete trust from the beginning to the end.

"There should be a plan."

Kate Beckinsale is a small person, naturally she doesn\'t know anything. Her calm even stimulated Tom Cruise.

"You can\'t even tell me this? Just do it, no need to say more." Tom Cruise mocked himself, learning from his boss\'s words, "After all, what am I to you? After so many years Now, those local hooligans are beginning to believe in me, and you can\'t trust me if you obey me?"

"I\'ve always been, you ordered, I\'ll do it. Isn\'t that enough?"

"I said..." Kate Beckinsale wanted to perfunctory as usual, Tom Cruise didn\'t know her identity, and thought she was from the police, but who knew how much she was in? Embarrassing. When undercover agents are not trusted, are temporary informants trusted?

"Fuck." Tom Cruise kicked the small wooden table in front of him and watched the cigar fall to the ground. After a long time, he covered his head in pain and said, "Fuck their rules. I\'m doing my job now. , I\'m risking my own life. I\'m also a policeman, and I\'m with you, aren\'t I?"

After venting for a while, before leaving, he still revealed the schedule of the third master tomorrow, which was also what his boss asked him to do that day, but he never knew what the next action would be.

After getting the detailed information, the police successfully waited for Nicolas Cage in the waiting room of Los Angeles Airport~www.novelhall.com~ As soon as they met, Morgan Freeman showed him a crime material and warned him not to overdo it. Don\'t worry, or I\'ll kill you in minutes.

The police\'s idea is naturally to get through this electoral turmoil smoothly. If there is too much turmoil, they will be blamed, and they will definitely have nothing to eat.

The shock and deterrent effect of this move was outstanding, and Nicolas Cage was flustered in his heart, but he still forced himself to remain calm.

"You go first, it\'s not good to miss the flight. If you want to cooperate with us, you can think about it and then answer me." Morgan Freeman\'s plan was implemented smoothly, and he didn\'t care about Nicolas Cage, who had already joined the network. Role.

After the police left, Nicolas Cage thought for a long time, and began to realize that there was an undercover person with a high rank beside him. Otherwise, such detailed evidence would not be an insider and would not be able to be investigated.

When he got on the plane, he found his lawyer and ordered two things. One was to collect the personnel information of the Los Angeles police, and the other was to investigate the recent movements of the people around him and find the lurking mole.

After Morgan Freeman had frightened the third boss, he turned to the second boss.

In a restaurant, "politely" invited the other party to the police station. starter

This step is to completely control him, and also to divide the internal forces of the "Golden Gate Party", and finally seize the voice of the entire society.

The detailed black materials were laid out one by one, and the second master subconsciously thought that it was the hand of the third master, and he was using the power of the police to eradicate it.

The Prisoner\'s Dilemma unfolds in an instant...