Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1192: Actor please take your place

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New Line Studios.

Jared Leto, dressed in casual clothes, followed the manager into the car in a comfortable mood.

But what he didn\'t know was that the sharp-eyed paparazzi had already captured this scene, and even wrote an article silently in his heart, "Leto seems to have a play date with Firefly and frequently goes in and out of Firefly\'s photography base."

As a studio that was bought by Mann Media and has been in operation for 3 years, although this real estate does not have countless paparazzi camping around the clock like Universal and Warner Studios, there are still smart people waiting, and Jared - Leto is not so popular in Hollywood, but he is very famous as the guitarist and vocalist of 30 Seconds to Mars.

This kind of photo is definitely valuable as long as it is taken.

As the so-called opening picture, the rest is entirely up to editing, how to write is not "free imagination".

Of course, the paparazzi did not guess wrong. Leto did come after receiving an invitation. At this point in time, in his avant-garde attitude towards performances - this guy made his debut with "My So-called Life". A generation of American teenagers left a deep impression and influenced the aesthetics of a large number of teenagers at that time.

However, he didn\'t want to become an American youth idol himself, so he rejected the endless film appointments at that time, and went to play rock music with his brother. If he wanted to take a film, he also chose a niche independent film or some director he recognized.

At the same time, this guy is also a well-known geek in the circle. When he plays music, he is not bad for money. He always doesn\'t pay attention to his body. Tendency, but he just likes a challenge, as he said in an interview himself, he likes freshness.

Performance and music are all such psychological drives, otherwise he would have no motivation to "torture himself".

And at the moment, he was invited to play his character Ren, a homosexual who was infected with AIDS. This can be said to be one of the most brilliant roles in his acting career. , but a little less flavorful.

The classics of some characters are sometimes given by the actors themselves, and Lehmann does not like to destroy the classics of mutual achievements.

Furthermore, "Dallas Buyers Club" doesn\'t make much money, and what can be talked about is that there are two actors who have dedicated themselves to the top actor level.

Of course, such well-reputed films can increase the goodwill of passers-by for the label. Such an increase in image holdings has always been a hidden dividend and has sufficient potential to be realized. Whether it is now or in the future, it will be the film production line that the Firefly label insists on. one.

As for Matthew McConaughey, another main actor in "The Club", not to mention, he has worked with Firefly as early as in the "Monster in the Lake" project, and then experienced the trough and abuse of "Saharan Cavalry". When it came to a new start, the film selection was relatively conservative, and I also listened to the agent\'s words. I would rather accept independent works than waste my audience.

This time, I was invited by Firefly, and I came very happily.


The reception room.

Alfonso, who has read "Dallas Buyers Club" many times, of course knows the weight of the leading role in this film, whether he can express the fighting spirit in the script, and the actor\'s performance must not be flawed.

In comparison, Leto has seen some of the movies Alfonso performed before, such as "Fight Club", "Sniper Phone Booth", "Zan Li Space". Mann offered Leto to play Wren, and he had no doubts, except that McConaughey, one of the former Hollywood nerds, could support Ron the electrician? he does not know.

So Alfonso, who had just started to sort out the storyboards, called the two of them through Firefly, and everyone met and talked about the characters.

For a long time, when McConaughey promised to lose weight without any hesitation to stay close to the character\'s image, Alfonso knew that at least this was not a "star" who didn\'t take acting seriously.

Since they are all rushing to "act well" and their attitude is correct, then there is still room for adjustment.

At this point, the atmosphere of the conversation has eased.

It was about 4:00 pm, and the chat was quite enjoyable. Alfonso looked at the time and had to interrupt the atmosphere of the script reading meeting: "I have to go to the premiere of "Big Shot", and I will be here today. Now, in a few days, let your agent go to Firefly and sign a contract."

"I\'m also invited to the premiere of "Big Shot"," Matthew McConaughey said silently. He is discerning, and knows that he has won a good role, a role that can break through the inherent drama path, is very challenging and has a role to play. While in a good mood, he also bears a lot of pressure.

"Let\'s go together?" Leto excitedly suggested.

Playing a homosexual with AIDS, women\'s clothing, yes, it\'s a type that has never been played before.

Among the three, his brain circuit is unusual. Of course, this is also because he is not an actor, and he is also the lead singer of a popular band. Hollywood is not his only place.



China Grand Theater.

People were crowded, fans were chanting the names of people on the red carpet, and reporters were busy taking pictures and interviewing.

After several consecutive days of warm-up, a large amount of 20 million publicity expenses have been sprinkled. The people of Blue Butterfly Pictures are waiting in full swing, inviting many media and film critics in the circle, always preparing for the premiere and then kicking off a related one. Word-of-mouth guidance.

On the road in front of the theater, the nearby police station has already increased police force to maintain order and prevent vicious incidents.

This kind of reported activity is also often cooperated by the police station. Of course, Mann Media is also sensible and pays a lot of hard work. After all, is there a "limited police force"? Their presence makes the red carpet stars safe. guaranteed.

"Jack, Jack, Jack!"

The boys and girls waved their arms and shouted hoarsely to Jake Gyllenhaal as the main creator of the crew appeared.

The reporters also held up their cameras to take pictures.

"Wow! Cage, Cage! Look here, I\'m your fan, can you take a look at me."

Cage heard the words and swept over, and immediately made some fans cry.

"This lineup is full of stars."

Some reporters looked at the cast members passing by and couldn\'t help but praised them.

Nicolas Cage, Jake Gyllenhaal, Hollywood Four Little Flowers Lily Coslin... and other big and small stars who came to the platform, there were more than dozens of people. From evening to dark, the excitement on the red carpet was only gradually dissipated.

In short, Mann Media already has a wide network of contacts in the entertainment industry, and those actors who have worked with them have come to say hello when they have time.

"I heard that the seats reserved for fans in the back row of the premiere were all fired up to US$2,000 to US$3,000, and there is still no market for the price."

Some paparazzi pressed the camera and whispered.

"This is a play directed by Lehman, what do you think, how many audiences would like to see it, I would be happy if I could go in." Some colleagues were speechless.

Basically, those who are in Hollywood have to rely more and more on the brilliance of this guy. Their two money-printing labels have brought much benefit to the theater chain, and brought fame to many actors, and brought them to them. How much valuable news, everyone read it well.

Furthermore, in recent years, entertainment methods have become more and more diverse, and the reason why the audience market is showing signs of fading is weak, isn\'t it also because labels such as Firefly continue to provide good works to attract audiences to the cinema?

Practitioners certainly don\'t want the industry they succumb to in a bad market, and capitalists even more hope that the market will be strong.

"Hey, do you know, his amber video, I heard that it has melted more than 1 billion yuan." The crowd gradually dispersed, and those with press cards from the major newspapers went in, only the paparazzi were just for the photos in their hands. If I can sell it for a price, I will come here specially, it will be fine, and they will chat with each other.

"One billion? So much. It hasn\'t been more than 12 months since the acquisition, right? Streaming media makes so much money? Are those rich people so optimistic?"

Some people\'s eyes widened, and they looked unacceptable.

"Don\'t believe it. Recently, many financial analysts are paying attention to Amber, saying that it has the potential to reach the height of Netflix. If you think about Netflix\'s 300 billion, you know that this money is not much." Someone added.

"Netflix doesn\'t only have streaming media, its DVD distribution and rental are also very valuable, and Amber is only video business."

Several people are envious...

Think about it, Marvel and Firefly and those real estate, billions of dollars are definitely first-class rich people in the American business world.

Who are those people? All are legends.

"Walt Disney (the founder of Disney) is no match for him."

"It sounds inspiring..."

Everyone was silent for a while, and finally no one knew who sighed.

A few dry self-media are inexplicably a bit boring...


Universal President Jeff Hill and distribution executive Nassim Ellison smiled and shook hands with Liam, who came to greet him, and chatted warmly.

"After the release of this film, in mid-April, "The Incredible Hulk 2" will also be announced..."

Jeff Hill held a wine glass and smiled: "The summer season is going to be started by our two families."

"Of course." Liam echoed with a chuckle, "Don\'t worry, we\'ll check your progress in a few weeks."

"We are also looking forward to the release of "Big Shot" this time." Nasim also responded enthusiastically.


As the time gradually approached 8 o\'clock, the communication in the theater slowly dissipated, and everyone took their seats.

The seats for film critics, reporters, stars, film dealers, and ordinary audiences are all separated, and the more than 2,000 seats in the upper and lower halls are almost full.

Top and Alfonso sat next to each other. Both of them opened their own film studios under the Firefly banner. The already intimate relationship became more frequent in the same platform environment.

"Are you going to play?"

While waiting, Alfonso took Leto and Matthew into the upstairs hall together, and introduced him to him, which made the top a little curious.

"Well, the main actors have been found." Alfonso was in a better mood. "I will direct, produce, and edit."

"What kind of movie?"

"When the premiere is over, go to my place and help me with the staff."

"Okay, I can follow the whole process."

The two often help each other, and the top and Alfonso are actually the same kind of people. Both have their own unique styles, and they both have a strong desire to control the crew, otherwise they would not be comfortable in Firefly. Warners asked him to shoot "The Hobbit", but he refused - the original time and space, Peter Jackson was willing to let the top to shoot, he did not agree.

"You really don\'t plan to turn it on this year?" Alfonso asked after hearing him say that.

"I\'m tired of filming Monster Universe, take a rest, maybe join the group again next year."

The top continued: "The script for "Skull Island" has been released, and Lehman approved me a budget of 230 million. I will change my mind and shoot again, so as to be worthy of the trust of the audience, fans and the company."

For this kind of special effects movies that pile up money, it is natural that the more the budget, the better, so as not to be stretched, which will lead to the decline of the quality of the movie.

This is the case with the film invested by Legendary Pictures in the original time and space. Although the 165 million co-production with Warner is high enough, due to insufficient funds, some shots obviously saved money.

For example, the fight between King Kong and the skeleton monitor lizard is a bit anticlimactic. It is obvious that the paving in front is very awesome, but the rendering power of the fighting scene is not enough. It is to keep up with the expressiveness of "Godzilla", and there will be no shortage of King Kong\'s shots.

In today\'s Hollywood blockbuster environment, although there are many more than 100 million, 200 million is still rare, but Monster Universe is the top one with more than 200 million. What\'s more, the remuneration given to him is also excellent. , the second "Godzilla" brought more than 60 million to his studio, no matter what the angle is, the top is very serious about this monster series that has made him resounding internationally.

"200 million, that\'s a huge production."

Alfonso was amazed, and at the same time admired the courage of his friend and Lehmann.

He wouldn\'t be jealous, and if it were him, he would only feel too stressed and want to relieve the pressure-Alfonso has filmed "Prisoner of Azkaban", and he knows that once this hit series fails to meet expectations at the box office , the taste of being remarked, he will not forget in three or five years.

"It\'s started." Alejandro, who had been silent for a while, reminded between the two chatting.


In the front row, Lyman was chatting with Cage.

"Leave the schedule from May to July for me. I will start a new drama, and there is a character with a mid-life crisis waiting for you."

His words also made Gyllenhaal, Lily and other cast members **** up their ears~www.novelhall.com~ Why do you want to emphasize middle age? Do you think I can\'t play young? "Cage spread his hands and joked.

"Indeed. Haha, seriously, leave a schedule, and I\'ll send you the script in a few days." Layman looked at the person in the back seat again, "Heath, you too, pay attention to the next schedule."

"Okay, we have the opportunity to study it together." Heath Ledger readily agreed.

The rest of the people were thinking about it, but they never heard a similar greeting... But there\'s no way, most of the scripts don\'t have a lot to play, and who is willing to play the role of sitting here? - Friendship cameo is alright, don\'t bother to play the passer-by and the background board, it hurts friendship.

Let\'s watch a movie... Except for Lehmann, none of them have seen the finished movie yet.

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