Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1195: open

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New Monday, Disney.

In the spacious office, Robert Iger, the helmsman of Mickey Mouse, stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the scenery below without much expression.


The distribution executive entered, and he had a hunch that the work would not perform well. He turned around and asked, "How bad is the situation?"

"30.6 million was opened in the first weekend. It is conservatively estimated that the loss of this project we are operating will not be less than 80 million."

The opening box office of this kind of data can be compared with the similar films released in the past. Compared with "Avatar" and "Alice in Wonderland", the film is worse than "300 Warriors" (70.9 million) and "Watchmen". (55.2 million) a lot, even lower than the opening drawings of the two unsuccessful sci-fi films "10,000 Years Before History" (35.9 million) and "Battle of Los Angeles" (35.6 million);

Horizontal comparison in the same period, "Tron: War Chronicles" (44 million), can only be calculated on the same stage as "Prince of Persia: The Blade of Time" (30.1 million).

In addition, the capital investment of this scale exceeds that of "Blade of Time", and the loss situation can be understood after a little calculation.

"What about "Big Shot"?" Iger asked again.

"It\'s a relatively hot show, and it grossed 77.5 million at the box office."

Speaking of which, remembering the stark contrast in the number of people in the theaters during the primetime hours of the previous two days, the distribution executive couldn\'t help but sigh.

Even though he was prepared, he was really helpless when he saw that the other party was in a state of shattering strength and his own side was trembling, unable to take a step.

For a medium-cost work, the more than 30 regions in the first round of screenings at home and abroad have added up to 122 million yuan, and the return is gratifying than it looks. As for my side, the sum of domestic and foreign production is less than 50 million.

Uh, also very "like" people.

"Go down."

After probably listening to the film market report, Robert Iger still didn\'t show much emotion.

He has been busy sorting out the copyright operation of "Star Wars" recently. What\'s more, if you lose money, what\'s the use of being negative? The remedy is to make the industry see a joke.

It\'s a mess, isn\'t it a joke?



Outside, "Big Shot" is still harvesting the market without any hassle.

March 16, Paris International Airport.

From being picked up to staying at the hotel, many advertising screens along the way were playing the preview clip of "Big Shot", attracting passers-by one after another.

Compared to Hollywood, France is really Lehmann\'s home.

Most of the new generation in the 1980s and 1990s have seen and supported Lehmann\'s films, and are proud of his international achievements.

"Cannes Daily News" once did a report on the selection of contemporary directors, and took him first.

No way, at this time in France, the local film market was beaten by Hollywood, and there are still import restrictions compared to the mainland. More than 80% of the box office in France is "contributed" by Hollywood, which is no different from the back garden. , Under such a situation, a hometown director came out, and the film was deeply loved by audiences at home and abroad. Can you not praise it?

This is how the cultural front is. The attention and influence of the leaders are wirelessly deepened, and they are strongly chasing the trend.


2 days later.

The No. 3 studio of the Gao Meng production base.

After several endless banquets, Lehman and his party had the opportunity to officially sort out the unit drama "Nightcrawler".

in the room.

Luc Besson held the script and read it again and again, and praised it.

For this project, the French film industry is extremely supportive. Not to mention Lehmann’s decision to use an all-French cast, it is said that the reason for this unit drama is that the French filmmakers were bullied at the Oscars. The ironic counterattack of "Internet violence public opinion" should also be supported.

As a result, there are people who come out, and there are venues. When Lehman comes over, the required framework is almost built.

Of course, the reason for such a positive is also that local studios such as Gao Meng and Europa have been in business with Firefly all year round. Not to mention the revenue of streaming media licensing, they are also doing the distribution work of "Big Shot".

The two chatted like this, and when Lyman sat at the desk and sorted out the shooting schedule, he raised his head and smiled: "The actors are all up to you."

"As long as there is a schedule, just shout." Luc Besson took it all.

Not to mention that Lehman\'s own appeal makes this unit more attractive than any crew in recent times, not to mention that they have greeted them in advance.

"That\'s fine. I\'ll gather people together in two days to familiarize myself with the situation."

Lehmann is also extravagant this time around.

No matter how big the cast and crew are, they have to follow the crew throughout the whole process and focus on filming, although it won\'t take too long, only two or three weeks.

The lovely name, the shadow of the tree, the actors were eager to be called, and they all cooperated vigorously, even for fear that the roles would not fall on their heads. Before they came, the competition was fierce.

The final screening and selection were decided - actors such as Catherine Deneuve, Jean Dujardin, Maxence Darnay Verwell, Marion Cotillard, etc., can be described as dazzling stars.

For example, Catherine Deneuve was nominated for Best Actress in the 1st French Caesar Awards for her comedy "The Rest of the Island" in 75 years. She has been in film for more than 30 years and has won numerous awards. The mention of her name has almost become an important part of today\'s French film circle. It is known as "the evergreen tree of the French film circle" and "the first lady of the European film circle".

In the play "Nightcrawler", she played the role of the life mentor during the blackening process of the protagonist in the play at the age of 68, that is, the deputy director of the TV station in the original film.

Is it a salary? They took 200,000 yuan, but they didn\'t want it. Lehman asked Ryan to do both hard and soft.

In the final analysis, it is a good thing that everyone is willing to join in. Talking about money is easy to be vulgar, but not talking about money hurts feelings. Lehmann did not shoot with the purpose of not giving money.

This is true for the most senior one, not to mention the rest of the actors.

Jean-Dujardin, who played the protagonist, was a double-star actor who received 500,000 yuan, but also in order to save face for the crew, he was reluctant to take a high salary;

Maxence Danai Furwell, who plays the protagonist\'s younger brother, is just 18 years old, a newcomer, very temperamental, and will play the "Shame" series in the future, and won 70,000;

Marion Cotillard, the powerful figure of the new generation in France, who played the hostess in the play, won 150,000, and the rest of the old actors, whose roles were less prominent, received 100,000.

Generally speaking, the cost of the actor, who is rushing to the name of the crew, is basically a friendship price. If you give him money, he will not be happy. Even if you count the group performance, it will not cost 2 million.

On the morning of March 19, a group of people poured in in the studio provided by Gao Meng for shooting, which became more and more lively.

The main creators are here, and Lyman follows Eva, Ryan, Thomas and others to maintain order in the conference room.

After taking a seat, Ryan, as the chief producer of the show, said, "Okay, today\'s gathering is for everyone to get to know each other. Let\'s start with the filming team\'s self-introduction."

"I\'m the camera, Thomas." Director Lehmann\'s right and left hand, one of the most popular photographers in the circle, started indifferently.

"I\'m the art, Mark Senna."

"I\'m the assistant director, Newman." Gao Meng shoved in to help.

"Marion, the host of the show."


2. 30 people talked for a while, it took some time, but the effect was good.

Everyone is either a leader in the industry, or a talented person who is actively plugged in by Firefly\'s co-production studio, and everyone has experience.

Shooting is a matter of cooperation between different types of work, and everyone has to get to know other people a little bit.

And the closer it gets to the start, the busier the crew gets.

Just as Lehmann was busy preparing for the filming, Amber CTO Ron brought him a message: Conscart officially sent people to contact them, these streaming media parties, and the movement was not small, it seemed that there was indeed. Accept what they mean by adding a set-top box port, everyone is talking to their people.

Similar winds are not considered winds anymore. Almost instantly, many financial newspapers on Wall Street began touting the streaming media field again.

What is the wind direction, this is it.

In the past, Netflix insisted on restricting the price of content and raising the payment threshold, the stock price plummeted, and streaming media was regarded as bad;

There is Amber\'s self-made drama "Game of Thrones", and the prospect of self-made streaming media is very promising;

After Comcast backstabs traditional TV networks, it is very normal for the concept of streaming media to be hotly debated again.

Which of these three things is not related to the development environment of streaming media. If the environment is good, there are many people who are optimistic. If the environment is bad, there are many people who are negative. Financial analysts have been doing similar things.

After all, in the eyes of these professionals, if the set-top box can accept streaming media, it will inevitably go uphill - people will take the initiative to widen the radiation surface facing the masses, and the industry will benefit.

For Amber, they don\'t need to worry too much about this news. The most important thing is Netflix.

Speaking of Netflix, Lehman suddenly asked, "Is there any news about Netflix\'s self-made drama?"

"I don\'t know, we only know that after the launch of "Game of Thrones", our colleagues have been in frequent contact with some Hollywood people, but whether Netflix has set up a project, or whether it has already started filming, there is really no accurate news."


Lehman was helpless, covering up tightly enough.

Taking the road of self-control is almost the general trend in this industry, and Netflix must have taken action.

Thinking about it, I know that as long as Amber\'s self-made content is presented in advance, it has achieved good results. Under the circumstance of market endorsement, it is strange that his colleagues are not interested, and they are nothing more than attention to action.


Netflix headquarters.

The stock price has been benefited by various remedies and some industries brought by Amber, and it has gradually risen back to more than 170 billion yuan, so that the atmosphere of the company is finally less solemn than the past half year.

And with Comcast, the broadband service provider giant, releasing the set-top box\'s negotiation to open the streaming media port, Netflix executives are even more delighted. The shadow floating on their heads has been cut off a lot. It\'s a good thing, if it really goes well, it will be possible to surpass the previous high value of the stock price in one fell swoop with the help of this wind and the footsteps of the self-made drama they have already executed.

Under the bright prospects, the chairman Reed Hastings, who was full of passion, sat on the boss chair with a smile on his face, which was called a high-spirited man.

He had an idea at the moment, figured out why Comcast embraced streaming, and actively promoted it.

How should I put it, it was the first time he heard the news and met with high-level figures in Comcast. Netflix, entering the set-top box in the form of an independent channel, radiating the cable TV group in the United States?

As for why it is willing to "win-win" at this time, Netflix really wants to figure it out.

After a while, the assistant knocked on the door to remind him that a high-level meeting would be held smoothly.

At the beginning, it was natural that the content department first reported the progress of Netflix\'s self-produced drama "House of Cards". After all, even if there is any profit calculation on Comcast\'s side, maintaining its own strength is the most important thing.

And "House of Cards" is, after all, a self-made drama project by Netflix in this lifetime.

Speaking of this, although there is a slight deviation from the time trajectory of the original time and space, the general direction has not changed. It is still David Fincher and a group of creative team headed by him who took the order.

The capital money is not taken for nothing, David Fincher\'s "commitment to filming" is nothing more than Netflix giving too much.

The entertainment industry has always liked to use investors\' money to do things. There are atmospheric coal bosses in the mainland, and Hollywood has an atmospheric streaming media employer.

A 13-episode political thriller in a season, with a production budget of up to 65 million, is basically a replica of "Game of Thrones".

A little bit of calculation, 65 million, and then find old actors, spend more money, and switch to Warner to shoot it. If I can spend 40 million on a TV series, I feel good about myself, and I am very worthy of the audience, but Netflix can directly let the production The team made a lot of money.

Among them, the happiest director is David Fincher, who earns a maximum salary and earns favors-the actors he finds are all paid high salaries that he can never get usually, and this favor is also his.

Plus there are no big studio restrictions, it\'s very free.

This is also why the Hollywood entertainment industry cooperates with streaming media so much. Is it all a choice of interests? The label of "silly people and more money" was set at the beginning. If Lehman does not have his own career, he is willing to cooperate with such an employer.

Of course, the focus of today\'s meeting is not "House of Cards". It\'s enough to know that they are already turned on. Going back to the access port really made Netflix analyze something.

According to Netflix\'s idea, the decline of traditional TV networks is certain~www.novelhall.com~ It is also a fact that the number of viewers has been declining every year. In addition, it is impossible for the two parties to be completely opposed to each other. Content is always circulated and restricted. The more ruthless, the more staggering the consumption of the two parties, not only did not reduce the burden, but also increased the operating cost.

Although for streaming media, this restriction has effectively slowed down their growth, but the question is, can you change how young people like to watch dramas? No matter how slow the growth rate is, it will also increase. regressing.

In a word, Netflix thinks that service providers like Comcast are becoming more and more unbearable due to the service performance that has not improved in these years, and the development process has been regressing. It is better to embrace the expansion of domestic demand.

What\'s the meaning?

You can\'t limit it anymore, let go of the relationship, don\'t go against the general environment.

In any case, the set-top box business is still Comcast\'s home ground, and no matter which way it is used for cooperative access, it will have its share of the profits...

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