Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 135: James Win

"Bad Guys" is the largest crew Lyman has ever run.

According to the shooting schedule and tentative schedule, when the entire crew is at its peak and busiest, there can be more than 1,000 people for the main creator and the group.

In addition, there are two main lines in the movie, and the scenes and shots of each important character are not consistent, so they must be shot separately.

According to the grouping principle he envisioned, Lehmann wanted to divide the crew into two groups at the same time. He shot the gangster line, and the assistant director shot the police line.

In Hollywood, there are many unhappy actors, and there are also many directors who lack the opportunity to prove themselves.

After Ryan went to the director\'s union to release the recruitment information the next day, it didn\'t take long for the staff there to tell him that many people were willing to come to the crew to be assistant directors, and they all left their contact information to ask him how to arrange or screen. what are the conditions.

How to arrange it? Ryan didn\'t know, and it wasn\'t that he was looking for an assistant director. Naturally, this matter had to be decided by Lyman.

After all, the assistant director also means that the next two months or so will get along day and night. If you don\'t find someone to close your eyes, isn\'t that looking for guilt?

And the character can\'t be too strong. To put it bluntly, you still have to follow a voice. Lyman also doesn\'t want someone to express different opinions when he is shooting - he can listen to the opinions of the actors, but the director can\'t. No one needs to teach him how to act.

"How do you arrange it?"

In Warner Studios, Ryan, who came back from the director\'s union, found Lyman, who was communicating about the effects of the shots, and said.

"Just now, dozens of people have signed up." Ryan added.

The Hollywood movie market is really hot, and there are too many personnel reserves in various industries.

"If you have the qualifications for shooting, send your work. If you don\'t have it, don\'t consider it."

Looking for an assistant director, of course, is to find an experienced one.


Ryan called the staff over there again.

In the afternoon, Lehmann, who had temporarily stopped to prepare for filming, ran to his temporary office alone and started to film.

Not to mention, there are quite a few experienced ones. One of them has been an assistant director in three crews. Unfortunately, the style doesn\'t match Lehman\'s.

After watching it all afternoon, Lehman was devastated, and he still hadn\'t decided on a candidate.

Most of the works here are simply the works of some directors when they graduated from the director department of the academy, and the sense of personal style is too strong.

"It\'s not that I\'m picky, I just want to find an assistant director who is obedient, has directing ability, comes from a professional background, and has a style that matches my style." Lyman complained to Ryan.

"Take your time, there are still some people who signed up." Ryan didn\'t say anything, he turned around and went about his own business.

Two days later, the director\'s union sent many more works, but after reading them, all of them failed without exception.

But there is no other way, the assistant director still has to continue to look for it, so I have to ask the director\'s union to pay more attention to see if they can find something that suits my heart.

This afternoon, Lyman was discussing the filming with Thomas when the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

This is his personal phone number, and not many people know the number.

"Lyman, I heard that you are looking for an assistant director, right?" It was Heath Ledger who called.


"I may have a suitable candidate here."

Lehman was silent for a moment, "Then bring him over here, let\'s talk face to face."

Although it is not clear why the director did not go through the director\'s union, but instead found Heath Ledger, he still decided to meet him.

Back in the office, Lyman sat down for a while before the door rang.

"Please come in."

Then, Heath Ledger walked in with a familiar face.

A man in his twenties, with a high hairline, Asian.

Just relying on this appearance gave Lehman a lot of goodwill.

"Let me introduce, this is James Wen." Heath Ledger took the initiative to introduce.

"Hello, Director Ryman." The young man looked a little restrained, and the smile on his face showed that he was nervous.


Wen Ziren stood awkwardly beside Heath Ledger and looked at Lyman with a pleasing smile.

He is 26 years old this year. It has been three years since he graduated from the University of Melbourne, Australia, majoring in film, but his career has not improved.

When he first graduated, he still wanted to develop in Australia, but there were too few opportunities there, and it was especially cruel to newcomers.

So a year ago, he came to Hollywood, which has the most prosperous film industry in the world, and there are not too many opportunities.

Wen Ziren was right. There are many opportunities here, but they are not available to people like him.

Many times, when people see his face, they will show disgust.

He knows why, because a lot of white people hate yellow-skinned people, whether it\'s Korean, Japanese, Chinese/Chinese... As long as they are Asian faces, they will be unabashed racism, and the funny thing is, they have been resisting Blacks who are racist sometimes hate yellow skin more than whites, and they often swear.

Later, he met Heath Ledger at a party held by a small group in Australia.

Heath Ledger has always been committed to helping his fellow Australians to make a living in Hollywood, and is willing to give them some convenience.

At that banquet, he met Wen Ziren.

Thanks to his graduate director status and his experience growing up in Australia, Heath Ledger fell in love with him and exchanged contact information with him.

Until two days ago, when he heard that Lehman was looking for an assistant director, he instantly thought of his fellow countryman.

After calling to inquire, I found that he didn\'t work in the crew either.

So, this is what happened today.

"Have you brought your work?"

Wen Ziren nodded quickly, "Yes." After saying that, he took out the videotape from his satchel.

Closing the curtains, Lyman skillfully started the screening work.

The movie started, and the three of them sat quietly and watched.

This is a short short film, the total duration does not exceed twenty minutes.

It is about a woman who has a strange dream at night, and this dream will continue to progress every night after the dream of the previous night.

This kind of thing made the woman very frightened. She began to try to intoxicate herself and take sleeping pills to paralyze herself, but to no avail, the dream would still appear.

At the end of the film, the woman collapsed in despair.

After reading it, Lehmann closed his eyes and thought for a while: This work is still a little immature in some places, but it can be seen that Wen Ziren\'s basic skills are still good and quite aura.

Judging from the current situation, it can still meet his recruitment requirements.

"What have you been doing recently?"

"Take some jobs at the Screenwriters Guild."

The answer was confusing, and Lehman didn\'t hide his doubts, "Looking at your work, you should have graduated from the directing department. I can understand that no one is looking for you to make a movie, but why not join the crew to hone your skills? What does it mean to take over the job as a screenwriter?"

"I need to live." Wen Ziren didn\'t feel ashamed, and directly stated his embarrassment, "No one wants me to be a small worker in the crew unless I give up my salary to become an intern, and then I have no money. , I can\'t do it as an intern, so I have to go to the screenwriters union to help people write scripts and make some money."

It didn\'t matter what he said, but he was really sad.

As a director, he can write and direct, but he has completely become a marginal figure in the film industry. If the job as a screenwriter can give him room for improvement, that\'s all, but what he does is to collect money anonymously, that is, he writes After the script is completed, except for a fee for the completion of the draft, the script has nothing to do with him, and he will not even have the right to authorize it.

Reality does make people constantly disappointed, but Wen Ziren still gritted his teeth and persevered.

Originally, he wanted to save some money and make a movie with his friends, and then think of a way to see if it could be released and released.

However, after receiving a call from Heath Ledger, a fellow countryman, I knew that a director was recruiting a deputy. I also felt that it would not be a loss if I tried it, so I ran over.

Lehman\'s doubts were all answered.

He also understood Wen Ziren\'s strength.

So he didn\'t ask any more questions, and said neatly: "Well, you can sign a contract later. Oh, by the way, where\'s your agent?"

"I don\'t have an agent." Wen Ziren said with a dry smile.

Also, such a marginal person in Hollywood would not have any agency looking for him before he made a fortune.

"Then find a lawyer. Signing the contract needs to be serious."

Western countries still like to talk about the spirit of contract, and Lehmann likes it too.

He has always felt that human feelings are human feelings, interests are interests, and they should be clearly divided.

Didn\'t he know that if he talked to the actors when talking about his worth, he would get more favorable conditions for the crew to a large extent~www.novelhall.com~ But he never did that because it was unnecessary.

Why save money for Europa Pictures and Paramount Pictures? Although he is also an investor, why save money for the capital side?

Take what you need to take. Isn\'t that why the profession of broker was born?

"Thank you, Mr. Ryman."

"I\'ll join the team after signing the contract in a few days. It\'s a lot of work, and I\'m short of manpower."


Well, this kid is stupid and keeps thanking him there.

"Lei, I succeeded." After returning home with great joy, Wen Ziren couldn\'t help picking up the phone to share this with his good friends.


"I\'ve joined the crew, and I\'m still the assistant director."

"Congratulations, James, I\'ll say you can do it."

"Which crew is it?"

"The new work directed by Lyman, \'Bad Guy\'."

"Oh, God, you\'re lucky."

"I was recommended to him by Mr. Heath Ledger."


This night, the two chatted for a long time. Wen Ziren was lying on the bed so excited that he couldn\'t sleep at all. He thought, he finally got the chance...

Be sure to catch it.


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