Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 151: live free and easy

? The world needs a goddess, so Sophie Marceau came. 35xs

When it comes to her, all we can think of are words like beautiful and sexy.

She is known as the French man\'s "eternal love" and is also the "French kiss" in "First Kiss".

Interestingly, in France, not only men like her very much, many women also collect Sophie Marceau movies for their husbands.

They said that if they liked her, it would at least prove that she had good taste.

As a teenager, Sophie Marceau grew up on the outskirts of Paris.

Her parents were patriarchal, and Sophie was raised as a boy since she was a child.

And her debut was completely accidental.

In 1980, French director Pinotto spread a recruitment notice in order to find the heroine in "First Kiss".

Sophie saw it and begged her mother to take her to the interview.

Her original intention was very simple, she just wanted to make more pocket money.

In the end, her performance in it won a lot of praise.

I believe that if you have seen this movie, you will definitely remember that scene.

On the stage, the boy put on headphones for Wicca,

In the crowd of carnivals around,

The two were immersed in their own world, embracing and dancing.

The beauty of first love, misunderstanding, and quarrel,

The precocious puberty, innocence and sensitivity of adolescence are all reflected in "First Kiss" by Sophie Marceau\'s green but moving performance.

She smiles like a flower, reveals romance, and has an oriental temperament.

She is pure and lovely, warm and generous.

She is **** and elegant, not kitsch, not coquettish.

The sea in the early morning has a special beauty.

The stars are bright in the sky, the lights are bright on the left and right, the ears are noisy and lively, and the distance is silent.

Yiren leaned on his side, his hair fluttered lightly, and was pulled behind his head again.

The off-shoulder dress can\'t hide her plump figure.


He said so.

When Sophie Marceau turned around, there was another boring man in front of her. 35xs

She folded her arms in front of her chest, raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked inquiries in her eyes.

Clear and bright, there is an inescapable melancholy deep in his eyes.

This is the first time Lehmann has met Sophie Marceau. Oh, what I saw in the movie, not counting.

"I really liked the movie "Three idiots making trouble in Bollywood" that you filmed." Sophie Marceau flatly complimented who it was when she noticed who was coming.

This is a human courtesy, not to mention she really thinks the movie is well done.

"Thank you, let\'s get to know you formally, my name is Lehman."

"Sophie." She stretched out her right hand.

Lyman also reached out and shook her hand.

Touch it and leave, grasp it very well. But the feeling remained. Soft and comfortable.

Looking at her, she has the grace of a mature woman, but she just smiled slightly, and she has a girlish feeling.

"I\'ll be there to support your new work tomorrow." Sophie Marceau tucked her hair, and Yuji Fan came out again.

"Lyman—" Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded, but upon careful observation, it was more like a swearing-in of sovereignty.

Immediately, a familiar figure quickly approached.

Eva Green\'s eyes have been on Lyman, seeing him meeting guests, seeing him talking and laughing, seeing him

He went to strike up a conversation with a girl.

Hmph, Eva\'s eyes sharpened. Men are big hooves.

After tidying up her appearance a little, she walked over quickly.

"Da, da---" The slender high heels stepped on the road, with a unique style.

She raised her chest and closed her hips, and a sweet smile began to brew on her face.

Lehmann felt that the atmosphere was suddenly wrong. Since Eva Green came over, Sophie Marceau\'s figure suddenly became a lot taller.

Is it his delusion? Why does it feel like there is a kind of ferocity that is automatic without wind, and the sword is drawn and crossed.

It all stems from Eva Green\'s greeting, "Hello, Ms. Sophie, nice to meet you."

Sophie? Miss?

Although she is 36 years old this year, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being called a lady by a little girl in her twenties.

Humph, there\'s nothing wrong with that.

Sophie Marceau smiled slightly, and stood with her chest folded, the gully became more and more full.

Little Nizi, her body is not mature, but her mouth is very mature.

The two women were actually pulling, and their positions were quite confrontational.

"This is Sophie Marceau, this is Eva Green." Lyman felt something was wrong, but he still acted as an intermediary to introduce the two.

"Sophie Marceau is a big star, of course I know it." Eva smiled sweetly and nodded at the other party.

hehe. Sophie\'s smile did not diminish, and there was a hint of the aura of a big star in the air.

She looked at Lehman, then at Eva Green, as if she realized something, and let go of the tit-for-tat situation.

Is the jealousy strong? It\'s really interesting.

But the method is really naive.

Sad and funny.

Only by experiencing it will you understand.

The 18-year long-distance marriage with a man who is 26 years older than her has ended, and a silly woman will also learn the meaning of the word affection.

Looking at Eva Green, I vaguely remembered my past.

Sophie Marceau shook her head slightly, throwing away the inappropriate thoughts.

It doesn\'t seem to matter what the lady is called.


What, Sophie, so sweet? Eva Green glared at the back of Lyman\'s head, secretly taking this matter to herself.

"I actually wanted to ask if you have a schedule recently?"

Ah, are you going to invite this woman to make a movie? Write down.

"Is there a script?" Sophie Marceau seemed unsurprisingly about this. For an actor as well-known as her, there will be similar director invitations at any place and at any time. And for her, it\'s nothing more than choosing two words. She loves her profession, but because of her love, she doesn\'t want to live up to it.

To sum up in one sentence, she is very picky.

Laiman had no plans to prepare for a new play, but for some reason, seeing her, he unconsciously had some ideas in his mind.

When he was young in his previous life, he sighed with emotion at Sophie\'s figure and kept his eyes fixed.

When he waits a little longer, it is even more and more now that he appreciates that innocence, such as "First Kiss", such as "Fang Fang".

People are always so weird.

Teenagers long for maturity, and mature ones long for youth.

For example, now, Lehmann has a strong feeling of wanting to make a love movie.

Maybe the moon tonight is too round, maybe I want to experience the sour smell of love in loose dog food.

Thinking about his previous life, he was also a prodigal son. At the age of twenty-seven or eight, he had never talked about friends.

The sense of authenticity in the entertainment industry has flattened his view of love early.

But when she laughed in a trance, she could feel that the amazing Wicca was back.

He has always believed that although Sophie Marceau\'s screen image is changeable, what really makes people unforgettable is the innocent character.

She seems to be born with a girly temperament that people most yearn for.

"Lyman, are you going to shoot a new movie?" Eva Green appeared curious, but reminded.

New play? Of course.

However, his script has not been finalized yet.

But that didn\'t stop Lehmann from speaking out about the idea first.

With a serious face and sincere eyes, he said, "The script has not been completely perfected. After a while, things will be sorted out. I will send you a sample draft. "

Sophie Marceau hesitated for a moment and said, "I can\'t guarantee it, but I have no plans to make a movie recently."

"Don\'t force yourself, I just have this idea." Lehmann said, "I just want to have a chance to cooperate."

Seeing Sophie Marceau\'s hesitant expression, Lehmann added, "Don\'t worry, the salary is not a problem. Of course, if you don\'t have time, just let me know, it doesn\'t matter."

The night was completely deep, and the reception was over.

After greeting Ryan, Thomas and others, Lyman took Eva Green into the car and drove towards the home.

This time I didn\'t stay in the hotel, Thomas and Wen Ziren both stayed at Ryan\'s house.

His house is big enough and there are enough rooms.

In the car, Eva Green wanted to ask several times.

But I don\'t know how to find a topic.

Confused, the car stopped.

The small block is still the same as it was, and it has not changed because of the film festival. The noise of the outside world seems to be isolated.

Layman, who had been drinking a little too much, was really relaxed at this time. He took off his camouflaged smile and looked tired.

Eva Green supported him slightly. He took out the key and walked to the door. Although there was no light, he still accurately inserted it into the keyhole.

Turn right three times, open the door, and enter.

The house is still what it looked like when he left some time ago.

On the small coffee table, there are also several cans of ground coffee beans.

Lyman sat down on the sofa, rubbed his face vigorously, and let out a long breath.

This is also Eva\'s first visit to Lyman\'s house~www.novelhall.com~ I was so happy that I forgot to ask about the movie.

If you look closely, there is simplicity everywhere. Just like him.

Boil water and make him a cup of coffee.

When it was a little warm, Lyman took a sip.

"Sit down."

Lyman\'s head was a little dizzy, and the stamina of the wine came up.

Eva Green sat over, he put his arms around him slightly, turned his head over, and buried it in her chest. It was warm, and the position made him feel comfortable.

A pair of cool little hands helped him gently press the sides of his forehead.

He counted and hummed in affirmation.

"Are you blaming me for not letting you take on the play "Dream of Paris"?"

Eva Green was stunned when she heard the words, a little puzzled why Lehman suddenly asked this. "no."

The answer is affirmative.

"There is a new play. Will you be under pressure to work with Sophie Marceau?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You are the heroine, I\'m a little worried that your limelight will be overwhelmed by her."

After thinking about it, he was always ashamed.

He wants to love many people very much, but also fantasizes about being loved by one person.

Contradiction? Maybe.

The corners of Eva\'s mouth rose, and the feeling of being cared about by someone made her intoxicated.

She lowered her head and kissed gently.

The beacon was lit, and it was about to go off.

The battle has spread to many places, the sofa, the bathroom, the queen bed in the bedroom.

In the end, it was only after Eva Green\'s begging for mercy that Jin closed the army.
