Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 149: Active invitation

? On the third day after post-production, Lehmann came to Europa Pictures.

Regarding what Luc Besson said about participating in the Cannes Film Festival, he needs to discuss it.

When I came to the office, Luc Besson was already waiting.

"Coffee?" he greeted.

"No." Lyman waved his hand.

"Do you have any plans? Cannes?" The two collaborated many times, but they avoided the boring politeness.

Sitting on the sofa, Lyman asked straight to the point.

"It\'s not what I thought, it was the Cannes jury who took the initiative to invite it." Luc Besson explained.

After all, Lehmann is a French director, but he has made two or three works, and he has not participated in the Cannes International Film Festival, which seems a little wrong.

So, when the jury over there found out that Lehmann\'s new film was edited, they immediately came to urge Europa Pictures.

Luc Besson naturally had a good relationship with there, and he agreed casually.

In his opinion, a wave of publicity is also a good thing, and it will definitely win an award.

As for why, let\'s find out about the local talent support policy.

It\'s not a secret. Venice, Berlin, Cannes, none of the so-called three major international film festivals are selfish.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that their premise is a regional film festival before they can rise to the international market.

Without the support of the French government, it would not be where it is today.

Besides, the jury is mostly French, how do you ask them to choose?

The world is as black as crows, and despite Oscar\'s many unspoken rules, this is no less.

"Okay then." Lehmann thought for a while, but he didn\'t think anything was wrong, he just found it troublesome. Ever since he had really seen the Oscar selection, he had never felt that a film award selected by a group of selfish people would actually end. How fair.

However, it is also true that he has not participated in Cannes.

People are so supportive of you, it seems that you can\'t justify it if you don\'t give face.

"I will go with you at that time. It will be very helpful for you to get acquainted with some network circles." Luc Besson said quite earnestly.

"Well, you arrange."

On May 10, Lehmann, Thomas, Wen Ziren, Ryan, George and Eva Green, who had not seen each other for a while, met again at the airport in Paris.

The chairman of the jury of the 56th Cannes International Film Festival is Patrice Xiahou.

Well, this person was born in Lezigne, France. In 1994, he won the 47th Cannes International Film Jury Award for his feature film "Queen Margot", which is regarded as the direct line of the director of the Cannes Film Festival.

The group waited in the waiting room for a while before getting on the plane.

Next to Lyman\'s seat is Eva Green.

"how are things?"

"It\'s nothing, I stayed at home for a while." There was some resentment in Eva Green\'s words.

Thinking about the time they were filming, they were not spending time together, but when they were busy with work, Lehmann could really avoid contacting her.

For 20 days, I didn\'t make a phone call.

Eva doesn\'t know how to describe these, anyway, in her impression, Lehmann has always been a workaholic, and he is very attentive to the work of the film.

"Uh" Lehman was stunned for a while, suddenly he didn\'t know what to talk about, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

A random topic was directly killed by Eva Green\'s resentful aura.

No way, can\'t say it, can\'t express it with action?

Seeing this scene, Lyman leaned directly beside her and put his arms around her waist.

Eva Green turned her head, glanced at it, and said nothing.

The body is very honest and also takes the initiative to lean over a little bit.

"Tonight, go to my house." Lyman said softly.

"No, I\'ll just stay in a hotel." Eva Green blushed and refused decisively.

"Don\'t you want to" (30 words omitted here.)

In the end, Eva Green failed to reject Lehman\'s proposal.

After about two hours, the plane landed at the airport.

The group pulled their luggage out of the aisle, and Laiman looked at the familiar scenery around him, and was also a little emotional.

This beautiful seaside town, which is usually too quiet, will only show its noisy side at this time.

Every May is the season for movies, and the brilliance of the screen shrouds everyone.

The opening ceremony was almost approaching when they came, and many tourists and film practitioners could already be seen on the small land.

Since the 1990s, it has advocated the introduction of Hollywood films.

Today\'s Cannes is also full of commercial atmosphere and has become the world\'s largest film trading market.

Sitting in the car, there are huge propaganda posters everywhere.

"X-Men 2", "The Matrix 2", "Fake God" Well, there is no shortage of promotional posters for "Bad Guy", because it is a local battle, the momentum is even more enthusiastic.

Although they were not shortlisted for the competition section of the Cannes Film Festival at all, it did not prevent Hollywood filmmakers from using this platform to promote it.

The group went down to the Majestic Barriere Hotel under the leadership of the person in charge of Europa Films who arrived first.

This hotel is directly opposite the Palais des Cinemas, less than 200 meters away, and is an official partner of the Cannes Film Festival all year round.

However, they didn\'t come here to stay, they all went back to "home", how could they stay in a hotel?

After getting out of the car and walking inside, before entering the hotel lobby, Laiman heard a familiar greeting.

Turning his head, he found that Luc Besson, who came to Cannes a few days earlier, was walking towards him with a smile, and beside him was a man who was also very formally dressed.

"Lyman, this is Mr. Patrice Xiahou." Luc Besson introduced first.

"Hello." The two shook hands warmly.

"Director Lehmann is really young and promising." Patrice Xiahou, the chairman of the Cannes jury this year, has no air, and complimented very politely, "Nice to meet you." He opened his arms and hugged Lehman very warmly

The status of the two is not equal. These days, directors with market achievements are more popular than so-called literary directors.

Whether inside or outside the industry, it seems that there will always be people who think that the status of literary directors is inherently superior to commercial directors.

This kind of thinking is wrong. On the contrary, people in the industry are more optimistic about directors who can achieve results.

Can you say that James Cameron\'s international status is inferior to that of Gisele Tonadore?

Oh, you don\'t know the latter (the Italian director\'s major works include "Beautiful Tales of Sicily", "Cinema Paradiso", "The Pianist at Sea"), then it\'s fine.

Not to mention that Patrice Xiahou\'s achievements are not outstanding among European literary directors, but he is qualified and it is his turn to be the chairman.

After all, the Cannes Film Festival changes the jury every year, even if it is in the queue, he should be on it.

An off-topic remark, this year\'s jury judge also has Jiang Wen. As mentioned earlier, the Cannes Film Festival is the one that attaches the most importance to Chinese/Chinese filmmakers among the film festivals.

And those so-called "blanket stars" (yes, Bingbing.) of later generations also spread from Cannes.

No way, the organizing committee also has to generate income.

The importance of funds for the smooth running of such an expensive film energy saving is self-evident.

Although the French government and the Cannes City government will cover some of the festival’s expenses from fiscal revenue, and big-name sponsors such as L’Oreal and Dior will give a lot of support, the festival itself needs to have the hematopoietic function.

Paying money to walk the red carpet is just one of all blood-making methods.

"We have decided to set the film for tomorrow\'s opening ceremony as "Bad Guy"." Patrice Xiahou said with a smile.

"Really. Hahaha." Laiman didn\'t know how to deal with the kindness released by the other party, and said perfunctorily with a haha.

Oh, to explain here, the opening ceremony he said was the premiere of the exhibition hall of the non-competition unit.

After all, do the jury members of the Cannes Film Festival still need to save face? They can\'t do it too much, otherwise, it\'s not good to fool everyone to come back in the future.

However, to give "Bad Guy" a premiere at the opening ceremony can be regarded as the selfishness of Luc Besson\'s active lobbying and organizing committee.

Besides, Patrice Xiahou also has his own little abacus.

Don\'t look at him for the Berlin Director Award, the French Caesar Director Award keeps winning, but it is still not easy to make a film and invest in it~www.novelhall.com~ After all, literary films belong to the niche genre, which is a natural disadvantage. Applaud, the indifference of the market is not a day or two.

If he can get along with Europa Films this time, it will be a very good thing for the distribution and investment of his films.

Everyone made a small abacus and walked in hypocritically and politely all the way.

Tonight, Luc Besson held a reception for the film "Bad Guys", which will invite most of the film industry practitioners, including the jury.

Communicate with each other, have friendly conversations.

In fact, it can be regarded as a disguised promotion and film fair.

There are so many film festivals around the world, but is the purpose of participating in film festivals really just to win awards?

There are only so many awards, and one by one can\'t meet the needs of so many movies.

Why do movie people with no hope of winning an award come? Why are filmmakers from all over the world coming? Why are those investors coming?

In fact, the most reasonable reason to participate in the Cannes Film Festival is to establish contacts and make film investments and transactions.

According to statistics, the film transaction volume reached during the Cannes International Film Festival during the screening period can reach at least 100 million euros, and the indirect economic value is as high as 700 million euros.

Here, except for ordinary people who really come to watch movies, the rest are not looking for investment or trading opportunities.

With so many filmmakers gathered together, it also represents countless opportunities.

Similar receptions can be seen everywhere during the Cannes screenings, and Europa Pictures is just one of them.

