Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 136: boot publicity

April 3, the weather was fine.

Tom Cruise was driving toward West Hollywood in his agent\'s car.

Bypass the media reporters that started to pile up at the entrance of the reception hall of the Paramount headquarters building, enter through the side door, and then take the elevator to the third floor.

The elevator door opened, and Tom Cruise and agent Pat Kingsley went to the fitting room.

In other words, the style and costume matching of the movie "Bad Guy" is quite simple. After all, it belongs to a modern drama, so it is enough to design it according to normal costumes.

And Tom Cruise came here, of course, to take makeup photos and to do promotional activities before the shooting.

The two pushed open the door of the fitting room, and a dazzling array of clothing immediately came into view. There were also several wooden racks next to them, with all kinds of tattoo stickers placed on them.

"Where\'s Director Lyman?" Agent Pat Kingsley asked a busy staff member.

"In the first room on the right inside."

Hearing this, the two walked down the passage and stopped in the first room on the right.

The spacious and bright floor-to-ceiling glass windows can clearly see that there are all kinds of clothing inside, and the staff are always busy.

"Lyman." Tom Cruise said hello.

Lyman, who was sitting in the office chair, heard the voice and got up to say hello: "Tom, you\'re here, try on the clothes first, and go down to attend the opening ceremony later."


Since Tom Cruise\'s coffee booth is here, his fitting room is arranged separately.

At this moment, after he entered the room, a tall and thin man followed Pat Kingsley.

The man showed a polite smile, "Hello, Mr. Tom Cruise, I\'m the stylist of the crew, and I\'ll be in charge of your styling today."

The undercover status of a gang capable of campaigning is naturally not low. When Tom Cruise, who had repaired his hairstyle and wore a custom black suit, stood in front of Lehmann, he also had a bit of a leader. A sense of momentum.

"Not bad, let\'s go down." Lehmann said.

Next to him, Nicolas Cage, Heath Ledger, and others, who had already confirmed their appearances in the play, also went down to the reception hall on the first floor.


"Can you tell us what kind of subject this is?"

"Crime genre film."

There were a lot of media reporters in the hall. Under the coordination of the press officer sent by Paramount to preside over the interview, Lehman answered a few questions, then immediately hid behind and pushed the leading actors out.

"Mr. Tom Cruise, what kind of role will you be playing?"

"I promise you this will be the most challenging role of my acting career."

"Cage, what about you, what do you play in the play?"

"It\'s a very interesting character."


They are very skilled at dealing with the media. Anyway, they just ignore all the important things and add gimmicks.

An hour later, Lyman winked at the press officer. This pre-launch press conference also ended.


Looking at his watch, he found that it was already 4 o\'clock in the afternoon. Lyman said to Ryan, who was beside him, "Tell everyone to speed up, we have to hurry up and finish the makeup photos, which will be used in the media promotion tomorrow."


The reception hall, which was still being interviewed by reporters, was immediately set up by the crew to look like a conference room.

The scene chosen for the makeup photo is very simple, it is the scene of a high-level meeting of a gang of gangsters.

Nicolas Cage, Heath Ledger and Tom Cruise are all dressed in black suits, followed by a few younger brothers, walking in from the corner of the door of the conference room, showing their respective characters such as cool, cold and ruthless. A certain character will do.

There are two forces in total, Heath Ledger and his gang representing the old power, the second leader of the gang; the emerging third leader, Nicolas Cage and his right-hand man, Tom Cruise, who fought together.

"Thomas, are you ready for the plane?"

"OK, the track is also set up."

"James Wen, I\'ll leave it to you." In this filming, Lehman did not intend to play by himself, he just stood aside and let Wen Ziren, a new member of the crew, sit behind the monitor and watch.

The actors who have reapplied their makeup are also in their places.

Everything was ready, and the first trial shooting began.

In the huge conference room, a few older middle-aged people sat. In the camera, Heath Ledger took the lead, followed by several younger brothers into the conference room. One of the younger brothers immediately opened the conference table. The seat on the right side of the first...


Well, although I wanted to hand it over to Wen Ziren to film this episode, so that he could absorb a little more shooting experience, but seeing that someone made a mistake, Lehman couldn\'t help but "interfere".

It\'s like when watching a movie, the bad guy always likes to bb a few words to show his superiority, but the protagonist always seizes the opportunity to complete the comeback. At this time, many viewers can\'t wait to kick the bad guy away. come on. Lyman is like this now, his heart is itching, and he shouts out at once.

"Jason Statham." Lyman waved to him.

"Director Lyman."

Jason Statham walked over immediately. He had a tiger\'s head tattooed on his right arm with a tattoo sticker, which matched his big bald head. In addition, he was relatively burly. .

"Are you nervous just now?"

Jason Statham\'s face was full of apology.

Ever since the audition was over, the agent told him that he had been selected, and he had been feeling unreal.

As an actor, he is about to miss the theoretical golden period of actor.

He has filmed a lot of film and television dramas, and the male lead is not without him, but since he came to Hollywood to develop, he has never gotten much opportunity, and occasionally he has to return to the UK to seek life.

It was a pity, but he went to Hollywood because the British film market was not big enough, but he was not as good as when he was in the UK.

As for qualifications, Hollywood does not recognize his achievements in the UK.

The starting point of his coming here is higher than the average actor.

But this time, the gangster he played was the top fighting force in the second master camp. It was set to be excellent in firearms and close combat. He also killed the third master played by Nicholas Cage and his right-hand man Tom- Cruise\'s wife.

There are really a lot of roles, although I still got a lunch box, the role is generally a supporting role.

But a supporting role is different from a supporting role. Can a supporting role that invests several million be compared to a supporting role that invests close to 100 million US dollars?

Or Lehmann, a director with very good box office results.

The opportunity came inexplicably, and even the agent asked him if he knew anyone and asked for a relationship.

Jason Statham was naturally dumbfounded, although he also wanted to know if Kate Beckinsale had something to do with it, otherwise, how could he win the role of the heroine from a large number of popular Hollywood actresses.

After all, he is also a British actor. He knows the current predicament of his fellow countryman. It\'s just that "Pearl Harbor" did not meet expectations, and many film critics criticized her acting skills.

It is precisely because of this that he cherishes this opportunity more and more, and he is also pondering over the role, but he did not expect that he can make mistakes when taking a makeup photo.

"The way you walked just now was a little awkward, and your expression didn\'t work." Lyman looked at him and asked seriously, "What is your role?"

"A gang member."

"Well, then you have to be more confident, this is the company of your gang, and you are still the most trusted confidant of one of the people in power. Now you are just participating in the company\'s meeting routinely, but because the big boss died, you need to take Show some momentum to overwhelm other members of the gang and pave the way for your boss to take power, so you have to be a little arrogant on purpose and test the reactions of everyone, do you understand?"

"Don\'t change your facial expression when you first enter. There is a fierce look in your eyes. When you pull out the seat, make a little more force and make a little noise."

"Director Lyman, I understand." Jason Statham nodded again and again.

"Go get ready, and do it again."

The actors were back in place, and filming soon began.

This is a group show, and several veterans who are on the verge of retirement have also found a lot of veteran actors.

J-K Simmons, Hugo Weaving, Samuel L. Jackson.

The first two may be unfamiliar to many people, but the latter will later play the Jedi Master in "Star Wars Prequel", and will also be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This scene is to show the precursor to the turmoil in the gang, because the undercover Tom Cruise arranged by the police planned the gang talker to have a car accident last night.

With the arrival of several family members, the atmosphere in the conference room became more subtle.

The second boss is in charge of the gang\'s shipping terminal, which has the most oil and water; the third boss is in charge of the "entertainment industry~www.novelhall.com~ not only in the skin and meat business, but also in nightclubs and other places, and he has the most staff.

When the gang started to expand its territory, the third master contributed a lot, and the gang had a lot of prestige.

Nicolas Cage and Heath Ledger looked at each other and smiled softly, greeting each other enthusiastically. They seemed to have a warm relationship, but the hostility in their eyes was undisguised.

The boss is dead, who moved the hand? Who will take this position?

Both of them were apprehensive, and both thought it was the other\'s hand.

car accident? Oh, so coincidentally, the boss had a car accident just after he was released from prison, when the guards were the most lax.

Who believes it?

The rest of the senior executives sitting in the conference room also exchanged glances.

It\'s time to choose a team.

Jason Statham looked at everyone\'s faces with interest. The coldness in his eyes made Tom Cruise extremely upset. He couldn\'t help but want to speak out, but was stopped by his buddy Nicolas Cage.

"All sit down."

"Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." eased the scene.

"Yes." Seeing that Laiman remained silent, Wen Ziren shouted excitedly.

Is this the director? So cool.

Leiman nodded slightly from the side, the old actor was just different, and he easily took control of the confrontation.

It\'s quite amazing, that eye show, I have nothing to say.

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