Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 155: Brotherhood

Since the second master has already taken action, he will definitely not kill only the third master.

He understands his situation, but no one understands his madness.

Inside the police station, Morgan Freeman is reporting to the chief.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

When the camera turned, several police officers who were in charge of monitoring Heath Ledger were all killed. At the same time, the third lawyer, the wife of his deputy Tom Cruise, and another police operation team were all killed.

The news came back from the policeman monitoring Tom Cruise\'s wife.

Morgan-Freeman found that the pieces were out of control, understood the seriousness of the situation, and immediately led the team to the "Golden Gate Party" club building.

By the time they arrived, the scene was almost over.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Immediately, the elevator door opened, and Nicolas Cage staggered out leaning against the wall, leaning against the wall weakly.

The six people in the elevator had lost their breath. This scene made the police look stupid.

After seeing his boss, Tom Cruise was driving to the club when he suddenly received a call saying that his wife had died.

At this moment, the sadness in his eyes seemed to explain whether he liked it or not.

Tom Cruise does a great job here, and of course, it\'s not easy to do it all - the scene is ng 11 times.

Next, Nicolas Cage was taken to the hospital by the police for rescue.

He took a look, and his body was full of tubes. The old brother looked very haggard.

He couldn\'t figure out how everything developed today.

Confused, Morgan Freeman asked him to meet at the abandoned factory again.

Ask him to help another member of the community become the leader and assist the police to get rid of the second leader.

Hearing this, he only felt tired. Not nodding or shaking his head, this has already expressed his attitude.

After coming out, he received a call: Big brother is critically ill.

He rushed to the hospital in a hurry, and when he saw him coming, the eldest brother backed away, wanting to chat with him alone.

"Hey, relax, damn, who wants to eat you?" Seeing Tom Cruise\'s dead face, Nicolas Cage joked, "I thought I would never see you again. Now, I\'m really happy."

"Big brother... Big brother." Tom Cruise collapsed more and more.

"Hey, brother, you look tired, don\'t be like this..."

"You make a choice..."

"You son of a bitch... In case, one in ten million, if I\'m still alive, what will you do?"

The eldest brother\'s weak voice sounded so heavy to Tom Cruise.

He suddenly realized that big brother knows everything.

The way he looked at him, the elder brother did not avoid it.

"Can you deal with me? Idiot, remember, you have to be ruthless, so that you can survive. Come on, I\'m so sleepy, I have to sleep first."


The sun shines through the window and shines on Tom Cruise\'s face.

He slowly turned his head, and the halo shifted position immediately.

On this day, he sat in front of the hospital bed for a long time, until the thick night was surrounded...

This long shot with a horizontal scrolling scroll seems to herald something.

Light and darkness transform each other, and the whole picture is full of visual sense. Thick ink and heavy color, the junction is clear.

The rendering power of the lens makes the depression of the whole plot hit the bottom of my heart and is full of impact.

In the auditorium, there was silence.

The audience stared at the screen in disbelief, and longed for the tough guy to wake up, while some viewers with delicate minds and experienced movie watching were thoughtful: they knew everything, but they took the initiative to hide it, plus the original sheriff Said police department data file was destroyed. There is only one conclusion to draw: if this is not love...

The third master really treats his deputy as a brother.

The instrument hummed suddenly. Nicolas Cage struggled a little because of the natural response of his body, while Tom Cruise remained motionless. The picture of the dynamic and static was extremely cruel.

In the end, dust returns to dust. The third master closed his eyes and his expression was soft.

he died.

When the screen turned, it was a memory.

It belongs to the memory of the third master and his deputy working hard together in the club.

At that time, when Tom Cruise, who had just come to be an undercover agent, was fighting for territory, the eldest brother would be so nervous that he went to the toilet twice.

They walked on the streets together, and they supported each other to make them what they are today.

The music is gradually rising, and the tune is solemn and solemn.

No one knew what Tom Cruise was thinking about that night.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the tall building, overlooking the prosperity, smoking a cigarette in silence...

"Go ahead." He made a phone call, not knowing who it was for.

The following plot came to the climax of the whole film.

On the screen, it is divided into four scenes, but what they do is the same purpose - to clear obstacles and remove threats.

Such a parallel narrative technique greatly increases the dramatic tension and makes the audience enjoy it.

As the third master hinted before his death: Since you are destined to be young and dangerous, why not be the biggest one and control your destiny in your own hands.

in the movie. All actions take place simultaneously.

The first one to get rid of was the second master. He also knew that he would not live long, but he had a good attitude. He drank a little wine and died calmly; the second was Sheriff Morgan Freeman, who knew the identity of the undercover agent. The third and fourth are the sheriff\'s bosses, and they all know their identities, but killing them cannot be too open and aboveboard, so they successively planned car accidents, fires, etc. Killed by "accidental" means.

At the same time, the election meeting agreed by the "Golden Gate Party" began.

Now, in the whole society, there is no more suitable person for that position than Tom Cruise.

In the sound of the passionate music, a large group of men in black suits pushed open the door and drove straight in. They were divided into two columns and faintly surrounded all the senior members of the club who were present to vote.

Then, Tom Cruise came out to the top in the sight of anticipation and fear.

As he approached, a discerning sage hurriedly said, "Mr. Kayden-Ian has applied for the new chairman\'s candidate. Does anyone have any objections?"

While speaking, a younger brother pulled out the top seat, and Tom Cruise sat down calmly.

In his glance, everyone bowed their heads to show respect.

The result of the election was no surprise. Tom Cruise came to the pinnacle of power amid a compliment.

But he didn\'t actually have much joy. In his bones, he didn\'t long for any power and status, but he would never be able to get rid of the **** if he didn\'t sit in this position.

At this time, he thoughtfully recalled the scene many years ago when Sheriff Morgan Freeman recruited himself to be an undercover agent.

"Cayden Ian, born in Los Angeles. Your father was a policeman, right."

At that time, he was extremely young, and when faced with questions from his boss, he would seem at a loss, and the answer was also stumbling, "Yes... yes."

Morgan Freeman read the file and tore it up. In Tom Cruise\'s puzzled eyes, he said lightly, "Do one thing with me, there is something just right for you."



Kayden-Ian also remembered when his eldest brother was protecting him and slashing people on the street. Although he was a policeman, he was good enough in melee combat, but when the gangsters fought, they didn\'t care.

For some reason, he thought about it and suddenly laughed.

This smile is also the only one he shows in the whole film.

On the screen, a long list of cast and crew suddenly began to scroll, and the lights in the theater slowly turned on. The audience seemed to have suddenly returned to reality, with all kinds of expressions frozen, as if they had changed a world in an instant.

"Unfortunately, the commercial factor is too strong." A member of the small Italian group shook his head regretfully.

In his opinion, if the ones that are not there are removed, the film is really good in terms of the control of the light and the narration of the camera lens.

"The Cannes Film Festival has turned sour, to treat a commercialized film like this."

Is this still the palace of art in everyone\'s mind?


Well, the films they brought to the exhibition this time were all focused on family ethics, the story that my aunt fell in love with me, and the story she had to tell with her stepmother...

In a word, the plot revolves around Huang Baofu. Of course, Italian directors also love to play, not much worse than France\'s rich literary and artistic atmosphere, and it is natural to take various large-scale shots.

It\'s a pity that the organizing committee doesn\'t look down on them.

"Clap clap clap..."

After the film ended, after a few seconds, some people stood up and applauded, and then, the entire audience stood up and clapped vigorously.

No one left. They were grateful for such a movie and for the dream weaved by the director.

Sometimes, the audience at the film festival is so cute~www.novelhall.com~ They don\'t stingy with their own encouragement, and even if the movie doesn\'t suit their taste, they seldom curse.

Lehman has seen this kind of situation a lot. But I still felt comfortable, and my spine was trembling.

He loves to make movies, that\'s all, he also likes to have people support him and give praise to his works.

He suddenly felt that he should do something, so he stood up, turned around and waved to the audience.

Those faces are very close and far away, but they are all so cute, full of affirmation and appreciation.

Seeing the director waving his hands, the applause became more and more enthusiastic, swept across the large auditorium like waves.

Afterwards, a staff member brought a microphone, and Lehmann stood by, ready to answer some reporters\' questions.

They didn\'t deliberately wait until the audience was over, and started it very casually.

Most of the people who came around were local French media, and some were from neighboring countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany.

With more experience in interviews, I didn\'t feel overwhelmed at first.

Everyone was chatting in an idle manner, just like chatting.

Looking at the praise of several foreign reporters for the film, those French reporters were very proud and felt a sense of pride.

For a director like Lehmann who can make his way in Hollywood, the touts of the French media have never stopped.


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