Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 152: Cannes premiere

On May 18, the weather was fine.

Because there was an in-depth discussion on how to stop the fierce fighting between men and women last night, it was not until the middle of the night that a consensus was reached with Eva Green.

So, in the morning, Lehman couldn\'t help but stay in bed for a while.

Her eyes were slightly open, and she was still a little confused.

Seeing that Eva Green, who was on the side, had already combed her hair like a normal person, she couldn\'t help but sigh that the female snail does have some truth in the difference in body structure between men and women.

Perhaps she was too excited, and after combing her hair, she hurriedly urged Lyman to get up.

Is today the day of the premiere of the movie Bad Guys? He hasn\'t forgotten.

It only started in the afternoon, so what\'s the hurry?

Slowly got up from the bed and put on a rather formal black suit. First release https://https://

After washing his face, cool tap water patted his face, and the stimulated Lehmann regained some energy.

After brushing his teeth carefully, when he walked out of the bathroom, Eva Green took another light blue tie and tied it for him.

"How do I dress today?"

"no problem."

After the two reached a consensus on the costumes for the premiere, they went out.

Eva Green was really excited. Walking on the road, she could feel her inner excitement.

This is her first time on the red carpet at Cannes, and as a French actress, there is nothing more satisfying than this.

I followed it all the way, and it didn\'t take long before I arrived at the Cannes Film Palace.

When I came to the main venue, there were many promotional posters for the movie, all of which were exhibited in the official competition unit.

By the way, there are a total of twenty films participating in the competition this time. from 13 countries around the world.

I looked at the poster of the bad guy, it was very well done, and the picture was very delicate, but why did the words "Director Leman Last" written on it stand out so prominently?

Wouldn\'t it seem that the director is very vain?

Although Lehmann also knows what Europa Films means, he still needs to promote him as a director at home, but he feels ashamed no matter what, a few words take up one-fifth of the full poster, and it is still in the middle and the bottom. Hanging prominently.

Really important.

The two entered the exhibition hall inside and found that Luc Besson was chatting with an old man with gray hair.

Seeing the two of them, he waved and called Lyman over.

"This is Mr. Gretel. He has worked in the festival for many years and is a cadre of the organizing committee."

Oh, it turned out to be a member of the planning team of the film festival, no wonder it was specially introduced.

"Hello, I\'m Lyman." He stretched out his hand with a warm smile on his face.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I like your work very much." Grete was very cheerful, and patted Lyman on the shoulder kindly to show kindness.

He is responsible for a lot of work. In addition to referencing film selections, he often acts as a judge in major film festivals, which is considered a veteran.

And this afternoon\'s opening ceremony was also planned by him.

A few people chatted for a while, and Lyman felt that the time was almost up, so he left in advance.

After all, the form is not only valued by China, but France is no exception. He is just coming to see it first, and he will have to walk with the main creator on the red carpet later.

Although he only thinks this process is very troublesome, but looking at Eva Green\'s happy face, he also thinks it doesn\'t matter.


Near 4 p.m., the red carpet ceremony of this year\'s Cannes Film Festival officially kicked off.

As the chairman of the jury panel, Patrice Xiahou and eight other jury members took the lead to stand on the red carpet.

Of the nine people, three are from France and two are from the United States. The division of power among the members is enough to see some clues about the selection of the film festival.

In fact, the red carpet at Cannes is not long, and it is not even as long as the Oscars, Golden Globes and other awards.

But it is also a great platform for celebrities to show their demeanor. After all, at this moment, media people from all over the world are gathered in the press box under the stage.

The members of the jury each said a few words, and took a picture together as usual, and then walked up the big steps of the Palais des Festivals.

According to the instructions of the relevant person in charge of the organizer, Lehman and the others were assigned to the second wave of the red carpet.

It was their turn after the main creator of Elephant in front had left.

Nicholas Cage and Heath Ledger did not come to participate. The former was unwilling to travel long distances and tired, while the latter received a play appointment, which was Brokeback Mountain by director Li Press.

He felt that the roles in it were very challenging, and he took the initiative to reduce his worth to join the crew.

He had called Lehmann about this.

In fact, after working with Heath Ledger, it has changed a lot of people\'s life experiences, and even their ex-girlfriends have been missed perfectly.

Yes, it\'s the Kelly Party. If he doesn\'t take on the filming of Fury, he should have a relationship with Naomi Watts because of the drama.

And in Brokeback Mountain, unsurprisingly, he fell in love with Michelle Williams, who played his wife in the play.

I have already missed one of their girlfriends, so naturally I can\'t let people lose their love. Although Lyman always feels that the love caused by being too involved in the drama is very unreliable, the facts also prove that this method cannot last for a long time. to the end. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

But, life is his own, isn\'t it?

Tom Cruise came, but also brought a female companion named Sofia Vergara, who is in the American model circle.

A group of people went up one after another.

Eva Green was a little bit behind Lyman, and she walked very slowly. As a last resort, Lyman also slowed down in order to take care of her.

The local French reporters valued their group very much, holding the camera, the spotlight flashed constantly.

After finally walking the red carpet and entering the interview and group photo area in front of the Palais des Festivals, a large group of reporters who had been waiting for a long time quickly surrounded him.

Of course, they are standing in the area delimited on the periphery.

Most of them are from France, and occasionally the United States, Italy, Britain and other places.

With a smile, Lyman listened to their inquiries and simply picked a few questions to answer.

"...Do you have any confidence?"


It\'s over.

Walking to the jury panel, Lehmann greeted the three French judges with Patricia Chahous, and after a few polite words, slipped into the innermost exhibition hall.

After the red carpet, of course, the opening ceremony.

Lyman sat in the front row, chatting with Eva Green and Ryan, and watching the surrounding movement from time to time.

Perhaps the outside was over, and audiences began to enter the arena one after another.

As the premiere time gets closer, more and more people come.

The conference hall with nearly 2,000 people was full.

Of course, the first few rows of seats are still people such as film critics, media guests, and participating directors from other countries.

It is estimated that the time is almost up, and a staff member came over with a microphone in his hand.

When Lyman saw him running towards him, he immediately understood.

Come on, Cannes also likes to play pre-screening speeches.

At this moment, the headlights in front of the screen suddenly turned on and hit their area.

Not to mention, the temperature has risen several degrees.

Lehmann took the microphone, and after a brief opening, he pulled a few actors to introduce.

Eva Green stood under the lamp, not knowing where to put her hands.

Looking at the thousands of people in front of him, his body became more and more unnatural as their gazes swept over him.

If Lehman noticed this scene, he would definitely say, "Don\'t be afraid, you will get used to it if you watch it too much."

Thinking that when he was at the Sundance Film Festival, he was nervous and didn\'t know what to do.

Tom Cruise showed his signature "Tangge" smile again, which also aroused a burst of shouts from the audience.

Seeing this scene, several Italian directors in the front row looked a little unnatural. Their works were not even qualified for the finalists, and they were embarrassed to get a chance to show them in a small theater that can only accommodate a few hundred people. And watching the works performed by stars like Tom Cruise can be shortlisted in Cannes, and was also selected as the opening ceremony film, which is particularly uncomfortable.

"I don\'t understand that an idol actor\'s work can also participate in the Cannes Film Festival with us?"

"That is, no wonder the commercial atmosphere of Cannes is getting stronger and stronger, it is because there are so many people like this, and what is the name of the director, looking for an idol to play the role, the audience can not play? I really disrespect the film. art."

Several directors who belonged to the literary genre next to him nodded in agreement.

It\'s just that their sourness can\'t stop all this from happening.

Amid the applause, Lehmann led the group of creators back to their seats.

After a while, the lights on the ceiling began to go out row by row, and the humming hall gradually became quiet.

In the darkness, Eva Green peeked at Ryan, who was sitting on Lyman\'s left, with a blushing face, and then looked at Sophia on her right.

While everyone else\'s attention was on the big screen that was gradually lighting up in front, Little Hand took the initiative to hold Lehman.


Ryman was watching the opening animation of the butterfly in his studio when he turned to look at Eva Green.

He didn\'t say anything, just took the initiative to hold the hand she handed over.

Eva\'s fingers are slender and soft, they feel fine and smooth, and they feel very good.

The familiar blue butterfly emerged from the chrysalis and fluttered.

The familiar flew towards the spot of light and turned into nothingness.

The screen darkened again, but did not light up.

The audience was very calm and watched quietly.

What Cannes Film Festival lacks most is playing with shooting techniques.

Sure enough, not long after, a shredding voice sounded.

Listening carefully, there is also a splash of waves.

"Brother, what should we do with this person?"

Jason Statham\'s deliberately lowered voice slowly revealed the story.

Painting with sound. It\'s a very simple method, but it can attract the attention of the audience for the first time.

"Old rules, Shen Hai."

The screen lights up, and Heath Ledger\'s second-in-command, smoking a cigarette, is standing in a place similar to a pier.

There is a large iron bucket next to it, the lid has not been sealed, and a crouching figure can be vaguely seen inside.

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