Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1188: 1 book, 2 episodes and new plans for episodes

Text Chapter 1188 A new plan for a two-shot and drama series

"Sit whatever you want. Mace, two coffees."

Lehman waved with a smile and motioned Runier and Warek to sit down.

The coffee was poured, and Mays leaned over to remind another thing in a low voice: "Boss, there was a call from Wand Film and Television just now, saying that they will hold a press conference the day after tomorrow to disclose the transaction..."

"Okay, I understand, help me to answer for sure."

Ha, Hollywood is changing again.

Rounier, who was sitting across from him, looked at the big boss in front of him with a sudden expression of all kinds of feelings in his heart, and he couldn\'t hold it for a while.

Don\'t you just set up a movie with resistance? What\'s the matter?

Glancing at Warrek next to him, he found that the other party was sitting upright and didn\'t look at this side at all - you are too scared.

"Hello boss." Runier smiled when he saw Mays go out.

"Hello boss." Wareck quickly followed.

Lyman nodded slightly. After digesting this very important news that was beneficial to Mann Media, he quickly returned to his mind and turned his attention to the somewhat restrained screenwriter and author of "Dallas Buyers Club".

He is very recognized for the talent of the other party.

Think about it, how can a script that directly points to the ugly rules of the drug administration and praises a young student as a movie star? Although it has been difficult, it has been excavated and appreciated by people, and it will turn into a dragon when it meets the situation. It also means that the script has a good foundation, but the previous commercial value and investment risk have not been recognized by some people.

After all, there are many mechanisms that are not so fair in the Oscars, but being shortlisted has actually represented an acknowledgement. This point, the main committee has done a good job, and they have carefully screened...

"Don\'t be too restrictive, everyone just creates and chats."

A slight smile makes people feel like a spring breeze, "You are not an outsider, so I won\'t fix those false things.

I read your script only on the recommendation of Runier.

My first impression is that it is very good, with humanistic care and social significance, which is very good.

But in all fairness, it is impossible for me to give it a high investment, and you also know that the truths you want to express through it will not win the favor of the public, and it is destined to be a niche product. "

Lyman was very objective in evaluating, and while speaking, he observed Wareck.

Warrack has encountered so many rejections, and his mood has become stronger, and Lehman is actually right. Many studios or directors after reading its script, all recognize its creation and doubt its production. out.

Is this the case in the general environment? Literary films can\'t sell entertainment films, and there\'s nothing they can do if they don\'t admit it.

At this time, Lehman said this, and he also said: "When I first created it, I read the report of the cowboy in a magazine and wrote it with emotion. It has to be more like the story of a tough cowboy. I don’t think too much about other things. In terms of investment budget, it’s good to be able to shoot it. The results may not be very good, I…”

There are some things he can\'t say, or someone is willing to set up the project, even if he clearly wants to film it well - to achieve this, it is impossible without money, but it is just silent.

Lyman looked at him like this, and said with a smile: "You misunderstood me. I am also a filmmaker, and I also have my own feelings.

In my opinion, it is certainly true that movies should produce corresponding returns and positively promote the development of this industry, but there is no pursuit at all, and it is absolutely not desirable.

What I just meant was that we all knew that the cost of this project was too high, and it would increase the expenditure when it was difficult to make a profit, so I plan to follow "Crash", you know "Crash", right? "

"Yeah." Wareck nodded.

"Crash", the best picture at the 78th Academy Awards in 2006, is a masterpiece that uses ingenious film language to deeply analyze the relationship between American social class and race. In terms of direction, it is similar to "Dallas Buyers Club" .

Lehman took out the script and knocked on the table, "After winning the Oscar for Best Picture, the film has produced nearly 80 million output worldwide. If we want to make this film, we definitely hope that it will win the award. When you become famous, it is more likely that the audience will be willing to watch it. According to this level, "Crash" only cost 6 million because it is not favored by others. In my case, I am willing to pay 30 million. To put it bluntly, I am willing to pay for it. This project bears such an expense, no matter how much, it will exceed my mental budget, what do you mean?"

What is a "turnaround"?

This is what Warrec listened to. The previous example was "Crash", and the subject of "Club" was analyzed. The audience would not be very wide. He thought that old Lehman just wanted to invest some money to pass the project. Unexpectedly, In the end, a budget of 30 million was opened.

What is the concept of 30 million, a relatively high-grade commercial film is at this level, and the Oscars, including most of the award-winning literary and artistic films in the three major international film festivals, cannot reach this number. For him, he is the most At first I thought it was ok if it was only 10 million——

He has calculated that it is enough to invite a few powerful movie stars to go to Texas for filming, 4 to 50 days of shooting time, and 10 million is definitely enough, but if there are 30 million, the team and the composition of the entire crew will only be better.

If you have been to the trade union, you will know whether a 10 million crew is more attractive, or a 30 million crew is more attractive for talents to join, there is no need to compare it.

At this moment, Wareck\'s emotions were called ups and downs, and he was "funny" by Lehmann.

It was indeed meant to be amused.

Lehman had a shooting plan for a long time, and he deliberately put it in a twist. It was nothing more than to strengthen Wareck\'s heart and let him be grateful to the company, so as not to mention the favor of "Club" when it won the grand prize, his heart floated.

He knew that not everyone could calm down with this sudden reputation, and it could only be said that it was a vaccination in advance to make him feel better about the company.

A little bit of management scheming, needless to say.

Anyway, this speech is full of support.

Thinking about it, this is also very suitable. Along the way, Laiman is really willing to make profits and support newcomers.

Director Zha, Ziren Wen, Nolan, including the current director Francis Lawrence and Marvel, all of these people have passed the threshold of A-type commercial blockbusters under him, not to mention those other behind-the-scenes workers .

Don\'t think it\'s easy. In the past, in Hollywood, most people started out as assistants on the set or graduated from majors. They found some funds to start a low-cost test, and slowly transitioned to the level of 10 million, 30 million or even 60 million. I don\'t know how many times I have to prove my ability before I have the chance to be a candidate for a class A masterpiece.

Just look at Cameron\'s ascension process. From "Piranha 2", which temporarily took over the guide tube, to "Terminator" after the explosion, he has been spinning around for several years at the budget level of about tens of millions.

Look at the co-directors of Mann Media, which one is not faster than him.

The fact is that Lyman is far more willing to give people opportunities than other studios, and is willing to believe in their abilities, rather than come up with rules and regulations to limit the director\'s performance, and finally drive people away.

This vicious circle rarely occurs in Mann Media.

On the side, Runier also had a positive mind, secretly admiring it.

Mann Media is a commercial company, but what he admires most is that the big boss Lehmann is not just pursuing profit maximization, but is willing to give a part of the share to art films every year to maintain a bright color.

This is enough to pursue, at least it leaves room for the development of Hollywood\'s relatively heavy loss-making feature film category, and also gives some audiences who want to get something from the movie. A less impetuous viewing environment.

In any case, this insistence is sure to be very moving.

"However, before filming \'Dallas Buyers Club\', I had some rambling thoughts after reading the script..."

Lyman took out from his desk an outline of a new work he had written every night before going to bed, and handed it over, "Your perspective is from the patient himself, and I came up with a new work from the perspective of a healthy person. patient playbook."

He said: "This is also a wonderful description by you. I read it and was inspired. It happened that I turned to an article about blood cancer some time ago, and combined with the things you investigated about the Food and Drug Administration, some of them are not pleasant, so I want you to help me polish this script."

"Uh..." Wareck was a little stunned.

Isn\'t it "Dallas Buyers Club" today? Why does it involve a new project, or because my script was inspired, it\'s so messy.

Wareck\'s thinking was a little confused, and he pointed to his script and asked, "Then my this..."

"Shooting, shooting together, can you think of it as a book with two shots, but the focus is different in terms of content and perspective delineation. In this case, I have written a general framework, and you will fill in the rest, and then The two projects are set up together and filmed separately.”

"I\'ll say hello to the production department later, start your script first, and set up the crew. Runier told me that you want to join the crew, so you can put up another production consultant position."

"Thank you sir."

Wareck was overjoyed, and he no longer hesitated, and resolutely agreed.

He chewed on the title of "I\'m Not the God of Medicine" on the cover of the script, and had the motivation to explore inside.


When "I\'m Not the God of Medicine" in the previous life was released, many mainland audiences paid attention to a "Dallas Buyers Club" with a similar intention, and it showed a sharper and more stern look.

But don\'t think that the themes are similar, and some editors have taken the rhythm: What is the Chinese version of "Dallas Buyers Club"?

This is a very ambiguous sentence, which is roughly similar to "The Artist relies on silent films to get golden figures". It is the product of deliberate guidance by some people who will do anything for traffic and clicks.

When I first read this sentence, those who didn\'t understand it thought that "The God of Medicine" was "plagiarized", just as ridiculous as some people thought that if they made a silent film, they would definitely win an award. If you really have seen both films, you will find that both are talking about patients, but they have created two very different atmosphere styles.

In terms of superficial meaning, why is there such a strong association between the two films?

First of all, it must be because both are doctor-patient movies based on real events.

"I\'m Not the God of Medicine" was adapted from the "Medicine Man" incident who was caught purchasing medicines for chronic myeloid leukemia patients;

"Dallas Buyers Club" was adapted from a Texas electrician Ron Woodruff in the 1980s and 1990s who was diagnosed with AIDS. Doctors pointed out that he had only 30 days to live, but he fought the disease and lived for 7 years. A true story of the miracle of life.

Although both are artistically processed, they are definitely the same type of film in terms of structure.

But the type match doesn\'t mean much, it\'s like "The Expendables" and "First Blood" are both action movies, but they are shot with completely different focuses.

"The God of Medicine" highlights the complex taste of the dark gray of the bottom layer and the warm color of heroism. Mixed and collided, it has its own kind of warm horror.

You can\'t point to "The Deadly Joke" (a typical **** horror film) and say it\'s no different from a horror film made by James Wan.

What does "Dallas Buyers Club" want to say?

It is a biographical processing, and more prominent is Ron Woodruff and the things and things he encountered in carrying Ai. The second half of the whole movie is completely sharp and tenacious depicting a person full of desire for life , just like the classic promotional poster (deformed Matthew driving an angry bull) - "hold the reins of life on the bumpy back of the bull", pure and fierce.

The two works have different perspectives. How can they carry the same meaning?

The healthy person\'s perspective of "The God of Medicine" is actually the audience\'s perspective. The whole process is from the identity of a bystander, approaching, understanding, and empathizing with the group of people with leukemia, and slowly empathizing.

The shock and appeal that "Club" can present all comes from the hero\'s fighting spirit, and the perspective is locked on him from beginning to end.

Therefore, in comparison, "I Am Not the God of Medicine" has a lower threshold for viewing movies, with extensive and intensive emotional points, and poking at the audience\'s heart from time to time; "Dallas Buyers Club" has achieved the ultimate will to survive, and the overall more critical.

If you have to find the advantage of "Club", that\'s also because "Medicine God" simply and rudely masquerades pharmaceutical companies for some indescribable reason. The interests of pharmaceutical companies developing anti-AIDS drugs, hospitals and the Drug Administration are clearly expressed everywhere, promising to distribute dividends to hospitals and doctors, and to crack down on other drugs with therapeutic effects, cutting the spearhead extremely sharply.

But this does not affect the fact that "The God of Medicine" is a masterpiece, which is so much higher than many deliberately sensational movies.

That\'s why, seeing the script for "Dallas Buyers Club", Lyman would choose Warrek to fill in "The God of Medicine" -- borrowing this sharp pen to add to that.

Furthermore, as a traveler in an oriental thinking environment, Lehmann likes the ambiguous philosophy of the mean in "The God of Medicine". This is his filming plan for this year, and "The Club" is not within the scope of his director\'s consideration at all. , including The Hunger Games.

After instructing the script, Lehman looked at Runier, "Your screenwriting department also has something to do."

Lyman, who has been disgusted by "The Artist" these days, firmly wants to set up a series that satirizes public opinion.


"I can\'t understand why in the old days of print media and radio~www.novelhall.com~ people were relatively sensible and could distinguish those unscrupulous self-media, but when these unscrupulous self-media shifted their voice channels to the Internet, the situation was not so good. It\'s the same, is everyone incapable of thinking?"

"Young people don\'t like reading newspapers. Many newspaper editors still have a bottom line. In addition to life experience, the younger the mind, the more immature it is, and the easier it is to accept the guidance of others."

"Yeah, that\'s why the rhythm on the Internet is flying all over the sky. Today\'s hacking this, tomorrow\'s hacking that, many people somehow become the voice of the unscrupulous self-media, and even developed into a picture, a few words can kill a person. The Internet amplifies people\'s hostility."

Too many reversals, too many vicious public opinion incidents, which have been seen in past and present lives, Lehmann frowned: "Perhaps many people who are older will speak out brilliantly to their irrational self in the past. A smile, but with channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, etc., the status quo of accidentally becoming the target of others\' use without knowing it is terrible.

This kind of social problem can’t be solved by me as a director. Maybe the real-name system is really necessary to speak on the Internet, especially those who rise to personal insults and curses. It really makes people feel chills, and people can’t help but sigh why A stranger can have so much malice towards another stranger that he wants to die...

But since there is no such policy, I still want to do something, stand on the power I have now, how do you say that, with great power comes great responsibility? I don\'t have the dedication and greatness that the little spider is entrusted and shaped, but it\'s good to do what I can to reflect and touch the audience a little..."

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