Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1193: fireworks movie

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The big screen glowed dimly.

In a small town\'s police station, the whiteboard in the command war room marked the outline of a luxury car smuggling group.

This is a case that Cage\'s police force has been dealing with recently. The criminal gang is very arrogant. Using the skins of second-hand luxury car trading companies, they buy and sell luxury cars of unknown origin and sell stolen goods part-time. The police force where the protagonist belongs has actually mastered it There are a lot of clues, but I don\'t know where the modified garage of this criminal gang is, so I prepare to fish for law enforcement and let the other party automatically reveal the pulse door.

The plan is set.

in the car.

Cage, who changed into a suit, joked with his colleagues, grabbed the girl played by Piper Perabo and walked into the luxury car trading company they were eyeing.

The dynamic music sounded, the interesting guitar strumming and the rhythmic drum sound intersected, and the bright hall was full of all kinds of luxury cars, which instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

The rhythm of the movie is fast, and it takes less than 10 minutes from the introduction of the characters to the execution of the criminal evidence arrest.

The background soundtrack gradually became lower, and the plan to pretend to be a rich man to buy a car for his lover went smoothly. In the cross-progressing picture, when Cage was frankly paying for his lover, a few salesmen looked at each other and did it in the car. hands and feet.

The processing of this multi-perspective montage did not disrupt the focus of the film at all.

The second-hand luxury car that was just bought crossed the street and parked in the underground parking lot of a hotel.



In the dark suburbs, winding roads, a black Mercedes-Benz SUV slowly entered the painting, which was the one that was sold during the day.

With an order, several younger brothers took the toolbox, skillfully removed the license plate, replaced it with a new one, and took out the locator from the driver\'s seat.

While working, a few people laughed: how old-fashioned the big money is during the day, how beautiful the girl is, how is it such a pity, the camera followed one of the younger brothers to an overhead shot, the younger brother bent over to open the trunk, and was about to clean up and continue Take the card and sell it.

"Hahaha... uh... Shet!"

The little brother who opened the trunk couldn\'t laugh, the towel on his hand fell, his hands were raised, a close-up followed his terrified expression down, a hand with a famous watch held a pistol out of the trunk, touching the The younger brother climbed out three inches in front of his forehead, and followed Cage to support himself with his other hand, constantly muttering—

"You bastards, I parked the car there for hours before I dared to do it, which made my legs go numb."

"Hey, where is the toilet? Do you have a toilet here? I\'m in a hurry."

These words matched with Cage\'s X-shaped trembling legs and a pistol, which made him feel inexplicably happy.

Sure enough, the audience all laughed.

Then, Cage asked the group of trashy snacks to stand up obediently, while he stood in the corner to release water and made a phone call to the police. If they could fight, even without a gun, they beat them up.

After the incident, because of the pizza, the colleagues who came late didn\'t need to do anything other than handcuffs one by one.

A rookie who joined the police force saw the criminals lying on the ground and wailing. He felt that the senior law enforcement was too strict and would cause trouble, but Cage carelessly smeared the other party\'s blood on his hands and put the murder weapon - a steel pipe. into the hands of one of them.

"It was their hand that moved first, and I was also injured, understand?"

In the end, the captain entered the field, and he didn\'t seem to see the injuries of the group of people. He just exchanged a few words with Cage and asked him if he had done it.

"I\'m hungry."

"There are a few pieces of pizza left, and I brought you a hamburger." A colleague handed over a bottle of water. Cage leaned against the police car and devoured it. The picture was inexplicably harmonious. The time was quiet, and the audience suddenly felt that Cage was The police officer played is a good person with great character and fireworks.

It\'s strange to say that in today\'s American society, there have been many problems with police officers\' law enforcement, and several social unrest have been triggered, but seeing the movie "Fair and Honest" depicts the police in order to arrest the bad guys. They will even use the resources in their hands, and even beat this group of scumbags. The law enforcement is absolutely too strict, but the audience\'s perception is completely different.

In the audience, a film critic said: "It\'s too smart, this is not a conventional film of good and evil at all, and sure enough, Director Lehman can play new ideas in everything he shoots."

Professionals have a keen eye. When the audience is still immersed in this fight scene and a few jokes interspersed in the fight scene, they immediately see the intention of the film, which is to discuss the easily unbalanced execution boundaries. , and the answer that can be given to this question is positively biased towards the police group.

Are there bad guys in the police? Yes, otherwise the jokes about the different behaviors of blacks and whites when confronted by the police would not have been widely circulated, and some parents even used it to educate their children to let them detour when they saw the police.

Are there any good people in the police? Certainly, it is difficult for a society to imagine what it would be like without a system to maintain order.

What Lehmann wanted to express was to look at one thing separately, and killing all with one stick is never the right way to deal with it.

Furthermore, the simplest position is that most people have zero tolerance for crime, which is why Cage humiliated the smugglers. Emotions, no sympathy arises.

Sympathize with crime, stop being funny. Most of the negative effects of police enforcement in the United States are caused by discrimination. Just like some white extremists, he is not happy with people of any skin color except white people. It\'s just to show other ethnic groups a little color. With such a law enforcement mindset, it\'s hard not to cause trouble.

As for using less-than-righteous means to break down criminal gangs, is it smearing the police? The people are not stupid, they know it in their hearts.

Those who have thoroughly analyzed this point in criminal psychology and behavioral analysis, who want to become police officers with a high crime detection rate, must not all act and think in accordance with the police manual. What kind of fishing law enforcement, online and offline fishing, prison fishing, camouflage fishing, undercover fishing... As long as the result is just, it doesn\'t matter if the means are not so great.

Again, normal people don\'t sympathize with crime.

Returning to the movie itself, after a small smuggling scene, the audience\'s favorable impression of the role of the police played by Cage was established, which is the basis for the film\'s success.

Prior to this, Hollywood’s portrayal of police elements was also relatively extensive. Scorsese filmed it, David Fincher filmed it, and also gave birth to “The Shawshank Redemption”, “The Usual Suspects”, “Noon”, “The Insider” " and other IMDB high-scoring classics.

But looking at these movies, it is not difficult for everyone to find that the image of the police is portrayed in these works relatively negatively. The warden in "Shawshank" didn\'t say it. Everyone almost pointed out that there are "bad guys" in the police, even like "Crash". "The portrayal of the police does not jump out of a negative image, with ridicule of injustice, torture and ridicule of certain phenomena.

Is there a problem with this characterization? No, don\'t be afraid of the filmmakers\' selection of materials and artistic processing when some things have happened. Their high scores are judged by the audience, and they are indeed well portrayed and empathetic.

But "Big Shot" depicts the image of a policeman in a different way. The protagonist has his own family, and he is still worried about the mortgage when he is middle-aged;

After finishing the case, take a rest, take off your socks and smell it, and complain a little bit about the bonus;

I work day and night, I can\'t eat three meals on time, and I always get hurt.

"He" is not stingy, treacherous and deceitful, but he has a sense of justice and chivalry. He can use the rules to defeat criminals, and he can fight with his boss.

Such a small person, such a very ordinary police officer, is like those community police officers. They are also human beings and have a life. They are not tall, nor so shameless, and they are worthy of their police uniforms.

Lehmann created such a character through the details of the film, a character that would naturally be liked by the audience, and one of so many police officers who work hard and live a decent life. Those works of cop drama are different.

Of course, the protagonist stands still, and the audience\'s goodwill is only the beginning. The movie needs plot conflicts to guide the emotions of watching the movie. Otherwise, it will focus on Cage from beginning to end. Less, so, the rich second generation played by Jake Gyllenhaal appeared.

He is well-dressed and wealthy. His father is the boss of Jianye Group. He was born rich, and he is the focus wherever he goes.

But soon, under the appearance of good skin, after the inner filth of the second generation of rich is exposed, the drama and contradictions of the movie are born, and the confrontation between these two people - the big man and the little man is undoubtedly full of What\'s interesting, not to mention that Lehmann has a good grasp of the rhythm control.


on the screen.

Cage led the team to crack a cross-border smuggling case, and it was a moment of fame.

At night, he was introduced to a high-level club.

The elegant and atmospheric decoration and luxurious interior fully satisfy the appearance of the clubhouse, which is full of feasting and beauties.

In the box, Gyllenhaal, who had only solved a trivial matter during the day, was enjoying himself. He was smoking a cigar, hugging his girlfriend played by Lily Cosling, and playing with a circle of stars.

In the eyes of these big men looking for fun, the two strong boys were desperately clenching their wrists, showing their blue veins.

Gyllenhaal sniffed, looked at someone who was not pleasing to the eye, and scalded the end of a cigar. This move was seen by everyone, but they were all used to it, and they applauded him, but this scene fell into Cage\'s eyes, and he The disgusted eyes flashed away, and he soon noticed that this bright second-generation rich had a tendency to take drugs, always shaking his nose unnaturally, and was inexplicably excited.

Everyone was seated, and the assistant helped to introduce.

This is so-and-so, what drama has he just acted in, so so-and-so, a barrister, in short, has a lot of identity.

After a circle, it seemed that they all knew each other. Everyone was having fun, and Cage inadvertently commented: "If I could sit and drink with the chaebol, I thought it would be different."

Pointing at something, his eyes glanced lightly, Gyllenhaal\'s hand holding the champagne was stunned for a moment, then he stood up, picked up ice cubes and stuffed it into the clothes of the beautiful woman next to him, most of her **** were exposed, she just silently endured, followed, The rich second generation picked up the champagne and poured it on the face of a popular artist who had just introduced, which was full of humiliation.

He looked at Cage and asked back with a smile, "Do you think all the chaebols play like this?"

Then he apologized to Cage, saying that he was not well entertained and that he was very unbeatable.

This scene is matched with the depiction of a group of construction workers gathered around his father\'s building during the day to ask for pay. He hugged the leader\'s child and laughed as he watched his subordinates beat the child\'s father to blood before spilling the money on the ground. It\'s really true Make the audience grit their teeth.

That\'s the beauty of drama, knowing it\'s fake, but it\'s easy to take, with a strong emotional rush.

The most important thing is that the stars who were humiliated by him all took the initiative to say that they had a problem, which made the atmosphere bad, and everyone here revolved around him, like the subjects who please the emperor.

The camera turned back, and Cage poured a glass of wine to himself, drank it happily, and exaggeratedly said: "It must be very interesting to live like this, but don\'t commit crimes when you live."

Gyllenhaal squinted slightly and smiled back at him, as if to say: I just committed a crime, what can you do?

The party broke up unhappily, no, it was Cage who was very uncomfortable and left. The next day, he found the director who was working out and asked him about Jianye Group. He subconsciously thought that this kind of not treating others as The thing is, people who are used to being arrogant will definitely commit crimes. Such people lack respect for the law.

But the director said that this kind of consortium, without the consent of the above, they can\'t even enter the door of other people, so what to check.

Looking at this scene, the audience is paying attention to the development of the next plot. From the perspective of God, they know that Cage\'s community neighbor, the small contractor, was "jumped off the building" in order to ask for his salary.

It\'s finally revealed.

Cage received a call from the neighbor\'s son. He rushed to the hospital and saw the bandaged lying there motionless, with only the heartbeat of the neighbor left, with a complicated mood.

On the neighbor\'s cell phone, an unsent text message was edited, saying that he wanted to take revenge on Jianye Group in this way.

But how can things be so simple.

Jianye Group brings so many taxes and jobs to the state government every year. The family has a big business, and the equipped public relations team can easily handle the small incident of "jumping off the building to ask for salary".

The news is under pressure, and the public has no way to know about it except for the group of salary-seekers who know about it.

To complain about the injustice, Cage went to the door to investigate, but he couldn\'t even see a high-level face, so he was stopped by the assistant who introduced him to the banquet that night.

As soon as the camera turned, the protagonist Gyllenhaal who was jumped off the building was practicing boxing. Hearing the assistant\'s answer that everything was safe, he put down his mobile phone with satisfaction and continued to beat the boxer in front of him.

One is not very good, the boxer blocked a few punches, and Fu Erdai smiled and broke his ankle...

Crisis management continues.

Unable to come to the door to collect evidence, the consortium assistant gave the victim\'s wife a sum of money to let her live a good life. Knowing that the other party had Cage as a police station, he went to Cage\'s wife\'s unit and said that if your man no longer holds this piece "Little things", the things in this leather bag are meant to help you improve your life.

Cage\'s wife put the wads of dollars and jewelry in the purse on the table, "Do you want me to invoice you for such a straightforward bribe?"

I followed her to the police station. My colleagues knew that she was in a bad mood when they saw her aura. They quickly handed over coffee, but it was useless. She had already started scolding her—why do you ask others to come to my unit every time you work? make trouble? As a woman, I can be poor with you, but can\'t live shamelessly?

"Do you know what is the most embarrassing thing about me? When I see the money and precious jewelry from those people, I will be moved."

His wife left in anger, which also caused Cage to be completely involved in the case. He approached the director every day and tried to get support. At first, the director refused, saying that he was also under pressure, but slowly, with the new appointment The president also focused on this matter, and Cage finally led his team into the headquarters of Jianye Group to collect evidence.

Fu Erdai\'s surprised and flustered eyes, Cage pulled out his credentials, and the action force to investigate to the end made the audience feel at ease.

"Gyllenhaal\'s acting skills are getting more and more mature, and the second-generation rich he plays really makes one\'s teeth tickle." More than half of the movie was over, a film critic praised.

The people in the film are like this~www.novelhall.com~ The audience even wants to see how Cage punishes the bad guys and scum. Watching it with these expectations, at the end, the rich second generation beat Cage on the street and was completely filmed. Next, there were many passersby around, which fully proved that someone attacked the police first, and Cage did not hesitate to use force to beat the second generation of rich.

This climax scene can be described as a textbook-level design for emotional contagion - it has been paved for 2 hours, and this final street confrontation is a forceful catharsis of evil.

In the theater, watching this scene, the audience\'s secret applause never stopped. Beating up this lawless and twisted rich second generation is a plot that many people want to see.

Although at the end, the rich second generation was tried with a smile, and there was no death penalty. This design, which borrowed a lot of story prototypes, can\'t help but feel chills.

However, the story of "Big Shot" is over, at least, isn\'t it?

As the lights came on, the audience burst into applause...

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