Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 150: Sophie Marceau

? Luc - Besson very proud.

To hold the "Bad Guy" reception, it directly spent 700,000 euros to cover the backyard banquet hall of the majestic Barriere Hotel.

There are also a lot of people invited, the list is close to 300 people.

The banquet mode is the simplest buffet. There are various long tables on the left with exquisite pastries and food, and there are several salons on the right, which are also separated by bead curtains.

Soothing light music was played on the scene, and the people who came and went communicated with each other; in the orderly scene, waiters walked around the crowd with wine trays and provided services.

"Hi, Director Lehmann, Mr. Luc Besson."

Not long after the banquet started, Luc Besson took him to greet a group of jury members, and then more people came to them.

Especially film dealers from all over the world are even more enthusiastic.

In the salon area, a group of people walked around them.

"Lehmann, this is Park Soo-hyun, from South Korea, this is Grimman-Terry, from Chile, this is Saeed-Ali-Mohammed, from Kuwait," Luc Besson first introduced.

When Lyman heard this, he smiled and shook hands with these people one by one.

Earlier, Luc Besson told him that in addition to bringing him to meet some circles of contacts, tonight, their task is to sell movies.

Um, why does it feel wrong. Selling movies?

No matter how much, maybe you have also discovered that none of the people just introduced has a formalized and prosperous film market in a country, so naturally, the distribution channels of Europa Films cannot be established.

In fact, even if it can be established, it is a thankless thing.

After all, the film market in these countries and regions is limited, and it is not very effective to waste manpower and material resources to establish offices.

Therefore, most film makers use similar exchange parties to sell the distribution rights all at once.

That\'s why so many film festivals like Cannes, Berlin, and beyond are prosperous.

They need a place like this for them to trade.

"Director Lehman, your last film was very impressive, and the response from us was very good. I hope I can still cooperate with you this time." Said Ali Mohamed from Kuwait gave a mouthful of The English speaking of the characteristic area fan.

"Thank you." Lyman said politely.

However, this matter is not under his control, he just came to stand on the scene.

After hearing the words, the marketing department staff of Europa Films took them there to discuss the details of selling the film in more detail.

"Everyone, excuse me, there are guests over there who need to be entertained by us." Luc Besson saw that everyone was willing, and related matters also needed to be discussed. He also took Lehmann back outside. Naturally, someone here has arranged it.

Halfway through the reception, Lehmann followed Luc Besson closely with a glass of wine, and he led him to make friends with industry practitioners one after another.

After finally coping with another round, Lehman also hurried to leave.

Luc Besson didn\'t say anything, he only cared about him, and then went back to his friendship.

Looking at the field, Ryan and Thomas stood together and didn\'t know what they were talking about; Wen Ziren followed a group of Australian filmmakers and talked eagerly; Eva Green was sitting on a lounge chair, Enjoying the sea view. There is a beach not far behind the banquet hall, and the lights at night are really beautiful.

Laiman walked towards Ryan, and suddenly saw Lou Ye, with Zhang Ziyi beside him.

Oh, by the way, he was also shortlisted for the main unit of the competition this year. The movie is called "Purple Butterfly", and the international chapter next to him starred.

Lyman was quite interested in them both.

Seeing this, he brought a glass of champagne from the passing waiter, took the initiative to walk over, and greeted them with a smile.

"Director Lou, hello."

Lou Ye was walking in, when suddenly a chestnut-haired and blue-eyed ghost popped out and smiled at him, and he stopped subconsciously.

The international chapter beside him reminded him that the person opposite was greeting him.

"hello, hello"

In simple everyday spoken language, Director Lou still knows.

"Congratulations on your film being shortlisted in competition. 35xs"


The two chatted casually, and Lehman voluntarily resigned.

He was not particularly interested in Lou Ye, but in the international chapter next to him.

After all, this type of director who always shoots sensitive subjects and claims to reveal the true style of China/China is really not in his eyes.

However, the still young Zhang Niangniang is rarely seen. Don\'t say anything else, looking at it from a distance, the temperament is still gentle.

I don\'t know if it\'s an illusion.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?"

After parting with the international chapter, seeing the eagerness of Ryan and Thomas to chat, he also asked.

"Did you see that person?" Ryan hugged Lyman and pointed to a corner of the banquet hall.

Lyman followed his line of sight and noticed a woman leaning against the railing alone.

The slightly curly dark brown hair was scattered, and a light blue dress could not hide the exquisite curves of the figure.

"Who is that?" Lyman asked suspiciously.

"Sophie Marceau," Thomas replied this time.

Oh, it turned out to be her, no wonder the two kept discussing.

As for who is the goddess in the hearts of the French people today, Sophie Marceau is a candidate who absolutely cannot escape.

"Is it really her?"

"Of course, I have seen the face, and I can\'t see it wrong." Ryan said with a look of certainty.

"Do you want to strike up a conversation?" Lehmann raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I just tried it." Ryan said desolately.

Well, this looks like a failure.

Lyman was about to say something when Ryan asked, "Are you interested in her?"

"Well, I\'ve always been very fond of her."

It\'s true that Lehmann said this. Unlike the French people\'s impression of her, which was built on the screen characters she created, Lehman\'s original intention was just hormonal impulses when he was young. Feature film.

To this end, he also went to find DVDs to buy them back for collection.

People are always superficial, not to mention that in the past life, there was no way to pay attention to and understand foreign actors.

The only way is to secretly hide the video discs in those beautiful youthful years.

Eva Green, Monica Bellucci, Sophie Marceau, he could name a lot.

It is also the object of fantasy when the hormones of puberty have nowhere to release.

Male compatriots, it is easy to be controlled by the lower body.

With the classic roles they played in adolescence, they filled us with those hormonal years.

Adolescence will soon pass, but the memory of youth will grow deeper and deeper.

In those ignorant and high years, the impression of the goddess remained in my heart, which naturally brought goodwill.

What\'s more, she is really beautiful.

It also proves to us that aesthetic differences can be defeated in the face of true beauty.

At this point, French men and Chinese/Chinese men reached a united front for the first time.

Cheers to Yan control.

The three chatting is a topic for men.

But someone interrupted their conversation.

"Hey, Lyman, I have something to call you."

It was George who spoke.

He was also one of the candidates in charge of selling the film just now.

"What\'s up?"

"follow me."

George took Lehman to the salon area, and while walking, he also reported the film sales record just now.

"You can\'t imagine what happened to me just now?"

"What?" Lyman asked in cooperation.

"Kuwait sold 250,000 euros, Lizhi sold 270,000 euros, and South Korea" George looked quite pleased. "In total, more than 4.3 million euros of copyright distribution costs have been sold."

"so much?"

"Of course." George glanced at Lehman and explained, "There are many small countries in South Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Their local film industry is very weak, and they are not willing to spend money to make films. For them, only using Buying regional distribution rights for a movie for a small amount of money is also a very good deal.”

This is indeed the case. The domestic film is in a recession, and it is better to go to the world to buy some movies than to spend a lot of effort to reclaim the land. Anyway, it is not very expensive to just buy out the screening rights in a certain area, and it is easy to get a good profit. income.

Of course, those popular movie markets are estimated to be out of the question. Just like the United States has always been xenophobic, different distribution strategies need to be tailored to the problem.

"Amazing." Lyman said with emotion.

It seems that it is true that there is a specialization in the industry. Compared with their professional film sellers~www.novelhall.com~ I am still suitable to be a director.

However, if you think about it this way, Europa Pictures will be able to make a profit by relying on export copyrights.

It can only be said that there is still a lot of knowledge he needs to know about releasing movies.

"Then why are you looking for me?"

"Some film dealers want to meet you, and Luc Besson helped you sell the film\'s reputation. Those people also need to meet."

No way, after all, they have participated in Cannes, so naturally they have to make some achievements.

Europa Films is quite concerned about this, not only came a few days in advance, but also constantly met with many judges to develop relationships.

It is estimated that just waiting for the premiere of the movie tomorrow, we will directly start large-scale operations and build momentum.

After all, after the screening, can it achieve good results? It\'s always good to do it this way.



"OK, cheers"

After a round of entertainment that could not be avoided, Lehmann had to pretend to be enthusiastic and hypocritical to deal with it.

Pushing the glass for a change, after three rounds of wine, the group was very happy to drink.

It was getting late, and the reception was coming to an end.

Lehman went to the toilet for an excuse and left the liquor bureau circle of a group of "businessmen".

Looking around, the number of people in the banquet hall in the entire backyard dwindled.

But the familiar figure still did not leave.

She was still leaning against the railing quietly, wondering what kind of scenery she was enjoying.

Maybe it\'s the wine that makes me courageous, obviously I\'ve never met, but Lyman walked over there.

