Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1194: ready to go

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The plot of "Big Shot" is very complete, and the characters are well shaped, and the effect is of course shocking.

The audience doesn\'t have too much elegant thoughts to analyze the movement of the mirror and the entire context. They only know that the quality is good and can meet the needs and enjoyment of watching the movie.

They were angry at the middle-aged policeman played by Cage;

Cutting teeth for the mentally distorted rich second generation;

Following this conflict, it will naturally be easy to substitute into the climax of the street at the end of the fight, stand on the side of justice and defeat evil.

As for the issue of "there are bad guys among the police", which can be discussed in a simple manner, it is good if it is not discussed in depth. The entertainment and sound rhythm of the film are retained, and the threshold will be lowered.

Like the ending of the rich second generation laughing and squatting in prison, does it have some dark humor? The film does not need to explain too much, and the audience is not blind, as long as they can understand the privileges of the rich class.

In other words, Lehmann knows too well what elements a police-gangster film needs to make well, and at the same time, his years of word-of-mouth and shooting experience can support him in doing so.

The "smart" pointed out by film critics is just like this - not cynical, talking in general terms, and intending to stand by the police, clearly stating that there are bad people in the system, but more are not that bad, relatively maintaining order.

I believe that after the show was released, the American police were the favorite. In the growing trend of "criticism", they can occasionally be described positively. He is still a big director and has a deep influence. Can you not let them like it——

The former Hong Kong Island filmmakers still know about Kua Kua, and the top police officers are also willing to sponsor it, as is "Big Shot". After the establishment of the project, the people who set the scene and guard the weapons all supported it.

on stage.

The leading actors such as Cage and Gyllenhaal waved their thanks several times, and the applause from the audience continued.

Many film company bosses, film critics, reporters and insiders have seen the success of this play from the audience\'s reactions.

It really scratches the audience\'s itch, especially in today\'s increasingly confrontational relationship between the police and the public, a small town policeman like Cage is simply a character in the audience\'s dream.

In the words of Nassim, the president of Universal Distribution, it may be the planning experience of directing Marvel projects that pays more attention to the income of the characters. Now Lehman has improved his skills on how to create characters that make the audience feel comfortable.

Smoother and more sophisticated.

"This movie is sure to be a big sell. Firefly has done a good business. Whether it is the bottom audience or students, they are willing to buy it."

Nasim clapped.

"Oh?" Jeff Hill became interested.

"Some of the issues that add depth in it are just the pretense of this film, not discussed in detail, so it is more important to create a very human police image that the public longs for."

Nasim pointed to Cage, "He is not lacking in word-of-mouth and reputation, and his appearance and temperament naturally draws the audience\'s cognition (too handsome and aggressive, just enough to look good), this casting is also excellent. In addition, the protagonist is Worrying about the quality of life, not pretending, going to the police uniform is no different from ordinary people, the distance is narrowed, and it looks friendly."

"Secondly, the protagonist\'s wife is also well-shaped. She is an accountant who worries about firewood, rice, oil, and salt. There is no problem at all."

"Third, when others encounter chaebols, they all walk around, and the protagonist is still going up. The axis, not afraid of tyrants, breaking the casserole and asking to the end, of course, is the type of policeman that the audience wants most."

Nassim laughed when he said, "This is simply the most down-to-earth police model, plus the different law enforcement\'s broken things one after another, the people are also resentful, this movie can be evacuated very well This resentment. The environment also needs it, which can reduce the pressure of public opinion on the police.”

After a long talk, even if some people are not as professional as Nassim, there are more or less similar judgments, which inevitably raises the box office opening height of "Big Shot".

Of course, Universal only had one small-cost agency release in March, so there was no competitive pressure, and even wished that Blue Butterfly Pictures would bring the blockbuster hits to connect with "The Incredible Hulk 2" to strengthen the market\'s confidence. On the contrary, The end of the film has a good review. Disney and other representatives who will fight with "Big Shot" on the same stage in mid-to-late March all have ugly faces and are very worried.

No way, everyone sees commerciality.

Whether it is the sharp action, the contradictory confrontation, the excellent narration as always, and the appropriate soundtrack, they all proved the audience potential of this play in the applause of the whole house.

This weekend, everyone is in trouble.

Movies that can no longer change the time can only be left to fate, fantasizing about not being squeezed too much by "Big Shot", and if you can save some market, don\'t lose money.

The directors who came to join us, especially the co-directors who were not Firefly, were also very complicated.

Lehman is obviously getting more and more old-fashioned. There are big-handed games and small-handed games. No matter how you play, he is more than flexible.

I can\'t accept it...

Anyway, in the years when Spielberg was most popular, no one made a movie and made a profit, and there was still a lot of room for profit——

So, like Spielberg, it\'s okay to have two awards at the box office. Who can bear this.

In the director\'s circle, it is said that it is wide and wide, and that it is narrow that it is very narrow. When you look up, you can\'t see you when you look down. You are so capable, doesn\'t it seem that we are very broken? Many directors looked at Lehmann, and it was really mixed.

It\'s a pity that other people\'s careers are also one-handed. There is really no re-enactment of "Cameron\'s big ship conferred the gods" by people. Ask someone to cooperate with you or something.

Such a gold master, it is necessary to say strange things?

This is really becoming more and more special.

In contrast, some unscrupulous self-media will die if they do not engage in confrontation, and they have no interest in Lehman, and rely on "maverick" to get traffic, but there are many bad reviews for this film. view.

What is the old book, the comparison between "Big Shot" and "Bad Guy" is obviously nothing new. According to these people\'s theories, there are no police-gangster films that are not repeated.

Of course, the public\'s eyes are sharp. Now that the premiere ceremony is over, the first wave of outbreaks is the Internet. Internet word-of-mouth has begun, and many things will be easy.


A feast of staggered cups.

At the end of the premiere, the audience dispersed, and the banquet did not disperse. It was also a matter of course for the guests in the circle to chat and laugh with Liam and Lyman.

Universal CEO Jeff Hill clinks glasses with Lyman in a low voice, "Congratulations."


Lyman took a sip of champagne.

"Haha, it would be great if "Hulk 2" had the same effect as today, and I will definitely give the greatest support from Universal."

"Rest assured, its radiation range is wider, I can guarantee this."

The premiere effect of "The Big Shot" was overwhelming, which undoubtedly gave great expectations to the collaborators of Universal.

In fact, that\'s exactly what Jeff Hill wanted.

After the "Invincible Hulk 2" entered the later stage, the visual effects rendering and editing were carried out simultaneously, and people from Universal also participated, but it was a little uneasy to be affirmed by the more knowledgeable person in front of him.

It\'s not for anything else, but Universal really lacks a blockbuster series that attracts money. "Hulk 2" is almost the most thoughtful project of their copyright operation department this year. The supporting means to harvest fans has been adjusted a lot, and many things are still ahead of schedule. Now, if the box office fails, Universal will definitely be the first to jump.

For a long time, looking at Lehman who was leaving, and looking at the people in the entertainment circle, Jeff Hill couldn\'t help shaking his head with emotion.

This one is really incalculable.


The next day, the opening day of the film.

The whole country is full of news of "Big Shot" --

"The rhythmic content leads the audience to watch it step by step, and the conflict full of gunpowder smoke keeps the audience full of energy. While the front and back are tit-for-tat, the high-intensity action scenes and chase scenes are also the biggest highlights of the film. "

"Jake Gyllenhaal changed his warm and positive screen image, and showed another scumbag in the film. In addition, Nicolas Cage played a steady role. In the role of a police officer, Lily-Coslin also portrayed the girl\'s weakness to the core, which was greatly appreciated by the audience."

"The story of punishing evil and encouraging good and the heartwarming action scenes have become the two magic weapons for "Big Shot" to win the box office."

"Lyman\'s new work opens a new chapter in the theme of police and gangsters."

"Why is this movie that beat the rich second generation first with "Alien Battlefield"? A brief analysis of the failure of "Alien Battlefield"."

After the first day, "Big Shot" earned 17.23 million, and "Alien Battlefield" earned 9.87 million, enough to see the gap between the two.

In particular, the funding gap between the two works is more interesting, so when entertainment news talks about "Big Shot", no one forgets that "Alien Battlefield", a blockbuster work with a gimmick of 250 million US dollars, is not good. \'s opening.

Just like there is a high praise comment on IMDB, whether "Avatar" draws on "Alien Battlefield", or "Alien Battlefield" sees "Avatar" selling strongly and firmly invests, it can\'t resist the fact that it is the grandfather of the genre, Can\'t change that it doesn\'t look good--

"Alien Battlefield" feels like it was born out of time. After the filming of "Avatar", the comparison of the two phases highlights the repetitive and old-fashioned setting of the film, which cannot give the audience much freshness.

So no matter how grand the scene is and how much the visual effects cost, the discerning American audience won\'t buy it. Science fiction is the most important setting, and it looks like a collection of sci-fi fantasy movies... It\'s like a pot of ingredients. When stewed together, the taste is always impure and the umami is not correct.

The reason is probably stuck in the original work, without the skill and courage of Peter Jackson to adapt "The Lord of the Rings", but it is already behind the forefront of the trend of the times, and it looks very "earth".

Think about it, the audience always thinks of "Avatar" and "Star Trek" when watching this movie, can\'t it be embarrassing, this fully shows that even if the masters don\'t keep pace with the times, they will be outdated in terms of genre.

And if a movie wants to go far, the popularity of the passers-by is too important. "Alien Battlefield" has a bad start, and the fans cannot concentrate, not to mention, it will inevitably be rejected by the market.

Unlike Lehman himself who has always ensured the quality of the film, which has also allowed him to form a personal reputation and strong market appeal, other films including "Alien Battlefield" have been dimmed, and "Big Shot" naturally has no pressure to top the list.



Firefly Office.

Lehmann, who was about to go to Paris to shoot an independent drama series, finished the last shift as usual. He put down the newspapers and magazines in his hand, and looked at the results of "Big Shots" on the first day. He was quite satisfied.

The cost of less than 65 million, more than 17 million on the first day in North America, plus the accumulation of the first round of scope in some overseas regions, can basically be close to the cost in two or three days, and then from the second weekend, it will be a pure box office profit. , plus the issuance rights are all in hand, the profits are very considerable.

As for the touts of these big-name media for themselves - don\'t even think about it, there is definitely a shadow of the company\'s public relations behind this, the paper media is not good, the promotion fee is getting lower and lower, it looks good, and the credibility is getting lower and lower. Talking is better than nothing, who doesn\'t like to be scolded instead of being scolded.

"I\'ve had someone convey your conditions to you." Eva opened the door and came in, and sat down on his lap naturally, reporting casually.

In a few days, they flew directly to Paris and planned to set up a scene in the studio of Gaumont Films. The shooting period was about three and a half weeks - more than 70 minutes of content, and the scene was still simple, which was very good.

"Did they promise?"

"Why not?" Eva said: "Amber has already expanded its business market to France, and has signed a large-scale four-year supply contract for more than 4,000 film and television content with more than a dozen studios such as Gaumont and Europa. About 200 million."

Eva smiled: "They are treating us as the **** of wealth now, not to mention this little favor, without this deal, they are also willing to help."

"That\'s good." If the set and actors are prepared, the start time of the unit drama will only be faster than he imagined.

The two continued to chat, the door of the office was knocked, and Eva stood up first.

"Come in." Lyman responded.

When Perlman came in, Eva was already in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, pretending to be looking at the city scenery.

"How\'s the publicity?" Lehmann asked with a smile~www.novelhall.com~ It\'s very good, the audience is very impressed with "Big Shot", and it is very likely that Vichy will buy it in the second week, and the decline will be very small. "

"By the way, the bullet screen mechanism you want and the launch plan for the newly purchased content." Perlman put in front of him the update event plan and supporting publicity compiled by Amber\'s management.

"Will it be ok in mid-May? Has it been tested?" Lehmann briefly glanced over it, feeling good, but just wanted to know if he was well prepared.

"It\'s just an embed program, it\'s not difficult." Perlman doesn\'t understand technology either, but he\'s tested it many times.

"Okay, after I go there to film, you can find the TV department to get the remaining two episodes. It\'s best to launch it before the event. If it doesn\'t work, arrange "American Terror"."

Whether you can convert a batch of members again depends on this...

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