Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 137: Daily shooting (1)

"Lehman\'s fourth film, a crime genre."

After the final makeup photo shoot, the latest issue of the "Los Angeles Times" entertainment edition cooperated with Paramount Pictures to start a campaign.

Of course, there are also many other media magazines with a large circulation in other regions who have also received "benefits" and helped to publish the news. Soon, most people who are more concerned about the dynamics of movies, or fans and fans of actors and directors also know about it. this matter.

Among them, the "Los Angeles Times" wrote in the report: "I\'m looking forward to what kind of sparks the collision of Tom Cruise and Heath Ledger, Nicolas Cage and other actors will produce."

There is also a photo next to it, which is the scene of several people confronting each other in the conference room.

The eyes of several people are very sharp, and they match the expressions of other characters, which makes people imagine.

It\'s a pity that the film did not reveal more information, and Lehmann still paid great attention to confidentiality.

He also doesn\'t want to get too many people\'s attention when filming, especially those pervasive reporters or paparazzi. If the confidentiality is not good, the crew will not have a safe life.


"The scene was quiet and the scene was cleared. Everyone went back to their respective jobs and checked the shooting equipment again."

"Attention to all units, the actors are ready to enter the venue, and the makeup and the set are on standby."

Wen Ziren held the loudspeaker and instructed carefully.

Lyman, who was beside him, sat comfortably behind the director\'s monitor, quite comfortable.

There are so many benefits of having an assistant director, and some complicated chores can be handed over to him.

As for Wen Ziren, he doesn\'t complain. He is a hard-working and down-to-earth person. Laiman may be a little less hard-working.

"Lyman, are they all ready, start?"

After a while, Wen Ziren, who had finished the inspection, came to Laiman\'s side and asked.

Ever since he signed the contract as an assistant director, he has been happy every day - he has a salary and can put what he has learned to use, which is really fun.

"Well, let\'s get started."

"Seat 1 is OK."

"No. 2 is OK."

"The lighting is fine."

"The radio is OK."


This is the first scene filmed today. Because of the publicity, the previously built conference room scene was not dismantled. After all, the time yesterday was too short to complete all the scenes in the scene, so the filming started the next day. It also continues the way of yesterday.

"Our big family can\'t be without an owner for a day. Mr. Robert left unexpectedly." Heath Ledger took the seat and spoke first.

The word "accident" was pronounced heavily by him, and he looked at the third master with a playful look on his face.

At the beginning of the 20th century, in Los Angeles, USA, Robert Johnson established the "Golden Gate Party", a gangster organization. By constantly nibbling away other gang forces or winning over divisions, he soon became the true underground emperor in Los Angeles.

It belongs to the police during the day and theirs at night.

But everyone has a day when they grow old. The heroes of the past are less and less able to take on too many heavy responsibilities. The whole "Golden Gate Party" has gradually evolved into the era of several heads of families in charge of different businesses.

And now, that balance has been upset.

"So we need to re-select a speaker." Heath Ledger retracted his gaze, placed his hands on the table with a calm tone, "Everyone, what do you think?"

The "Golden Gate Party" is not so much a gang, but a business group centered on gang power. They are in charge of many resources on the bright side of Los Angeles. Several high-level executives are used to such a comfortable life, how can they refute anything? .

Everyone followed the second master\'s intention and said.

"I agree with the election."

"That\'s right, we need a new talker."


Wen Ziren stood behind the monitor, looking at the footage framed by several cameras, and couldn\'t help but look at Lehman\'s focused face next to him.

The camera position represents the viewpoint and the scene that the lens wants to present, and it can also express a certain intention through the transformation of several positions.

At this moment, under the coverage of the three cameras, the panorama, close-up and close-up shots are constantly switched and used by Lehmann.

The sunlight outside poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and in the conference room, everyone laughed and laughed.

A sinister smile, a hypocritical smile, an embarrassed smile, a skinny smile...

A picture of all kinds of life unfolds slowly.

Heath Ledger slowly got up from his seat, facing the glass window, the halo on his face dissipated.

The left half of the face is clearly visible, but the other half seems to be hidden in the shadows.

"Heh." His brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were fixed on the soles of his feet, but there was a smile at the corners of his mouth. Cunning and ferocious characters come to the fore.

Just like the police\'s internal evaluation of him, a hungry wolf, very aggressive.

"Let\'s go." The younger brothers immediately followed, and when they passed by the seat where the third master was sitting, they paused meaningfully before leaving quickly.

Several high-level executives also said their goodbyes, and Nicolas Cage sat in his seat, rubbing his hair irritably.

Because he knew that the days to come would not be so peaceful.

He didn\'t pay attention to Tom Cruise sitting next to him, but in the camera, Tom\'s mouth was slightly raised, but his eyes kept on the table. Relaxed and a little bit more mindful.


Ryman shouted, and the scene was over.

"Everyone did a good job." He praised.

Jason Statham was still nervous, for fear that if he made another mistake, he would have to start all over again. Fortunately, the director was satisfied, and he also praised him.

This scene was quite difficult to shoot, but fortunately, although it was a bit bumpy, it was finally completed smoothly.

Especially Tom Cruise also played very well.

Well acted.

Although in this scene, the main focus of the camera is the confrontation between the two bosses.

The shots about him are just a few glances and a few steps, not even a line.

But it\'s so simple, it can become difficult.

Tom Cruise has no shortage of foundations. After all, he has acted for so many years, and he has a lot of acting experience no matter how bad it is.

However, he is a little unreliable. When he always likes to laugh, the corners of his eyes soften, giving people a kind and eye-catching feeling.

It is estimated that there are too many handsome and cool characters, which is a subconscious little action.

Just like the sect master Huang of later generations, the evil and charming smile on Yang Guo\'s body had such hot eyes.

It\'s not that this kind of detail is bad, it\'s just that it\'s useless in the right place.

Tom Cruise is also a person who has nothing to say about his professionalism. His success is not only handsome, but also has a lot to do with his dedication.

The most important thing is that he doesn\'t play big cards, which is a good point.

You can listen to what you say.

What actors are most afraid of is not embarrassment in acting, but people who know embarrassment and still refuse to change.

After listening to Lyman\'s reminder, he consciously restrained these small habits that he had cultivated for a long time.

That\'s pretty good.

"Hurry up and re-arrange the venue."

As Lyman\'s hurried voice sounded, everyone began to get busy again.

Thomas instructed his assistant to move the camera down, and he went to the side to hold the second camera and set it up according to the shooting plan. Only two cameras were needed on the scene.

The actors took advantage of this time to go to the dressing room one after another, to touch up makeup, remove makeup, and change clothes.

After Nicholas Cage figured it out, he sat next to Lyman with a folding chair.

"Lyman, the assistant director you hired really worked hard." He said with a little emotion.

I saw Wen Ziren not far away, sometimes helping to disassemble the scene, sometimes helping to carry the props, and sometimes communicating with the lighting and camera team...

In short, except when he was shooting, he never had time to rest.

"Young man, full of energy." Of course he was very satisfied with this assistant director.

Being so self-conscious is still very rewarding.

Most of the entire crew is a team that Layman is very familiar with. After the filming in the past two days, they became close to Wen Ziren.

Willing to do things, able to do things, will shine wherever you go.

Thinking of this, Layman glanced at Wen Ziren who was adjusting the scene and smiled.

For some kind of bad habit that he had "developed" in his heart, when he saw Wen Ziren for the first time, he intended to test him.

Even if the work does not meet the standard, it is estimated that he will be given the title of assistant director and let him learn and hone with the crew.

But Wen Ziren, who was able to make his first directorial debut, really had two brushes. Not to mention a solid foundation, the concept of shooting already had the atmosphere of a warm horror movie.

The director\'s line of work is very particular about aura and aesthetics.

Obviously, Wen Ziren is a gifted person.

And the talent and the willingness to endure hardships are incredible. It makes no sense for such a person to fail.

Mann Studio has not been on the right track, isn\'t it just because there are no hands and no talents.

In the past, he thought that when he made a movie, it would be convenient to do it, but he didn\'t want to make the studio bigger.

Now... let\'s go with the flow~www.novelhall.com~ For the sake of the studio in the future, or to satisfy his sense of accomplishment in digging for talents, Lehmann is quite willing to support Wen Ziren.

"Lyman, everything is done."

"Well, you can rest for a while."

Lehmann got up and saw that the original meeting room scene had completely changed, and it had become an office—the office of the second master.

In the next scene, Heath Ledger threatened, wooed, and intimidated the top leaders of other forces in the gang, and wanted them to support him in his position.

After all, he is the orthodox of the gang - when the "Golden Gate Party" was first established, he was in the gang, and his qualifications were a lot higher than that of the third master.

"People die like lights go out, but life still has to go on. That\'s why." Heath Ledger sat on the sofa and smiled kindly, "Several of them are gang officers. Who will do it?"

Looking around for a week, no one spoke, but they were all smiling.

At this juncture, dare to stand in line easily. Several of them are old fritters, and naturally they are not willing.

Heath Ledger suddenly became furious, still smiling, but sneering, and slapped the officer closest to him, "Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.", and was knocked to the ground.

This is a real fight, because we have to try to be realistic and use close-up shots, and we can only suffer from Samuel Jackson.



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