Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1191: Give Alfonso a chance

Chapter 1191 Give Alfonso a Chance

From September last year to March this year, "Big Shot" has been polished for many days, and finally it\'s time to meet the audience.

In fact, as early as the cast of "Cage + Gyllenhaal + Lyman" was released, many fans were already looking forward to this black-and-white showdown and the theme of "little people vs big people".

In terms of preheating, several posters that should be released are planned to be released, and the schedule and schedule that should be discussed with the theater side have also been set. All are proceeding in an orderly manner, and a lot of effort and publicity funds have indeed been spent.

"Going to the movies on weekends, which one do you think won\'t step on the thunder?"

In a movie-loving chat room, someone posted the schedule for a week behind a luxury multiplex theater and asked.

"The Big Shot is definitely a must-see. Director Lehmann has not made a bad movie yet, but the Marvel movies he was busy shooting before didn\'t quite suit my taste. This one is just right. It is his best subject matter. Looking forward, in addition, Disney\'s "Alien Battlefield" can also be watched first-hand, that is, director Andrew Stanton was an animation director before, and I don\'t know what it will be like to shoot a live-action theme."

"I also recommend "Big Shot", but my attitude towards "Alien Battlefield" is more pessimistic. Disney has no behind-the-scenes team that can make a good sci-fi adventure theme. Besides, there is news that this film will be finished in 10 years, and 12 years later. Just released, this kind of delay is a question mark first, there is nothing wrong with it."


The person who asked the question earlier said: "It\'s decided, I\'ll go watch \'Big Shot\' this weekend."


"Forbidden good."


The conversations taking place in some chat software are almost a microcosm of the March schedule.

On the weekend of March 9th, in addition to "Big Shot", there are 5 other new films scheduled to be screened, but most of them are cannon fodder and there are too few gimmicks. Only the ability to compete with the popular "Big Shot" On the weekly list is this 250 million masterpiece invested by Disney, and it is also one of the two names that are often discussed by some audiences recently.

First of all, this film is adapted from the science fiction "Mars Princess" published by American novelist Edgar Rice Burroughs in 1917. There are 11 books in total. The film is adapted from the first book in the series. There is a foundation in itself. I think that when the character "John Carter" was created and released, it caused a social sensation.

If I have to say it, it is the status of the Chinese version of "Shushan" in the Xianxia flow, which has profoundly affected the pattern and development of American science fiction, and is a template for countless later science fiction themes, such as George Lucas\'s "Planet". "The Great War", James Cameron\'s "Avatar" has the shadow of "Mars Princess" in some of the bridges.

Conversely, you could say that Disney saw the Avatar craze and made up its mind to invest in the same kind of alien story.

At least, at the beginning of the planning of this film, Disney\'s ability to spend and dare to spend so much money is the confidence that "Avatar" gave it, and it is a blockbuster model specially created according to the market trend.

After all, an interesting comparison between "Alien Battlefield" and "Avatar" will show that from the main context of the overall structure of the plot, the two films are exactly the same: both are an earthling who came to an alien planet, thereby intervening in a In the conflict in the alien war, and through this alien war, the protagonist has some insight, firmed his heart, and stood on the side of justice after self-identification.

For this ambitious work, Disney adopted a 3D filming system at a high price, and brought in director Andrew Stanton, who had produced "Finding Nemo" and "Finding Robot".

So from the very beginning, they must have attached great importance to this project and slanted a lot of production resources.

But the strange thing is that Disney suddenly lost confidence when it was about to release the film, or that it lacked confidence after watching the film. I also chose to put it in March, colliding with medium-budget works such as "Big Shot".

Anyone who knows a little about the film industry knows that this is unreasonable in itself. It is completely understandable that "The Big Shot" is scheduled to be released in March. Blue Butterfly\'s plans for the summer vacation are already full, and it is inevitable that there will be insufficient manpower and resources. The Marvel masterpieces clashed and scrambled to buy gas;

Second, as far as the scale of "Big Shot" is concerned, the March schedule is enough to carry it, and the pressure for the screening is not great. The total cost, including the publicity expenditure, will not exceed 65 million.

But what is the scale of "Alien Battlefield", a money-burning work comparable to "Avatar", and the production budget of 250 million is spilled. Is March suitable? No matter how afraid of competing with your peers, it is not such a fear of law.

If "Alice in Wonderland" was like "Alice in Wonderland", it would be understandable to catch up with "Avatar" in March, but Nima\'s "Avatar" has been painted for more than 2 years, so how can there be so much cheapness? In a word, this ranking makes people in the industry feel that the announcement and distribution arrangement of "Alien Battlefield" is strange.

Don\'t doubt, if you study the resource planning of the studio, you will know that many masterpieces such as "Ink Heart" and "Golden Compass" were doubted for their quality at the beginning of their release, because good quality will not be hidden. Not to be afraid of the pressure of summer.

"Andrew is an animation director. It\'s normal for him to be unable to turn his mind around when shooting a real person, and it\'s normal that he can\'t control the finished film. Besides, I also heard that he brought a lot of Pixar\'s art as his team. I can only say that Disney really can\'t find it. Go to a suitable direct line director to help it, I guess it will be enough to pay tuition this time."

Talking about this, Liam said: "Anyway, I\'m not worried that this movie will affect us. Even if Andrew is indeed capable of a leadership team with too limited thinking, what if he dares to shoot a little more violently? No? Dare, I asked mpaa (Motion Picture Association of America), "Alien Battlefield" is rated pg-13, which is the same as "Prince of Persia", do you still think it can capture the essence of "Mars Princess"?"

Dude, there\'s a lot of racial war strife that\'s rated to the tune of kids under 13? Disney is still the same Disney, cow, for fear that young people will be polluted by a little restrictive plot.

"The family carnival itself is not wrong. It is easy to be welcomed by the public if it is well filmed, but if it is just a family carnival, if it is obviously not suitable to be adapted into a family carnival, it will become a family carnival. Then there is a problem. , enchanted."

"It makes sense." Lyman touched his chin. He knew in his previous life that this was a work that was listed in the top 10 of the loss list. All of them were famous, and "Alien Battlefield" can be compared with "Cleopatra". , "Future Water World", which almost juxtaposes the studio\'s masterpieces that have broken the capital chain, has its own special features.

It was only now that I personally participated in it, I realized how outrageous Disney was. Of course, there are a lot of delusional operations by this studio, and "Mulan" is not too much compared to "Alien Battlefield".

You know, "Avatar" doesn\'t have any limited shots, because it is an original story, and it is automatically filtered out, but your original "Princess of Mars" is very generous in rendering the Martian civilization and conflict, and I really want to "silly white" "Sweet" fooled in the past, and the first group who didn\'t agree at that time was the group who had a good impression of the original book.

"Forget it, let\'s not discuss it, the premiere has been arranged, right?"


"Okay, prepare for the release, have the copies been delivered?"


"What about the follow-up publicity?"

"It\'s still the same way, to guide public opinion, select some scenes in the movie to edit the editorial, and then the main creators such as Cage and Gyllenhaal will also appeal to everyone on Facebook to read, engage in forwarding or something, probably the first weekend is over. , when the results are released, use data to cover the publicity, attract passers-by to enter the field, wait for the popularity to rise to the peak, and the rest, we don\'t have to worry too much..."

Liam said a big pass, which is a routine used in Hollywood. Of course, being used means it is very easy to use.


Waiting for the others to leave, Lehman recruited his assistant, "Has Alfonso arrived?"

"Dallas Buyers Club" has been in the project for some time, and the director\'s candidate is naturally Alfonso Cuaron.

Good at sharp subjects, but also suitable for such subjects.

I contacted him earlier, he was in Finland, and after answering the phone, he set off to rush here.

Of course, the right style is secondary. The main reason for choosing him is that after he joined Firefly, the output was the lowest, and he didn\'t give him much chance.

To be honest, I really have to sort it out. Among the three people, the one with the best relationship with him is the gyro, followed by Alfonso. There are few places. As soon as the script is approved, the company pays and immediately starts to tinker.

As for Alfonso, he is too stubborn and has high demands on himself. Apart from coming up with "The Edge of Society", he has been helping Top and Alejandro control the project for so many years, and he is very "slack" in his own work. .

Whether for management or whatever, a good book like "Dallas Buyers Club" can really take care of him and make him feel more at home with the company.

Although his creative ability is the lowest among the three, his portrayal of contradictions is the most powerful.

It can be seen from the first selection of materials after joining Firefly, aiming at illegal smuggling, and in so many years of getting along, he almost never comes to the company for additional help, which is a rare authentic person.

Especially after seeing a lot of bad things in the film industry because of their interests, Lehmann has a better impression of such directors.

"I\'ve already had someone pick him up at the airport."

"Okay, come and take it to my office."

About half an hour later, the door to Ryman\'s office was knocked and pushed open, revealing Alfonso\'s unshaven face. He was a little slovenly, looking very artistic and wearing a hat.

Laiman hadn\'t seen him for a long time, and the topic was a little unfamiliar at first, but after a while, the sense of restraint slowly dissipated.

He sat on the sofa, took off his hat, and talked about his trip to Finland this time, "I went there at the beginning of the year. If you don\'t call, I plan to come back. Although it\'s good there, it has a different pace of life, but it\'s a long stay. It’s boring, boring, and I don’t know what to do.”

Alfonso took a sip of espresso and thought about the business, "It\'s rare that you recommend a book to me, I\'ll take a look, I\'m looking forward to it on the way."


"Hey, I haven\'t directed a movie for a long time. How can I not think about it? I have no inspiration and don\'t know what I want to shoot."

"Then this project is suitable for you. When Runier received the book, I thought of you. By the way, I plan to make another version of this book from a different angle. You have to be careful, don\'t let me compare. ."

Seeing Leiman say this, Alfonso couldn\'t help but say: "Okay, you said so, take a look at the book."

Lyman pointed to the filing cabinet, where the script was, and Mace opened it, took out the red bookmarked book, and handed it over.

About 20 minutes later, seeing that Alfonso was still thinking and pondering, Lehman asked, "How is it, give me some advice?"


"Dallas Buyers Club" has a strong old-time cowboy style, and adds some elements such as doctors and patients and self-redemption. For a person like him, it is all touching points, "The screenwriter is very good, I have to know a bit."

Lehman replied: "Then let\'s talk about the schedule? Let me introduce you."

"I want to direct, and I will arrange the production team. Also, how much is the production budget?"

Alfonso is a good man. He wants to control a lot. He couldn\'t stand Warner\'s management. He took it.

"Don\'t worry, we can talk about it. Let\'s talk about the budget first. The budget is 40 million. How about you take 5 million personally?"

"If you like it, we will cooperate." - Personal remuneration is a small matter.

Lehman nodded and left him the script for "Dallas Buyers Club", "Then let your agent come over to sign the contract, I\'m fine with my side, the production, director, and editing are all up to you, so I\'ll just ask for a little bit. , worthy of this book."


Alfonso blinked and breathed a sigh of relief - Lehmann is still the same Lehman, a few years have passed, more wealth and assets, but still the same.

It hasn\'t changed, it\'s very good, I\'m afraid that people will change, and there will be no freedom on the set...

After reaching a verbal agreement, Alfonso called his agent to get the contract done. He believed that Lehmann was still a director at heart, and decided to take a few days to sort out how to shoot.

In the evening, eating and drinking, and returning home while he was happy, before leaving, Lehmann only recommended two actors, and he did not ask about the others, not even asking that they must be the two of them, but just let Alfonso consider it, because they can indeed act. Well, it\'s a pity to change.

On the other side, as the release time of "Big Shot" approaches, the audience\'s attention gradually converges on the weekend, especially since this is Director Lehmann\'s second drama involving such a confrontation between good and evil after "Bad Guy", which makes people look forward to it even more What kind of story will it tell, with the fiery propaganda offensive, it will soon be pushed to the climax.

Some newspapers are already predicting how much the two high-profile and gimmicky movies will collide with the movie market...

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